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[Warning: Childhood SA]

I was without pants or anything on my bottom half and my dads hand was on my thigh, shockingly close to my penis.

[Warning over]

I felt Kayden's hand suddenly on my back and I felt heat rush to my cheeks. I held the picture to my body, not wanting him to see it.
"Bubbas.." He mumbled, rubbing my back and making me tear up. I turned around and bit my lip, trying not to make noise or cry. I've been doing to much of that.. Especially lately. Kayden pulled me into a hug and held me tight. I didn't really know how to react. I eventually hugged him back and stayed like that for a bit. He pulled away and kissed my forhead then wiped the tears that had fallen.
"Can I see the picture, Bubbas." I almost started crying as I handed it to him, my hands shaking violently. He stared at it for a bit before begining to go through my stuff, in the same spot I was. There were more pictures without frames, all face down, making my anxiety rise.

He flipped them around and I felt physically sick. I gagged and covered my mouth, doubling over and trying not to vomit.
"Fuck.." He mumbled, crouching down and rubbing my back. I felt my neasua slowly dissipate and I stood back up, holding myself up on the car.
"Baby.. I'm gonna have to call the cops over this.." He told me, wrapping his arms around my waist. I tried not to cry and nodded a bit.
"O-okay.." I mumbled, taking deep breaths. He held me close and pulled out his phone, opening the phone app and dialing a number I didn't recognize. He held it up and I tried to focus on not passing out. If I'm being honest, I don't know what he said to them. I couldn't tell you if my life depended on it. All I know is that he didn't talk to them long and even during the call, he held me close.
"They should be here soon." He whispered, tilting my head up and I nodded a bit. He leaned down a bit and kissed my lips gently. I pecked him back and sniffled. I felt cold.

When the cops did show up, it kinda gave me deja vu. They parked next to the car we drove in, there were 2 cop cars. I shivered and scooted closer to Kayden.
"Hey man." Kayden said to the first one who came over. The officer nodded back at him and gave me a greeting with his name and I didn't really respond.
"What's going on?" The officer asked, the other one following behind him. Didn't they tell the officers before they dispatched them? Maybe it's just protocol to make the victim or whatever feel better?
"We were going through my boyfriends car to get his stuff out of it and um.. we found pictures of him as a kid half naked and.. um.." He said, trying his best to be calm.
"Maybe I should just show you."

He picked up all the pictures from the trunk, he put them down there so they wouldn't get messed up and he won't have to mess with them. He handed them to officer closest and I shifted on my feet. The officers who wasn't looking at the photos was staring at me, making me uneasy and cling to Kayden.
"Did anyone own the car before you or?" The officer staring at me asked. I nodded a bit.
"My parents had it until they got a new car and gave me this one once I got my license..." I told him, begging in my head fot him to believe me. He nodded and wrote on his notepad. I assumed he was just quoting me.

Kayden pulled me close to him and held me while he handed over the pictures and watched the cops search the car, finding more pictures hidden under the backseat. I scratched my thigh, it suddenly itching until Kayden grabbed my hand and pulled it away from it.
"You're gonna catch your scabs." He mumbled, holding my hands in his. That one officer kept giving me side glances, making me super uncomfy until they finished searching the car.
"We're gonna need to keep people out of the car considering that it's now considered evidence, I assume you guys are alright with that." The nice officer asked and I nodded.

"I've got my clothes out of it, so yeah. I don't need it." I answered, ignoring the itching.
"Well then, I can only advise you guys don't go talking about this as it could compromise the case if the culprit heard about what's going on." The same officer suggested. I nodded and Kayden told him something about how we're not gonna be using it anyways. Both officers said goodbye and to call the station if something else happens. Kayden said goodbye back and I watched them drive away before reaching for Kayden to pick me up. He did and leaned against the car.
"Should we get breakfast now?" He asked, bouncing me a little and making me feel small. I nodded a bit and he put me in the car before getting in himself. I tried to buckle myself in and he helped me after doing his own.

He drove us to I-Hop and parked, unbuckling me and getting out. I followed him close while the front lady guided us to a table and gave us menus, a waiter soon coming over and asking us what we want to drink. Dady ordered for us both, getting me orange juice and himself coffee. The waitress nodded and went to go get them.
"What do you wanna eat baby?" He asked, taking my hand and holding it.

"P-pancake.." I mumbled, biting my nails. He smiled and pulled my hand from my mouth.
"Mkay, Love." He said, the waitress coming back over and setting down our drinks.
"Do we know what we want to order? Or do we need a minute?" She asked. Dady told her we were ready and she pulled out a notepad then Dady ordered for the both of us. I swung my legs gently and played with my feet.
"I'll get that right out to y'all!" She exclaimed, taking our menus and giving us straws before walking away. I laid my head on Dadys shoulder and he leaned over and kissed the top of my head.
"I luv you." I mumbled to Dady.
"I love you too, Babes." He answered, wrapping and arm around my waist.

I stayed like that until the waitress walked up with our plates. I moved my head away from Dady as she set the plates down.
"Alrighty, if everything looks right I'll be on my way." She said.
"Yeah, it's all good!" Dady said and I nodded at her. She smiled and walked away. I sighed a bit and picked up a peice of bacon and took a bite. It was alright and I was super hungry so I ate the rest of it. I wasn't really in the mood to eat but I don't want Dady to worry... I stared at the pancakes I wanted and poked at them a bit, taking a bite here and there.
"Are you done, Babes?" Dady quietly asked me. I nodded a bit and felt bad.
"That's okay, Baby. Thank you for trying to eat." He said, kissing my forhead. Eventually the waitress came back over and Dady asked for a to-go box, which she brought with the bill.

He put my food in the box and handed me it to carry out. I held it and followed him up to the front counter, watching him pay with his card. He grabbed the receipt then my hand and led me out to the car. I got in and sat the box in my lap before plugging my phone into the aux and playing my music. I turned on my moody playlist and Lil Peep started playing. Dady got in and began driving us home.

All The Small Thingsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें