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Luca POV

I woke up and felt clingy and little. I needed all of Dadys attention and I need it now. So, of course, when Dady wasn't in the bed next to me I was pouty. I rolled out of the bed and grabbed Jupiter, waddling into the living room.
"Dadyyyyy!" I whined, climbing into his lap on the couch.
"Babyyyyy." He said, wrapping his arms around me.
"Is not nice for you to leave me all by m'self." I complained, sniffling and making Dady chuckle.
"Oh I'm so sorry, Bubbas. I should've know my little baby would've needed his Dady, huh?" He asked, making me get deeper into my headspace.
"Ya..!" I exclaimed, rubbing my eyes.
"I should know my Itty bitty boy can't take care of himself..." He mumbled, hugging me tight. I nodded in agreement and kissed Dadys cheek, sloppily.

He chuckled and thanked me, scratching my head.
"You work...?" I quietly asked, hoping he didn't. I don't wanna go to Jacob's today. Not because of anything he did, I just wanna stay with Dady after last night..
"Later today I do. They didn't schedule me until 2nd shift for today." He said, scratching my back and making me pout.
"Otay.." I mumbled.
"I need to shower, Doll. I can do it now or in a little, but I gotta do it soon." He said, switching the subject. I shook my head and whined.
"Nooo!" I exclaimed. I don't wanna be all by myself while Dady showers. I want Dady to stay with me all day, I don't even want him to go to work.

"I know, Lovely. I know you don't want me to leave, even for a minute, but I have to shower. Now do you want me to do it now or in a little bit?" He asked again. I whimpered and laid my head against his chest.
"No.." I mumbled, trying not to cry. I don't even know why I wanted to, I just was emotional. Maybe from last night.
"I dont wan leave Dady while he shower, I scared I gonna get sad.." I whispered, hugging him.
"Well, if you shower with me your bandages would come off. And that scares me, the idea of them re-opening and something bad going down." He told me, looking down. I sniffled and nodded, cuddling into his chest.

"I love you baby. And the second you feel icky or sad or anxious, you come to me. I know I'm gonna be in the shower but you walk in and you tell me you feel bad." He instructed me, firmly.
"The second you tell me that, I'll rise off and get out. I swear, I'll throw on pants and cuddle you." That made me feel a bit better. Dady saying that makes me feel a bit more easy.
"Alright?" He asked, making me nod. He mumbled and okay and got up from the couch, leaving me in the living room. I laid down and cuddled Jupiter, kicking my leggies while Dady got stuff to shower and got in it.

I had been sitting in the living room playing make believe while Dady showered until I heard his phone ring. What do I do? I sat there for a second before standing up, falling out of my head space and grabbing the phone off the coffee table. I swiped the green button and held it up to my ear.
"Hello?" I asked, sitting down on the couch.
"Hello! Is this Kayden?" Someone asked. Who is this? Should I lie?
"I can take a message for him." I said, begining to subconsciously pick at my eyebrows.
"Oh okay. Well, just tell him that my car is running again and tell him I said thanks." They said. Is this the girl from yesterday?

"Oh, this is Megan by the way!" She continued. Oh, okay I guess..
"Um alright.. Well, bye." I said, hanging up before she could say bye back. I don't really know how to handle phone calls still. People don't call me and I didn't have a phone until last year, and my parents didn't call people. Not around me at least. I sat down Kaydens phone and heard the water turn off. I picked up Jupiter from the floor and felt my left  arm itch. Bad. I pulled up my sleeve, carefully, but didn't know what I could do. If I scratched it how I wanted, the bandages would come off and I might start bleeding. I just kinda scratched around the edges of them, turning my skin red when I did. I pulled my sleeve back down and heard Kayden walk in.
"Hi baby." He said, drying off his hair.
"Megan called, she said her cars working now." I told him right away. I didn't wanna forget to tell him.
"Oh okay." He mumbled, sitting down next to me and kissing my forhead.

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