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Jacob POV

I pulled into Spade's driveway and shut off the truck, taking the keys from the ignition.
I unbuckled and started getting out.
"Papa, don't leave me!" Luca quickly shouted, trying his damn best to unbuckle himself.
"Shh... I'm not leaving you." I quickly soothed him, undoing his buckle for him. He crawled onto my lap, tears running down his face. I let him and rubbed his head for a while, letting him calm down until Spade came out.
"Hey! Forgot you had a tall ass truck." He called, standing about a foot shorter than me since he was on the ground. I smiled a little and stepped out of the cab, keeping ahold of Luca. I had all my stuff and he had Jupiter so I figured I'd leave the truck unlocked just in case. I have the keys anyways, so unless they hotwire it, they're not starting it.

Spade led us both inside his house. It was small, but not tiny. It had 2 bedrooms, a bathroom, a kitchen, a living room, and a dining room.
"Yeah, the bedroom that's got nothing on the walls is the one you guys can sleep in. I didn't bother to decorate." Spade said, shutting the front door. I gave him a short, but hard, hug and carried Luca to the bedroom. I didn't bother to flip on the light, just sat Luca on the bed and untied my sweats.
"I'm taking off my pants, Bubba," I warned him before pulling them off, leaving me in boxers.
"Do you want your jeans off? Those probably won't feel too good sleeping in." I suggested, taking my shoes off. He meekly nodded so I unbuttoned his jeans, letting him cover his penis as I took them off the rest of the way. He had boxers on, but I don't think that changed anything for him.

I noticed he still had his wet socks on but not his shoes, making me sigh.
"Did your toes get cold?" I asked, pulling off both his wet socks and making him nod a bit.
"It's okay, get under the covers and warm up," I told him, standing up and climbing in after him.
"Papa..?" I heard Luca quietly ask as I pulled the covers over me.
"What is it, Baby?" I quietly asked.
"I-is he gonna hurt me...?" He whispered, looking up at me with tears in his eyes.
"Not with me. He won't get a chance. Even if he shows up, you're not gonna be left alone with him." I soothed him. I really meant that. I know Kayden knew him first, but especially now, I don't like the idea of them together.

I don't remember falling asleep, but I guess I did cause I woke up at noon. Luca was still in bed, on his phone and laying next to me.
"Have you been awake long?" I asked, stretching out. He shrugged and set his phone down.
"I didn't wanna get up without you.." He mumbled, eventually sitting up. I sighed and sat up too, pulling him into my lap. I rested my head on his shoulder and kisses his cheek, making him smile.
"You hungry? You probably need breakfast, Bubba." I told him.
"Nuh uh.." He said, rubbing his face.
"Don't wipe away my kisses." I teased him, smiling and making him giggle.
"Just gonna have to kiss me again." He said, stimming a bit. I flipped him down to the bed and kissed all over his face. He smiled big and when I kissed his lips, he wrapped his arms around my shoulders and made sure I felt him kissing back.

I pulled away after a bit and got up out of bed, fixing the way my boxers were sitting. I grabbed my sweatpants and threw them on, tying them up after.
"C'mere, Lovebug," I told him as I picked up his jeans. He crawled across the bed and got up, holding onto me while I helped put on his pants.
"Those okay?" I asked after I buttoned his pants. He nodded a little and frowned a bit.
"My toes." He said, looking up at me.
"I can go ask Spade for a pair," I said, mostly to myself, and went ahead to go ask him. He gave me a pair of blue, ankle socks that I took back to put on Luca.
"Alright. Lemme put them on." I told him, quickly slipping them on. He whined a little but didn't say anything, which somewhat concerned me.
"What's wrong?" I asked as I adjusted the seams on the socks. He just shook his head.
"You fixed it." He mumbled. I slipped on my shoes, giving him his own, and helped him lace them up.
"W-where are we gonna go?" He quietly asked.

"Nowhere, just getting you ready for the day," I answered, honestly. He hummed and held onto me. I sat back down on the bed and let him climb into my lap.
"Bite..? He quietly asked, starting to chew on his fingers.
"Well, Babe I don't have your teether," I told him, making him pout and whine. He laid his head on my shoulder and gently bit me. I was about to reprimand him but decided not to. The only reason I would've had to tell him to stop is cause he can't do this with Kayden, but I don't think he's gonna get back with him. So what's the point?

"Hey, I'm going to work and thought I'd let you know." Spade quickly told me, peeking his head into the bedroom. I nodded and told him we'd manage by ourselves before he left.
"Papa.." Luca mumbled, climbing onto my lap. I turned my head to give him attention but only got him laying on me.
"What's wrong, Babe?" I asked, gently scratching his head. He kind of shook his head.
"Bubba, you have to tell me what's wrong, or else I can't help you," I told him.
"I miss Dady.." He whispered, whining a bit. I sighed and pulled him into a hug.
"Babes... I know you do and that's normal. He was with you for a while, it's normal for you to miss him." I tried to console him.
"But, he's not the same mentally that he was." He only nodded a bit before asking me something.
"Was it because of me..?"
"No... It wasn't. He needs to work on himself now, and it's not your fault." I honestly told him. I genuinely believe that.

The whole day Luca was crying. Spontaneously. If I let him be quiet for a second too long, he would start tearing up.
"C'mere, lemme brush your hair out," I told Luca, helping him up onto the bed. I pulled him into my lap and started brushing through his tangled hair. Then he started crying.
"Owie, Papa!" He whined, pulling away from me and looking up at me, tears in his eyes. Before I could apologize, he crawled into my lap and cried into my chest. I sighed and gently rubbed his back, cooing at him in an attempt to calm him. I don't think it was the hair-pulling that made him cry considering he's never had a problem with it before. I think that's just what set him off.  After a couple of seconds of just holding him, there was a knock at the door. I figured it was Spade forgetting something, but why would he knock? Regardless, I opened the front door and was met with Kayden. Shit... How's he even know where the fuck we went?

"Where is he?" He asked.
"He's not gonna see you. At least right now." I told him, tensing up. There's zero chance he's gonna talk to Luca.
"Yes, he is. I need to talk to him." He doubled down. Of course, the second time he said that I heard Luca walking out to find me.
"Papa?" He quietly asked, coming up to me before looking at Kayden outside the door.
"We gotta talk," Kayden said, directly to Luca.
"Bout what..?" He whispered, scooting closer to me.
"Babe, I'm so sorry. I really didn't mean to, please just give me another chance." He started to plead. I can't tell if he's sincere or not, but that doesn't matter to me.
"Hey, how about tomorrow I call you, and we can schedule somewhere to talk about this? But it's not a good idea to just show up." I tried to reason, making Kayden look a whole other type of pissed.

"Fuck you, Dude. And fuck you too." He said turning to look at Luca.
"I can't believe I took you home, for you to get with my friend!"
"Bye." I quickly said, closing the front door and quickly locking it.
"Papa, maybe he's sorry..." Luca whispered, looking up at me.
"Bubba, even if he is, he can't pressure you into forgiving him. We're gonna talk tomorrow, and we're gonna see what he has to say." I tried to convince him. He contemplated it for a second before nodding and holding me. I scratched his head as I heard Kayden's car door slam and his car turn on. I hope he's in a better mood tommorow.

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