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[Jacob POV]

I still can't believe I hurt him like that. I don't remember doing it, but I remember him on the floor. He was crying so hard, I can tell it hurt him. Luca hates being a burden, he doesn't like relying on me for very basic stuff. And when he couldn't walk on it, I knew he meant it. And when I woke up it was bruised a deep blue and dark purple on the side of his foot. I could see it since he moved in his sleep and pushed the blanket off almost entirely. I don't remember the argument we had that made me do it or what I even told him, but I'm fucking disgusted with myself. How could I hurt my boyfriend? I guarantee whatever he did, didn't warrant me doing that. I'm no better than Kayden. I laid in bed, angry at myself. Heartbroken for my baby. Awful about my actions.

Luca woke up probably an hour into my self-hate session.
"Good mornin'!" He greeted me, smiling and reaching for my hand. I sadly smiled at him and let him hold my fingers. I don't understand how he can still want to stay with me.
"I-I kiss?" He quietly asked, rolling onto his tummy and putting his feet in the air. In typical love-struck teenager fashion, but I think he just didn't want to have his feet flat against the bed.
"Luca, I don't... I can't-" I tried to explain, not able to finish my sentence. I got up from the bed and walked out into the dining room, leaning on the table with my head in my hands.

[Luca POV]

Dady just left when I asked for a kiss and I don't know what his problem is. Why doesn't he just want me... I turned over and put my un-injured foot on the floor and stood up, testing how much weight I could put on my hurt one.
"Ow, fuck-" I groaned. I could walk on it, it just had to be in a very certain way and I stepped wrong. I had to put the weight on the front of it when I walked. I know I shouldn't cuss right now, but I couldn't help it. I followed after Dady and watched him for just a second before asking him something.
"Is you okay?" I quietly asked.
"No, how am I going to hurt you and you still want to be with me!?" He asked, lifting his head from his hands.
"You didn't mean to," I hopefully told him.
"That doesn't change that I did it," Dady reminded me. I frowned and ran my tongue over my teeth, trying to think of what to say.
"I-I forgive you though," I eventually said. He wrapped his arms around my waist and gently rocked a little with me.
"What did I do to deserve you?" He quietly asked, brushing my hair out of my face. I smiled a little and reached up for him, getting picked up and kissed.

"Spade! Can I color?" I asked as he walked into the dining room. Dady was getting Jupiter out of the dryer 'cause I reminded him and I was sitting at the table, bored. Dady was taking a minute.
"Sure, you want markers or crayons?" He asked.
"Mmmm, marker!" I decided, swinging my legs. My foot only hurts when I bend my ankle or hit it on something. Spade came back with a pack of 24 Crayola markers, which I didn't even know they made them in 24 packs. But I'm not complaining. He also set a spiral notebook in front of me, telling me to just use that and kissing the top of my head. I flipped open the notebook to the clean page closest to the front and carefully opened the markers. I tried my best to make my coloring neat and pretty, but it was a little difficult.

Dady sat down next to me and told me he had to put the dryer back on for another little while, and I was somewhat disappointed but didn't complain cause he can't control how long Jupiter needs. Instead, I sat on his lap and continued about my business until I noticed a tattoo of a snake that wasn't colored in. It was shaded, but not colored, so I picked up my orange marker and started coloring it in. I think everything looks prettier colored.
"You coloring my tattoo?" He asked, laughing a little. I giggled and finished making his snake prettier before getting a different marker and just doodling on him.
"They look so good, Babe. A little artist, huh?" He asked, giving me extreme pride in my little drawings.
"You think so?" I asked, looking over my shoulder to look at him.
"Course I mean it. I said it, didn't I?" He answered. I couldn't help but giggle and stimm.

When he had to get up to go get Jupiter, I didn't wanna go sit on my own. So I made him carry me to get him.
"Jupiter!" I borderline screamed as Dady handed him over. He smells like laundry sheets and he's still fluffy, so Dady must've washed him with cold water. I know it sounds stupid but it makes me feel like he cares. He carried me to the bedroom instead of back to the table but picked up the markers and notebook. I didn't feel like drawing anymore, so instead I wanted to write. I wrote, in my messy handwriting, each of our names and what I loved about them next to it.

My dady-
• His kisses an cuddles
• How much he loves me
• His pretty face
• When he call me pretty
• Him doing my hair

Spade :)
• When he plays with me
• He makes yummy dinner
• He cares 'bout me and Dady
• I get cuddles from him
• He puts on baby shows for me

• I play pretend w/ him
• He fun to talk to
• I kiss him when I wanna
• He loves me lots

I would've put more but I didn't wanna write any more. I guess I was too wrapped up occupying myself that I didn't notice Dady went to go do something. My hands got bored. So I resorted to just playing with the marker all by itself. I was in shorts so I drew all over my thighs and my left arm. Then I tried to bite the marker, which might've been my first mistake. Well, actually, I started with licking it and moved to bite it. Maybe I'm feeling smaller than I think... Regardless, when Dady came back from whatever he needed to do, I was covered in marker. And I think my tongue was a blue-green color.

"Oh, my fucking-" He said before cutting himself off. I giggled a little at how he didn't stop himself from the bad word.
"No sir, come here," He scolded me, picking me up from the bed. I didn't entirely understand. Just that he was trying to hold me. So I happily put my arms up and babbled to him.
"Nuh-uh, this is not funny. Did you eat a marker?" He asked, bringing me to the bathroom and setting me on the countertop.
"I eat it!" I said. Once again, not knowing any other word than 'eat' from that sentence. Dady sighed and took a washcloth, running it under the water and starting to scrub my drawings away.

"No! I worked on it!" I whined as he started cleaning me off.
"I know, and they're very pretty. But if you sleep on white sheets like we have, it'll stain 'em" He tried to explain. We all know, I had no clue what he meant when he said that. But I do know, he continued to scrub me.
"I keep one?" I tried to reason with him, holding up only one of my fingers so he knew how many I was talking about. He thought for a second and sighed before moving the washcloth to my face. I guess it got on my face too.
"You can do 'em again tomorrow," He tried to tell me. I don't wanna put all this hard work into it again tomorrow. I pouted and kicked my feet a little, beginning the first part of a tantrum.
"Dady! I keep one!" I cried, pushing the rag away from me.

Long story short, I didn't keep one and I was very salty about it.
"Do you want what Spade made for dinner?" Dady asked.
"No!" I bluntly told him, still mad.
"Okay. Are you hungry?" He asked, getting a stern no again. I wasn't being honest, but I wanted my drawing to stay.
"Oh come here, do you need my attention?" He asked, starting to baby-talk to me. In all reality, yes I did. I want Dady's attention, especially when he treats me like I'm just a baby.
I didn't answer, just reached up for him.
"Look at my baby," He mumbled, kissing my cheek.
"We need to pack up our stuff though," He told me, sitting down on the bed.
"Mtays..." I mumbled as he took me off his lap and onto the bed next to him.

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