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He bit his lip and splashed in the water, giggling and reaching for me. I leaned close to him and he put my face in his hands and pecked my lips. I smiled and rubbed his cheek.
"Here, lemme wash your hair." I said, picked up a cup and pouring water over his hair.  I squeezed out hair wash into my hand and scrubbed it into his hair before rinsing it out. The whole entire time I washed him, he slammed his hands down in the water. He just might've covered me in soapy water, but I didn't mind that much.

I poured conditioner into my hand and lathered it into his hair.
"Can you stand up, Lovely? Dady's gotta wash your body." I asked him. Right now, it wasn't even just so he wasn't stinky, I also didn't want dried cum on his belly. He gently stood up in the bathtub, covering his penis. I put body wash on a loofah and made it foamy before gently scrubbing down his arms, belly, chest, legs, back, and bottom. I picked up the cup and filled it with water, pouting it over his soapy body and rinsing off all the bubbles.

"Could you move you're hands Bubba? Dady needs to clean your penis, please." I told him. I didn't wanna give his penis a nickname like some people do. I don't know, it just seams off to call an intimate body part something cute when they're regressed. He slowly moved his hands away from his lower half and swung them a little at his side.  I gently rubbed the loofah against his thighs and penis, trying to both clean it properly and not spend too long on it.
"All done Baby." I told him, setting the soap covered loofah in the tub. Luca sat down on his bottom while I grabbed the cup once again to wash out the conditioner.

I covered his eyes and poured the water over his hair a few times to properly rinse it out. Once I was done I moved my hand and set the cup down. The second I told him he was all clean, he tried to step out of the tub. I smiled and picked him up, before realizing that I didn't grab a bath towel for him. I tried to put him down for a second but before I could even try to explain, he whined.
"N-no go.." He pleaded. I scooped him back up and pressed his body close to my, holding him to where one of my arms covered his bottom.

I sighed a little and opened the bathroom door a smidgen and peeked out. When I didn't see anyone, I fast walked into my room, closing the door behind me quickly. I let out a breath of relief before picking up a clean towel from my dresser and wrapping Luca in it. He babbled and I opened my drawers, grabbing some sweatpants. I put the sweatpants on him, unwrapping the towel around his body and drying his hair with it a little bit.
"M-me eat..?" He asked, putting his thumb in his mouth. I traded out his thumb for the teether and lead him I to the kitchen, sitting him down at the table. I threw out the toast I made earlier. It was definetly gross by now.

I looked into the cabinet and saw spaghetti-O's. I checked the clock, seeing it was almost 1 pm.
"God damn.." I mumbled, grabbing the can and opening it. I poured it into a bowl and put it in the microwave. He giggled a little and watched me.
"God damn!" He exclaimed, giggling really hard. I sighed, knowing I brought this upon myself. I turned the microwave on for a few minutes and turned around to face Luca.
"Bubba," I said, crouching down. "You can't say that right now," He looked at me and whined.
"D-dady said it.." He complained, stomping his feet. I frowned.

"I know I did, Baby. And I'm sorry, Daddy didn't mean to and I'll do my best to not say adult words when you're tiny, but you still can't say those words..." I explained, crouching down and kissing his forhead after. He pouted but nodded anyways. The microwave beeped and he looked past me at it while he waited for me to get it out of the microwave. I stood up and took it out of the microwave. I put a spoon in it and stirred it before putting it on the table.

"Careful Babes, it's still hot." I warned him. He nodded and blew on it to cool it down. I sat down next to him and Luca tentively took a bite. He slowly chewed and swallowed it. He whined and reached for me.
"H-help..?" He asked, quietly. I picked him up and sat him on my lap. I assume he means that he wants me to feed him. I picked up the spoon and put it next to his mouth. He ate it and I could see him trying not to gag. I rubbed his back and he teared up.

" 'm sorry.." He mumbled, trying to take another bite. He put it in his mouth before I could advise him otherwise. He gagged once again when he swallowed it. I took the spoon from him and quickly set it down. I rubbed his back and he tried not to cry. I kissed his forhead and wiped his tears from his cheek.
"Bubbas, do you want something else..?" I gently asked. "I can eat this if you wanna eat something else." He quickly shook his head and sniffled.
"D-don wan be picky.." He whined, holding me close.
"Baby you're not being picky!" I exclaimed, "You're actually gagging at it, you're not just being picky. Plus you're trying to eat it.." He rubbed his face on my chest and cried a little.

"What's you're favorite thing to eat? We can even go out and get something, Love." I offered, desperate to get something in him. He tried to make his crying stop and nodded a little.
"D-dady sure..?" He asked, his voice quivering. I nodded, quickly.
"Yes! I want you to eat something, and I'd rather get you something particular rather than you not eat." I said, rubbing his back. He nodded and wiped his tears away. I stood up, still holding him, and slipped on my shoes before grabbing his. I sat him down on the counter and put his shoes on before bringing him out to the car and putting him in his seat.

I pulled out of the drive way just as Marcus pulled in. I waved at him for a second before continuing out onto the road.
"Do you want to eat out, Baby?" I offered, glancing at him.
"A-am I allowed to..?" He quietly asked, looked up at me.
"Yes, Love. Do you wanna go anywhere specific?" I questioned, trying not to get annoyed. I know he didn't get this growing up but I offered it, so why wouldn't I be willing to take him there? He shook his head and I groaned a little. Yeah, that's really helpful.

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