Chapter 3

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Even though he never know how to play music but since he didn't have any other thing to do in this place he starts reading the book and get to know that the book is about how to control resentment energy using the flute.

Reading the book about an hour, he feels excited that maybe there is a way he can control this resentment energy and can go out of this hell.

Now only thing he needs was a flute, suddenly he remember the bamboo stick in the box which he didn't mind much at that time. Quickly he goes towards the box and open it, this time when he saw the bamboo he realised that the bamboo was actually a flute which feels like a spiritual tool.

He took the flute in his hand and feels a lot of resentment energy in the flute. From that day he starts practising the flute using the book in which the instructions was given.

It took him 3 months to finally controls the resentment energy in the Burial Mounds using the flute. This time when he tries to pass the invisible wall on the entrance of the Burial Mounds he was able to pass the wall without any problem.

After entering the town near the Burial Mounds, the first thing he do was find a inn since he was very tired and want to eat something good which didn't have any resentment energy in it.

He went inside the first inn he saw, and give the owner money which he had with him. He didn't have much money but it was enough to him to have a room for 2 days. He asked the owner to send the food and a pair of clothes in his room with a tub with hot water.

Entering the room, the first thing he saw the bed and immediately lay on the bed.
After 10 minutes later, he was a knock on the door he immediately opens the door. There was the helper on the door with the bath tub and a pair of clothes.

He takes the things inside, after thanking the helper he closed the door since the helper said that the food will take 30 minutes more.

He took a long bath only came out when the hot water starts to feel cold and wear the clothes the helper left for him.

After few minutes there was an another knock on the door, Wei Wuxian opens the door and saw the same helper who bought him tub and clothes but this time the helper have food in his hands which looks delicious since he doesn't eat good food like forever. He immediately took the food, after thanking the helper he close the door and starts digging in the food.

After completing the food, he saw outside the window and realise that it was already night and think it's time to have a good night sleep and immediately goes to the bed. Lying on the bed, and in 5 minutes he falls asleep.

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