Chapter 75

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Nie Mingjue, " is it possible?"

Wei Wuxian smiles proudly and replies, " you are in Yunmeng Jiang sect, sect leader Nie, and it's motto is 'to attempt the impossible'!"

Jiang Cheng, "and Wei Wuxian able think the same. I can assure you Sect Leader Nie, nothing is impossible when Wei Wuxian want to make it possible. "

Wei Wuxian," hey, even if you are praising me, why is it still feel like you are taunting me? "

Jiang Cheng," I am just stating a fact! "

Wei Wuxian pout and said," shijie, see.. see... Jiang Cheng is still bullying me!"

Jiang Cheng," hey, why are complaining to a'jie? "

Wei Wuxian," because she is the only person who can still scroll you even when you are a sect leader".

After thinking for a second, Wei Wuxian added," actually I take that back, now Qing-jie is also here and I think she can also do that for me, won't you Qing-jie?" With a wink towards Wen Qing.

Jiang Cheng," hey, nobody can scroll me now, nor a'jie nor Wen Qing!"

Wei Wuxian smirks and asks," are you sure? "

Jiang Cheng," ofcourse".

Wei Wuxian," and here I heard that you went on your knees to promise Qing-jie! And also desperately asking her to marry you even when you are a sect leader of a major sect. Huh?"

Jiang Cheng face become red from embarrassment and he shouts," you... Who told you that?... I did... Didn't went on me knees to promise Wen Qing... You are ask her!"

Everyone laughs as how Wei Wuxian can embarrass Jiang Cheng just by few words. And how Jiang Cheng is trying to explain everyone to prove that he didn't do what Wei Wuxian told everyone.

Wen Qing," Wei Wuxian, stop teasing him. And tell about the spell more!"

Wei Wuxian," oho Qing-jie, I was just started. But ok fine, work first. So, I never really used that spell on bigger area so I didn't really know how much energy it will require to put it on whole Burial Mounds but it guess is correct it will need atleast 5 people with very high Cultivation to complete the task!"

Jin Zixuan," you said, you never use on bigger area, so that means you had used the spell before somewhere?"

Wei Wuxian," ofcourse, I put that spell on the things which I did not want other people to touch without my permission."

Jiang Yanli think about what Wei Wuxian just said and ask," did you put that same spell on your 'suibian'?"

This confuse everyone as why Jiang Yanli suddenly ask that question.

Wei Wuxian," why did you ask that shijie?"

Jiang Yanli," because after Jiang Cheng and Hanguang Jun bring back 'suibian', nobody able to pull it out of his sheath."

Wei Wuxian stops and looks at Wen Ning who just shakes his head a bit meaning Jiang Cheng never tried it and Wei Wuxian sighs in relief and replies to his shijie," shijie, to answer your answer, no I never put that spell on my sword ever and I am also surprise to hear that my sword behave like that".

Lan Xichen," so where did you tried it, young master Wei?"

Wei Wuxian," my books, my notes so that nobody able to use them until I let them!"

Everyone is shock and now they understand why nobody was able to read his notes of barriers.

Lan Xichen asks,"so it was the reason, nobody was able to understand what you had written in those barrier notes?"

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