Chapter 19

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Lan Wangji came out from the place he was hiding to hear the chat between the two and starts walking towards his brother room to discuss about what he heard with his brother so that they can decide what they should do about Jin Guangyao. When he reach the room his brother is occupying, he knocked on the door and wait for his brother to open the door. In few seconds, the door opens and Wangji sees that Lan Xichen looks like he is about to go to bed. Lan Xichen did not except his brother at this time so he opens the door wide and let his brother in and Wangji enters the room, he closed the door and sit in front of his brother.

Lan Xichen asks "what happens Wangji, you did not sleep it's already past 9pm" "Brother, I was going to my room from the hall when I see Jin Guangyao hiding in a corner and talking to someone, I know it's against the rules to eavesdropping but I can't help myself since I was not having good feeling about that Jin Guangyao so I silently hide near them and hear their conversation" Wangji said. Lan Xichen sighs and said "Wangji it's ok, we are not in Cloud Recesses. So, tell me what you heard and who was the person with whom Jin Guangyao was talking to. I can see that whatever you heard is very important since you directly came to me even if it's past the sleeping time". " Brother, the person Jin Guangyao was talking is none other than Su Minshan, the leader of the Moling Su Clan and a former peripheral disciple of the Gusu Lan Clan who was thrown out of Lan clan because he betrayed Lan clan to save his own life when Wen clan came to destroy our sect.

I heard Jin Guangyao asking Su She if he learns how to put 100 holes curse and the Su she replies Yes, he did". Lan Xichen gasp and asks Wangji "why did Jin Guangyao wants sect leader Su to learn how to put 100 holes curse?" Wangji replies "Jin Guangyao was telling Su She that he has to put the curse on Jin Zixuan before his marriage with maiden Jiang and they will put the blame on Jin Zixun for cursing the 100 hole curve on Jin Zixuan, because Jin Zixun wants to become the Sect leader".

"But Wangji shouldn't Jin Zixun be able prove himself innocent just by showing his chest since these types of curse do have backlash and since he didn't put the curse there will be no marks on his chest"Xichen asks Wangji since he is a bit confuse. Wangji replies "brother, Su She also asks the same question and Jin Guangyao replies to him that, after putting curse on Jin Zixuan they will wait till Jin Zixuan tell anyone about the curse and then they will put the same curse on Jin Zixun so there will be marks on his chest but since it's in the initial stage they will not be much and they will tell everyone that its backlash of the curse he put on Jin Zixuan. And since there is no way to remove the curse they both will die eventually."

After hearing what Wangji told Xichen about the conversation between Jin Guangyao and Su She did not know what to say. He knows that Jin Guangyao did have high ambitions but he never thought that he will make such plans to kill his own brother and cousin to become the sect leader. He takes a deep breath and said "we have to tell others about the planning of Jin Guangyao and Su She so that we can stop them on time. I think we should call an emergency meeting between the major sect leaders in tomorrow morning to tell them about the planning of Jin Guangyao, what do you think?"

Wangji think about it for a few seconds before replying " brother, there is a chance that Jin Guangyao has his spies around the whole Jin sect and he will become suspicious if we call an emergency meeting between major sect leaders in day time. I think we should call the sect leaders right now in here by sending the butterfly message to sect leaders and tell them to come here without letting anyone know". " I think you are right Wangji, I immediately write the letters to Da-ge, sect leader Jiang and sect leader Jin and tell them to come in my room without telling anyone"Xichen replies.

After receiving the letters, sect leader Jin, Nie and Jiang came to sect leader Lan room without anyone knowing in less than 10 minutes where they saw His Excellency is also there and in no time everyone takes there seats before Lan Wangji starts telling them about the conversation he heard between Jin Guangyao and Su She. After telling them everything Lan Wangji looks towards the sect leaders who have different expressions on their face and suddenly sect leader Nie stand up and angrily said "that Meng Yao how dare he to plan against his own brother and cousin to get the position of the sect leader, I told you Xichen he is not trustworthy. He can kill anyone to get what he want, I think before he takes any action we should do something about him".

"I agree with sect leader Nie, if Jin Guangyao can plan to kill his own brother and cousin, he can do anything. Who knows, maybe in the future to become His Excellency he try to do something with Lan Wangji. We have to stop him before he put his plan in action" Jiang Cheng said. Hearing that Jin Guangyao can even do something in the future to Wangji get the position of His Excellency from his only brother, Xichen terrifies, he did not want anything to happen to his brother so he starts thinking what he can do to stop Jin Guangyao. Jin Zixuan did not know what to say since his own half brother is planning to kill him by putting a curse on him.

After composing himself, Jin Zixuan starts talking and said "I really appreciate everyone in the room in helping Jin sect and I will always be grateful to all of you. As for Jin Guangyao and Su She, I think we should put spies on him who will tell us every action of Jin Guangyao and Su She so when the put the plan in action we can catch them red-handed." Everyone in the room think about what Jin Zixuan says and agrees with him since they do not have a better plan other than this.

After discussing that they will put 10-10 spies on both of them, everyone agrees and leave the room to their own respective rooms to have some rest. When Lan Wangji reach his allotted room, he close the door behind him and sit on the bed and start thinking about Wei Wuxian, he miss his Wei Ying a lot but he have duties to perform since he does not want to disappoint his brother and uncle. He lays on his bed after changing his clothes, and start thinking what his Wei Ying would have done when he got to know about Jin Guangyao who is trying to kill his shijie future husband. Wangji knows that Wei Ying did not like Jin Zixuan much but it was because Jin Zixuan did not treated his shijie respectfully. But he would never let a person comes between his shijie happiness even if his shijie happiness is lies in Jin Zixuan. In between the train of thought Wangji falls asleep since it was a tiring day for him.

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