Chapter 35

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Wei Wuxian, "so, I was thinking, there are many people in this world who have similar faces.  Currently, I'm a commoner, and other than Wen Qing and Wen Ning in the Cultivation world, nobody knows that I gave my golden core to Jiang Cheng and they promised not to tell anyone. So, I could behave like I am someone else who came to them to help and not Wei Wuxian. Even if he suspect me, they could not prove anything and to make my plan full proof, you have to help me".

Yi Fei, " how do I help you in your plan".

Wei Wuxian, " actually since a'yuan call me Baba so you have to behave to be my wife and we can pretend like a family of husband, wife and a child. They would never be able to find out anything. So, will you pretend and help me with this plan?"

Yi Fei, "I will pretend to be your wife, and it will be kinda fun."Yi Fei smiles after saying.

Wei Wuxian, "oh, I cannot wait to see their faces when they saw me in front of them".

Yi Fei, "But we have to be careful, and yes what should I call you since you can't use your name".

Wei Wuxian think for a second before replying, " How about 'Song Ji Yang'?"

Yi Fei, "ok, I will call you yang gege".

Wei Wuxian, " yes, and I have to dress up in clothes other than red and black or dark blue"

Yi Fei, " why?"

Wei Wuxian, " because, everyone knows that I loved wearing red with black or dark blue, since I usually wear that colour only even when Jiang sect disciple have to wear purple color but I never wore it".

Yi Fei, " oh, so do not pack any red, black or dark blue color clothes. "

Wei Wuxian, " hmm, now I go back to my room to pack then I will pack for a'yuan. Will you be able to pack own your own or do you need help?"

Yi Fei, "I will manage, and if I need any help, I will call you".

Wei Wuxian, " ok, call me if you need anything and after packing have some rest. I will cook today."

Yi Fei, "okay, go now".

Wei Wuxian take a'yuan with him who fall asleep between their talk and put him in his bed. After that he packs for himself then for a'yuan and after checking on Yi Fei who had already packed and now is sleeping, he went to the fields and ask one of the worker to take care of everything until he came back, who nodded nd told him not to worry about fields nd that he will take care of it. After that , in evening Wei Wuxian start making dinner and then call Yi Fei and a'yuan and after the dinner, they all went to sleep.

Next day, they are ready for their journey and since the journey is long, Wei Wuxian take quiet a sum of money so that they did not of any problem during their journey. He also pack some food, so that they can eat whenever they want too. During there journey even though Wei Wuxian did not show it but he was very nervous, since it's been year 3-4 years, he last saw his shidi and anyone in Cultivation world.

It take them 10 days to reach Yunmeng city since they have to make sure that Yi Fei did not tire herself out much and so they take break more than often. When they finally reach Yunmeng, Wei Wuxian booked a room having two beds in a inn so that Yi Fei does not feel awkward. He wanted to take two rooms but that would be suspicious since they are acting like husband and wife. Wei Wuxian decide that tomorrow he will let Yi Fei rest for a day and take a'yuan to lotus pier market and show him around.

Next day, he disguise himself so that when he roam around in Lotus Pier market, no one will recognise him. He take a'yuan with him, and show him different places where he used to go when he live here.

A'yuan is very excited seeing different things which he never see in the village he lives. They try different-different street foods, eat lotus seed pods and also try lotus pork rib soup which according to Wei Wuxian is good but not as good as the soup his shijie used to make for him and Jiang Cheng.

Wei Wuxian see that Jiang Cheng has managed to built everything just like it was used to be before Wen's decided to destroy the lotus pier.

He is happy for his shidi, and when he was sitting in tavern he heard some gossips about the Cultivation world. From there, he got to know that Jin Zixuan managed to marry his shijie and now even has a son.

He even heard about other sect leaders who also get married, like Sect leader Nie who marry to a Jin disciple, Sect leader Lan who marry to Jiang Cheng's cousin Jiang Xuan Lu and both sect leaders also have children now. He is very happy hearing that everything in Cultivation world is going fine after that war.

He also heard about his friend Lan Zhan who is Chief Cultivator of Cultivation world that he did not want to marry and reject a lot of sect leader who want him to marry their daughter or sister.

He even heard about Jin Guangshan who has to step down from his position as sect leader of Jin, and now sect leader of Jin is Jin Zixuan, who prove himself better leader than his father.

After spending the whole day in Lotus Pier hearing a lot of gossips, eating a lot of food and roaming everywhere they decide to go back to the inn they are staying and have some rest since tomorrow Wei Wuxian have to face a lot of familiar face and have behave like not knowing them. He is sad that even after such long time he will be seeing his family and friends, he won't be able to talk or laugh with them like he used to do.

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