Chapter 16

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After living with Wang family for one month and working in their fields, Wei Wuxian has more than enough money to start making his own house. He decides that he will make his house by himself in the night after coming back from his work on the fields when he got the perfect place to make him house.

Today, Wang Zhuocheng is going outside the village to meet someone and he did not tell anyone to whom he is going to meet. But Wei Wuxian has a rough idea that it has something to do with Yi Fei marriage since Wang Zhuocheng's health is not going well and doctors told him that the most he has 2-3 months. So, Wang Zhuocheng did speed up his search and Wei Wuxian is also helping him since he also think of Yi Fei as his younger sister and wants everything best for her.

After their breakfast, Wang Zhuocheng told him that he will be back before the evening and to take care of the field on behalf of him. Wei Wuxian reassures him that everything will be fine and tells him that he should talk care of his health in his journey. After Zhuocheng left, Wei Wuxian also went towards the fields and work whole day in the fields. At evening when he reach home in which he is currently living with Wang's family he sees that Wang Zhuocheng is back from his journey and is currently talking with his daughter in serious matter. Wei Wuxian do not want to disturb them since even if he is living with them and they treat him as family he still should give them some time alone so he starts walking towards his room.

Hearing footsteps, Wang Zhuocheng stops talking and took towards the door where he sees Wangxian and he smiles and said "Wangxian come here, I have a very good news". Wei Wuxian cursed himself for making noise and disturb their talking but reluctantly walk towards them with a smile on his face and replies "what is it uncle Wang, you look very happy". Wang Zhuocheng laughs and said "I finally found a perfect man for my daughter, he lives two villages away from here although he lives alone since his parents died in an accident 4 years ago, he has a good reputation. I asked him to came here to meet Yi Fei before their marriage." Wei Wuxian smile brightened hearing the news, he is very happy for Yi Fei and replies to Wang Zhuocheng " uncle, it's definately a very good news, I also want to meet the person with whom our beautiful Yi Fei is going to marry".

Yi Fei blush hear the Wei Wuxian words and told them to stop talking since it's time for dinning and went to kitchen to bring the food she prepared earlier. After there dinner, everyone walk towards there rooms for some rest.

A week later, in morning when Wei Wuxian came out of his room in the hall he sees Wang Zhuocheng is talking with a man who seems like 3 to 4 years other than Wei Wuxian. Wei Wuxian walks further in the hall to see who this man is when he see Yi Fei who is currently standing in a corner blushing hard. He immediately understand who this man is, and walk towards the two man and greet them. Wang Zhuocheng see Wangxian and introduce him to the guy sitting with him "Wangxian he is Liu Haikuan, fiance of Yi Fei and Liu Haikuan he is Wangxian, he is like a family to us and a big brother to Yi Fei".

Liu Haikuan stands up from his seat and greets Wangxian who greets him back and both seated in their seats and continue their talks. Wei Wuxian starts talking to Liu Haikuan "young master Liu, I heard a lot about you from uncle Wang and it's my pleasure to finally meet you in person. Yi Fei is like a younger sister to me and I really want her to have a good and happy life." "I assure you that I will not do anything which will make Yi Fei sad and try my best so that she always smiles and never cry"Liu Haikuan replies. All three man continues to talk and after some time Wang Zhuocheng told Yi Fei and Liu Haikuan that if they want they can talk to each other in alone but both of them refuse and said they agree for the marriage.

Since Wang Zhuocheng have not much time left so they decides that he are going to marriage as soon as possible so that at least they have one parent in their marriage. After some talk, it is decides that they are going to have a simple marriage in 2 weeks from now. They have enough time to prepare for the marriage and Wei Wuxian said that he is going to prepare everything for the marriage and everyone agrees to that since they do not want the old man to overwork himself in the preparation of the marriage.

So, for next 2 weeks Wei Wuxian become very busy although the whole village agrees to help him in the marriage since he became more like a family to every family of the village in his stay for 1 month in the village. The preparation are going well without any issue and the day before the marriage everything is prepared and the whole village is decorated for the marriage. Wang Zhuocheng is very happy since he is able to see his only child getting married although he is a bit sad since he will no longer be able to see him daughter every day but it can't be helped.

Next day, the marriage takes place in the hall which was beautifully prepared for the marriage . The couple makes their 3 bows, first bow is to Heaven and Earth, second is to show respect to the elderly in front of their relatives and the third bow is to each other. After three bows, the marriage is declared complete and the celebration starts. The celebration continues to very late of the night but the couple was sent to their rooms after some time.

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