Chapter 89

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Next day everyone gathers at meeting hall of Yunmeng Jiang sect for the closing ceremony of discussion conference of this year.

Jiang Cheng stands up and greets everyone," thank you everyone for being here for the conference discussion meeting in Yunmeng Jiang sect and also for helping in solving the Burial mound's issue. Please enjoy the feast!"

Lan Wangji," thankyou sect leader Jiang for having us here. We are more than happy in helping you or anyone who needs our help. "

Everyone agrees with Lan Wangji and starts to enjoy the feast on the last day of conference meeting.

The feast goes on till evening and now it is time to closing ceremony of the meeting . As everyone was talking to each other, Lan Wangji looks at his brother and said," brother, it's time!"

Lan Xichen nodded his head and replies," okay, send a message to Wei Wuxian to come here".

Lan Wangji nodded and send a butterfly message to Wei Wuxian.

After Wangji send the message, Lan Xichen stands up and said," greetings to all cultivators present here, we have something to tell you everyone."

Everyone takes their seat and wait for Lan Xichen to continue what he was saying.

When all of the cultivators take their seats and Lan Xichen has the attention of everyone he continues," it may shock you a bit as we got when we got to know about it. But you all have the right to know about it so ..."

Before he could continue someone enters the meeting hall nd everyone tooks at the person who enters the meets in between the meeting.

The person who enters the hall is none other than Wei Wuxian who is wearing the clothes of a cultivator having the color of black and red.

People looks at him as they are shocked, why a commoner is wearing a cultivator's clothes as everyone thinks that the person is Song Ji Yang who has nothing to do with the cultivation world.

Sect leader Yao," hey, why are you wearing these clothes?"

Sect leader dao," and why are even here in the meeting hall where the cultivators are having a conference meeting? Who let's you in?"

Wei Wuxian smiles and replies," what is wrong with me wearing these clothes? They are just clothes! Anybody can wear them. " Ignoring the second question.

Sect leader Ouyang," these are cultivators clothes. A commoner cannot wear them!"

Wei Wuxian shakes his head and about to replies when Jiang Cheng cuts him out and said," sect leaders please calm down and take your seats. Please let sect leader Lan complete what he was saying, I can assure you that you will get all of your answers."

Lan Xichen," as I was saying, it was shocking for all of us when we get to know about it. You know that Song Ji Yang here looks exactly like young master Wei, who died in saving his brother and sister. But we never got his body so we had our suspect that their may be a chance that somehow young master Wei survived and yesterday we got to know that he did!"

Everyone in the hall become silent hearing that Wei Wuxian did somehow survived.

Sect leader Yao," sect leader Lan, so you are saying that this person standing here is not Song Ji Yang but Wei Wuxian!"

Lan Xichen," yes, he is Wei Wuxian!"

Everyone came on the uproar hearing that and starts discussing with each other that how it is possible.

Wei Wuxian," Zewu-jun, may I?"

Lan Xichen smiles and nodded.

Wei Wuxian," greetings everyone, I know you all are confuse that a few days before I was saying that I have nothing to do with cultivation world and now I am claiming to the head disciple of Yunmeng Jiang sect, Wei Wuxian. Trust me, I was also confuse. I am living here for almost 7-8 months, firstly when I came here I did feel like I knew this place but didn't remember anything. But as the days passes I do feel like I know this place very well even if it's my first time here. It goes on like that until I came here in the conference meeting for helping out then I got to meet many people which were very close to me.

As I get to meet new people here, I did realize that I someone knew these people like Nie-xiong, Lan-xiong, who were close to me during my studies in Cloud Recesses, then one day I start to remember few things until yesterday, the pictures which were blur in the mind starts to clear and I start remembering everything."

Sect leader Ouyang," but Madam Jiang did check on you and you have no golden core and spiritual energy to prove you being a cultivator and we all know that Wei Wuxian was the one of the strongest cultivator in his generation."

Wei Wuxian smiles sadly and Lan Wangji didn't like it so he decide to answer this question," Wen Chao melted his golden core with the help of Wen Zhuliu when Wei Ying didn't co-operate with him in telling the details about the Jiang siblings!"

Everyone give Wei Ying a sympathetic look as all the cultivators know that if a cultivator losses his golden core then he become a nothing but a mediocre who can do nothing to protect himself or his loved once.

Sect leader dao," who did you survive? "

Wei Wuxian,"Wen Chao tried to kill me when I didn't provide him any information regarding Jiang Cheng and shijie,and I almost died in his attack. Few villagers found me after Wen Chao thrown me away in some small village away from cultivation world in his way to Nevernight City, after thinking that I am dead but I was still breathing so those villagers took me to their home and help me in reviving. I was tortured by Wen Chao at very high level which make me loose my mind and I lost my memory.

I didn't gain my consciousness for more than a month and when I did, I didn't had any memory of my past life.The person who saved my life let me live in his house even after I get better. He also gave me some work in his fields so that I didn't feel like, I am a burden to them. I started to life a new life away from the cultivation world. The person who saved me had a daughter name Yi Fei who become a younger sister to me.

Due to an accident Yi Fei lost her husband amd was six month pregnant so I bring her home and we starts to live like a small family until we get to know about her disease and to save her I came here. We didn't know anything about the cultivation world, and we thought that person will not appreciate for us living together even if we are not related so we create a whole story so that nobody can catch up with our lie and we told everyone that we are husband and wife. "

Sect leader Yao," so, that Lady is not your wife?"

Wei Wuxian," no, I am not married yet!" And wink at Lan Wangji whose ears gone red.

Sect leader Guo," what are you going to do know? Since, you can cultivate anymore!"

The atmosphere in the hall become tense at that question.

Lan Xichen," sect leader gao, you don't have to worry about it. We all know how intelligent Wei Wuxian is, as we had used his spells and barriers a few days ago only. So, even if he can cultivate, he can help us in teaching new generation. As sect leader Ouyang said, Wei Wuxian is one of the best cultivator of our generation and he didn't need golden core to teach the things to students.

GusuLan clan is famous for his education so I asked Wei Wuxian if he likes to become a teacher in our clan and he did agree. And even sect leader Jiang agree with it. So, Wei Wuxian will come with us to Cloud Recesses and will teach the disciples his technique and ideas. "

Sect leader dao," sect leader Lan, if young master Wei wants to teach then why he has to come to GusuLan clan for that. He can teach here in Yunmeng Jiang sect and even to our sect but why yours only?"

Lan Xichen," sect leader dao, I didn't force Wei Wuxian..."

Wei Ying cut him off and asks," Zewu-jun, may I ?"

Lan Xichen nodded his head and Wei Ying answers the question," sect leader dao, I really appreciate it that you want me to come to your sect for teaching, but don't you think so that it should be my decision to where I want to teach. And also, I didn't understand why sect leader dao is so interested in me, a mediocre?"

Sect leader dao face become red before he replies," I just wanted to give you opportunity, nothing else!"

Wei Wuxian," and why do you think, I will leave an opportunity to teach in one of the major sect who is famous for his teaching and came to your sect? I even heard that you were very interested in my inventions too, sect leader dao!"

Sect leader dao, whose face become more red due to embarrassment replies," don't come if you don't too!" And leaves the meeting hall knowing that if he stays more than he will let more embarrassed.

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