Chapter 90

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After sect leader dao leaves the meeting hall abruptly, and nobody follows himor ask anyone to follow him, other minor sects understand that they will not be able to get anything from Wei Wuxian so they decide to not make their own fool by doing the same thing sect leader dao did and silently enjoy their time until the conference meeting ends.

As the night falls, everyone went back to their rooms to get some sleep as they had to leave to their sects next morning.

Next day, Nie Huaisang, Nie Mingjue, Jin Zixuan, Lan Wangji, Lan Xichen, Jiang Xuan Lu, Jiang Cheng, Wen Qing, Wen Ning, Wei Wuxian meets at the office of Jiang Cheng to meet last time before everyone leave to their respective sects.

Wei Wuxian," Jiang Cheng here."

Wei Wuxian gives a box to Jiang Cheng which he was carrying with him since he leaves his room.

Everyone in the office room give a confuse look to Wei Wuxian as nothing understand what is in the box other than Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji.

Wei Wuxian sees that Jiang Cheng is looking at the box weirdly amd understand that Jiang Cheng did not understand what is in the box so he decide to open the box to show everyone.

Wei Wuxian," I get that, you did not understand what is in the box. Okay, I will open it and show you. But before that, let me warn you and everyone DO NOT TOUCH!" And opens the box.

Everyone sees that their is a bamboo flute in the box and remember that Wei Wuxian told them that he will live his demonic flute to Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng," it's that flute?"

Wei Ying," yes, it's that flute. It may look like a normal bamboo flute but the power it possesses can destroy the whole cultivation world within few minutes so keep it safe and do not touch it or tell anyone about it and where you keep it. "

Lan Xichen," Wei Wuxian, can it really damage our golden cores?"

Wei Wuxian," Zewu-jun, it may look like an ordinary black bamboo flute but it has high level of resentment in it and when you touch it, the resentment in it will go inside your body and will slowing destroy your golden core. And before you know it, you will either die or became a mediocre."

Nie Huaisang," Wei-xiong, can I ask you something?"

Wei Wuxian closes the box and Jiang Cheng take it and put it in an qiankun bag.

Wei Wuxian looks at Nie Huaisang and replies," ofcourse!"

Nie Huaisang," I have a doubt, and I want to confirm it!"

Wei Wuxian," what is it?"

Nie Huaisang," I don't know about anything but I do know that he were strong enough to kill Wen Chao within seconds and we did saw the demo when you put his own blade on his neck in front of everyone to save us. Then how he was able to capture you and did so much damage to you!"

Wei Wuxian knows that his friend is smart but he didn't knew that he will be able to think that much. Now he didn't know what to say.

He looks at Wen Qing for help but he knows that even Wen Qing can't help her with this.

Lan Wangji sees that Wei Wuxian is hesitating so he took his hands in his and said," Wei Ying, tell them the truth!"

Wei Wuxian's eyes become wide, understand what Lan Wangji is telling him to do. Wei Ying shakes his head in a no but Lan Wangji said," Wei Ying, you can't keep everyone in dark for forever. Tell them the truth, they will understand!"

Wei Wuxian," but...."

Wen Qing," Wei Wuxian, Hanguang-Jun is right, one day they will know! It better you tell them now!"

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