Chapter 79

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Lan Wangji wakes up next day and sees his Wei Ying in his arms and smiles at the cute face of his lover. He always wanted to wake up like that and now that it's happening, it is hard for him to believe that it's actually happening.

After staring at his lover's face for some time, Lan Wangji decide to wake his cute bunny since it's evening and he has to talk to his brother to about the some matters too.

Lan Wangji shakes Wei Ying a little and said in a sweet voice, " Wei Ying, wake up!"

Wei Wuxian stirred but didn't wake up and eventually sleep after pulling Lan Wangji even closer to him so it is impossible for Lan Wangji to get up from the bed without using his spiritual energy as even if Wei Wuxian doesn't have his golden core but his grip is still strong around Lan Wangji as he is afraid that Lan Wangji will disappear if he let him go even when they are asleep.

Lan Wangji's smiles grow a bit more at his possessive bunny but he has to wake up now. So he tries again and said, " Wei Ying wake up, brother and other must be back by now ."

Hearing that Wei Wuxian opens his eyes a little to look at his cute Lan Zhan and said, " are you not liking it that I am this close to you that you are trying to break free from my grip. And even trying excuse of Zewu-jun coming back."

Lan Wangji panics hearing that and replies immediately, " no, no Wei Ying, it's not like that. Remember I have to talk to my brother about the matter and also we have to check where were spell work or not. I love Wei Ying more than anything in this world and I like it very much when Wei Ying is close to me but it's already 7 and I have to wake up now from the bed. I am not breaking free from your grip, but I want you to wake up too so that we can go together and meet my brother. "

Wei Wuxian smiles a little and said," oh my cute and handsome Lan Zhan, I was just kidding. I know you love me a lot like I do. We will wake up from the bed but first give me my morning kiss " and make a pout to Lan Zhan kiss it.

Lan Wangji smiles and kiss Wei Ying's pout.

Wei Wuxian," love you Lan Zhan! "

Lan Wangji," love Wei Ying too! "

Both get up from the bed and goes to do there morning activities. After they both get ready, they make there way towards Lan Xichen's room to talk to him. They knock on the door after reaching and wait for Lan Xichen to open the door for them. Lan Xichen and others came back at 7 in the morning.

Lan Xichen opens the door after few seconds and smiles seeing both young men.

Lan Xichen, " come in".

Both Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian enters the room and close the door behind them. Lan Wangji did not want anyone to hear what he is going to discuss with his brother so he put a silence charm in the room and all three of them sit around the tea table and Lan Wangji pours the tea to everyone.

After taking a sip or two, Lan Xichen couldn't help himself so he decide to ask, " what is it Wangji? You came here so early with Young master Wei. Is everything ok? "

Lan Wangji," everything is alright brother. Came here to ask if the spell worked or not?"

Lan Xichen is suspicious that his Little brother is hiding something but firstly he give the answer to his brother and wait for his brother to open up himself.

Lan Xichen, "the spell is made by Young master Wei, how is it possible for it to not work? It worked perfectly, not only the resentment energy we were feeling before when we were standing near the barrier's of Burial Mounds stops but also the corpses and ghosts were not able to came out of the barrier and were thrown back the seconds they tried to come closer to the barriers. "

Wei Wuxian," did you hear any scream when that happened? "

Lan Xichen," we did, and we go towards the house from where we heard the scream but the person was fast so we didn't able to catch that person. "

Lan Wangji," was it a woman?"

Lan Xichen," I think so, the scream was of a woman but still we are taking our precautions and will only decide when we catch that person! "

Wei Wuxian," you are right, Zewu-jun! "

Lan Wangji," brother...."

Lan Xichen knows it was coming so he prepare himself for whatever his brother is going to tell and ask," what is it, Wangji?"

Lan Wangji looks at Wei Wuxian who has a bright smile on his face which make Lan Wangji smile a little too. Lan Xichen is shock to see his brother smile just by looking at Wei Wuxian's smile.

Lan Wangji," brother, I want to discuss something with you!"

Lan Xichen," about?"

Lan Wangji," about Wei Ying!"

Lan Xichen is confuse and ask," about Young master Wei? What is it?"

Lan Wangji a deep breath and replies," I want to live with Wei Ying for the rest of my life. So I asked him to come and live with me in Cloud Recesses, but he cannot leave Yunmeng since he has to take care of Lady Wang and a'yuan. I don't know what to do!"

Lan Xichen think about the matter and can understand why his brother is feeling uneasy about this matter. His brother didn't want to leave his love and didn't want to live without his love anymore.

Lan Xichen," do you want to leave the position of Chief Cultivator, Wangji?"

Lan Wangji," I want too, but I can't."

Wei Wuxian," what do you mean? And in the first place, I will not let you leave your position just because of me! You deserve it!"

Lan Xichen smiles as how caring Wei Wuxian is towards his little brother. Lan Wangji," Wei Ying, I can do anything for you and for you I can't leave the position of Chief Cultivator."

Lan Xichen is confuse now and ask," what do you mean, Wangji? Please explain!"

Lan Wangji," brother, one day we have to tell everyone the real identity of Wei Ying and at that time people will ask and will get to know how Wei Ying use Demonic flute to came out of Burial Mounds and will try to kill him and at that time I will need my position to stop them and save my Wei Ying!"

Hearing Lan Wangji, Wei Wuxian blushes that how Lan Wangji only want his position of Chief Cultivator to save him if people go against him.

Lan Xichen," Wangji, you can still have your position even if you decide to live in Yunmeng with Young master Wei."

Lan Wangji," but brother if I starts to live in Yunmeng, then people will ask why I decide to leave Cloud Recesses and starts to live in here and it will eventually reveal the identity of Wei Ying."

Wei Wuxian feels bad that Lan Zhan is doing so that for him and he can't do anything to help him so he decide that he has to do something to help Lan Zhan in making decision.

Wei Wuxian," Lan Zhan, if you are with me, I do not mind telling everyone about my real identity!"

Lan Wangji," Wei Ying, you don't have to!"

Lan Xichen," Wangji, I think it's for the best if we reveal the identity of young master Wei. If people get to know about it from somewhere else, they can accuse Young master Wei for having malicious thought because of which he didn't reveal his identity and him using Demonic Cultivation in a way can also make the situation even worse for him".

Lan Wangji," but brother, I don't want to put a pressure on Wei Ying for doing something, he isn't comfortable of doing!"

Wei Wuxian smiles and reply," Lan Zhan, I am more than comfortable of doing this if it makes you stay with me without any problem."

Lan Wangji hesitate and ask," are you sure? You don't have to if you don't want to!"

Wei Wuxian," I want to so I can live with you!"

Lan Xichen," I think we should discuss it with everyone else too, to know their thoughts on this topic."

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