Chapter 17

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After Wen Qing accept Jiang Cheng proposal, he took her back to where Wen Ning was waiting for them. The vegetables Wen Ning and Wen Qing brought with them to see are almost sold out. When Wen Ning sees his sister coming back with Jiang Cheng, it confuses him why Jiang Cheng is still here and when they both came closer, he sees his sister is blushing, it confuse him even more, so when he give his sister a confuse look his sister clears her throat and said "a'ning, we are going with sect leader Jiang, quickly pack everything we are leaving". Wen Ning wants to ask her jie what is going on but Wen Qing gives him a look which means she will tell him everything later but right now do what she says. So, he quickly packs everything and leave with Jiang Cheng.

When they reach Jinlingtai Sect, Jiang Cheng takes them to his room which he is currently occupying and leave both the siblings so that they can talk to each other. After Jiang Cheng leave the room, Wen Qing turns towards his brother and takes a long breath before she talks telling his brother everything " a'ning, sect leader Jiang wants to marry me but I told him that I cannot leave you alone that so he said you can live with us in lotus pier after the marriage. So I said yes for marriage". Wen Ning is shock after hearing his jie but quickly compose himself and said " I am happy for you jie, finally you will the happiness you deserve" and smiles brightly. Wen Qing hugs her little brother fondly.

After an hour, Jiang Cheng came back and tell the siblings that he wants to talk to them about something. Wen Qing asks "what it is?" Jiang Cheng starts talking "you both must have heard that Wei Wuxian is missing for some time now". Both the Wen siblings nodded there head and Jiang Cheng continue "you both remember that I lost my golden core and Wei Wuxian said that Baoshan Sanren is the only person who can help him in cultivating a new golden core.

After we both leave the Yiling, we went to the mountains where Baoshan Sanren lives but since nobody ever saw her after she leaves the Cultivation world and nobody knows where she lives, Wei Wuxian took me to half way to the mountains and then told me that I have to go by myself and leave before telling me that he will wait for me in the Yiling near the tea stall. But after getting my golden core when I reach there Wei Wuxian was nowhere to be found so I wait for him for a week there but when he did not come I got suspicious and starts asking around if something happened there few days ago.

Then only I get to know that the Wen Chao had captured Wei Wuxian with some Wen soldiers. We tried to find him everywhere but since we were not able to find him we thought that maybe Wen Chao took him to Nightless City so after the battle was finished we search everywhere in Qishan but got nothing. Then our last option was Wen Chao who captured Wei Wuxian in the first place so after the formalities of the battle we went to pay a visit to Wen Chao in the Nie Sect dungeons where the Wen Chao was captured and I asked him where is Wei Wuxian and he replied that he throw him in Burial Mounds".

Both Wen siblings is looking at Jiang Cheng face seeing any sign of humor but got none. Both siblings do know the history of Burial Mounds, they do not know what to say and how to reach to the new information they got about their friend. Wen Ning really admired the Wei Wuxian for simply who he was and his ability to make someone happy without any efforts was something he really liked about him and now he just got to know that he will never be able to see that amazing person ever again.

Wen Qing think about what Jiang Cheng just said and remember that Wei Wuxian was very weak after the golden core was transferred and if Wen Chao had captured him at that time, Wei Wuxian wouldn't be able to resist much since he did not have any spiritual energy to support him. He was at that time was just like a common person who is also very weak after not able to have much needed rest. Even though Wen Qing never admitted that but she did admire Wei Wuxian for being so selfless that he even give his golden core to his shidi.

After a very long pause to let Wen siblings digest the news Jiang Cheng speaks "Wen Qing, Wen Ning, the news about Wei Wuxian is not public yet so not many people know that Wei Wuxian is no more with us. Since you both are my family now and at the time of the need you both helped me and Wei Wuxian I thought you both have the right to know the would truth. Now only you both, me, jie, grandmaster Lan, sect leader Lan, Sect Leader Nie, Nie Huaisang, and His Excellency knows about it and it will only stay like that.

After the banquet in the jinlingtai terrace hall His Excellency and I will make a public announcement where we tell everyone that during the interrogation with Wen Chao, we get to know that Wen Chao killed Wei Wuxian when he captured him which is literally true. We do not want anyone to know about Wei Wuxian being thrown in Burial Mounds and I want you both to promise me that you both will not tell about it to even a single soul". Both siblings immediately said " we promise, we will not tell anyone about it".

After the talking, Jiang Cheng shows them there room for which he asked Jin Zixuan to prepare for them when he leave the Wen siblings to talk since he also has to talk to Jin Zixuan about few things. Jiang Cheng "sect leader Jin, I want to talk to you about something in private, can I ?" Jin Zixuan nodded his head and after they enters a private room Jiang Cheng continue "sect leader Jin, I will ask directly so please do give me staight answers, do you like my jie ?" Jin Zixuan become red before replying " I do and I also wanted to talk to talk to you since you are maiden Jiang's only family. I want to marry her and I proposed her this morning and she said yes. But since you are his family, I wants to ask your opinion on this marriage".

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