Chapter 18

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Jiang Cheng said " if my jie has no problem in marry you and if it makes her happy I have no problem with this marriage. But if you make my sister cry or sad I will kill you." "I will keep that in mind" Jin Zixuan replies. Jiang Cheng suddenly remember that Wen siblings have no rooms to live so he throught he should ask Jin Zixuan to prepare two rooms for them " sect leader Jin, can you ask someone to prepare two rooms ". Jin Zixuan replies " sure, but to whom".

Jiang Cheng "I do not want you to be the first person to know about that but since you will be the family I tell you, do you remember the Wen siblings who stay with us during our stay in Cloud Recesses for our studies". Jin Zixuan nods his head in right and told him to continue so he did "I actually liked Wen Qing from that time but never got the right timing to tell her. After the war, I tried to find her but got nothing but today when I was roaming around in the market of Jin sect I saw her there with her brother and finally told her about my feelings for her and asked her to marry me and she said yes.

And since her brother have no where to go, I told her that Wen Ning can live with us in lotus pier and currently they are here in my room so...". Jin Zixuan smiles and said " well that's a good news, congratulations and yes I asks someone to prepare two rooms for wen siblings"and then they both nodded towards each other to leave to their respective rooms.

On the last day of the banquet, new sect leader Jin stand up from his seat and greets everyone before starts talking "I'm thankful for everyone to present here for the banquet. There are a news which I would like to share with everyone present in the hall. I proposed maiden Jiang yesterday and she said yes so there will be a marriage soon". Everyone in the hall cheers for the new couple and starts talking about the marriage between two major sects.

After some time, Jiang Cheng stand up from his seat and everyone in the hall looks towards him. When he got the attention of everyone in the hall he said "I also like to announce my marriage with maiden Wen Qing but ofcourse it will happen after the marriage of my jie since she is older than me." Everyone starts congratulating the two new couples and now the banquet in its full roar since everyone is now in party mode.

As the banquet is coming to it's end, His Excellency stand up from his seat, and greet everyone and said "As the banquet is coming to it's end, I would like to share a news with everyone. As everyone knows that young master Wei is missing for almost 6 months now and but we got the lead by some people who told us that they saw last time young master Wei is when Wen Chao captured him. So, we interrogation Wen Chao and ask him about Young master Wei and he told us that ... He killed him. After capturing him, he asked Young master Wei about jiang siblings but since he did not agree to co-orporate with him and did not tell the whereabouts of Jiang siblings, he lost his temper and killed him".

Hearing about Wei Wuxian died because he refuse to co-orporate with Wen Chao in telling the whereabouts of sect leader Jiang and maiden Jiang, everyone respect the young man who died in saving his adoptive siblings. Everyone said their sorry to Jiang siblings for their loss and told them that they are help if you need any kind of help. Jiang siblings accept their condolences and thank everyone.

After the news, the banquet was officially announced closed and everyone went to their allocated room to have some rest since they have to go back their sect tomorrow. After everyone left the hall, Lan Wangji also goes to his allocated room but between his journey from hall to his room, he saw Jin Guangyao who is talking to someone in a corner where nobody can see him but since wangji's Cultivation is high he sensed him. Since Wangji did not truth Jin Guangyao so he decide even if it is against his sect rule but since he have a bad feeling about Jin Guangyao he will hear to whom he is talking and what they are talking about. So he stands near the area without them noticing him and starts listening.

When he hear other person voice he immediately understand to whom Jin Guangyao is talking to. He hears Jin Guangyao said " is everything prepared?",the other replies "yes, Jin Guangyao I find out how to put the 100 hole curse. You do not have to worry about anything." Jin Guangyao "you will put the curse on Jin Zixuan before his marriage with maiden Jiang and we will put the blame on Jin Zixun for cursing the 100 hole curve on Jin Zixuan, so that Jin Zixuan died and the Jin sect will become his and he will become the new sect Leader of Jin.

" What if that Jin Zixun shows them his chest that he have no backlash of the curse, what are we going to do?"the other person asked and Jin Guangyao replies "after putting curse on Jin Zixuan, we will wait till he tell anyone about the curse then we put the same curse on Jin Zixun so that it will actually be the curse on him but we will tell everyone that its backlash of the curse he put on Jin Zixuan. And since there is no way to remove the curse they both will die eventually." After that both of them leave one by one so that so one can see them with each other and suspect anything.

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