Chapter 69

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"And then you marry her?" Jiang Cheng asks pointing his finger at Yi Fei.

"you are married?" Shocked Jiang Xuan Lu ask.

"He also has a son!" Lan Xichen added while looking at his brother to see if he is sad.

Luo Qingyang asks, "wow, so you are his wife?" Looking at Yi Fei.

Yi Fei gives a smile and look at Wei Wuxian and ask," Wei gege, can I continue to tell your story to everyone! "

Wei Wuxian," why? "

Yi Fei," because I want to".

Wei Wuxian pout and said," no, I will tell".

Yi Fei," but they want to know about me!"

Although Lan Wangji knows that Yi Fei is like a younger sister to Wei Wuxian but it didn't mean he likes it when his Wei Ying talk to her like this, being all cuty-cuty and others think they are husband and wife.

Lan Wangji talk a few deep breaths to control himself and then look at his Wei Ying and call him in a very calm voice, "Wei Ying", but that single call was enough for Wei Ying to understand Lan Wangji is not liking his little chit-chat with Yi Fei.

Wei Wuxian,"fine, you tell them".

Yi Fei did a little happy dance and stand up where she was sitting and goes and stand beside Wei Wuxian. She starts ," greetings Sect Leader's and Madam's, my name is Wang Yi Fei. I meet Wei gege almost 3 years old through my father Wang Zhuocheng. My father was a farmer and had big farms. The day Wei gege reach our village, he roam around in the village the whole day and at evening he decide he will stay in our village. Now all he needed was a job so that he can feed himself and get a place where he can life".

" That's when he meet my father who was working, my father give him work in the farms and also allow me to live with him in his house since he did not had any place to live. He brought him home and we start living together" .

Luo Qingyang," at that time, did you knew who he was?"

Nie Mingjue," yes, and if not when did you get to know about his true identity? "

Yi Fei,"he lived his life like a commoner and never give us any reason to doubt him. I get to know about his true identity because he wanted me to know what will happen when we came here for my treatment".

Jiang Xuan Lu," what treatment?"

Wen Qing," she has a heart disease of which make doctor didn't know how to help her so someone suggested my name to them and to save her life, they came here".

Yi Fei," yes, to continue my story, after living with each other for some time I become a younger sister to him and he become my older brother."

Jiang Yanli," wait a minute, so you are not his wife?".

Nie Mingjue," but you have a child. "

Lan Xichen, "Young master Wei, please do tell us that you didn't do anything that he shouldn't had done".

Lan Wangji," brother! "

Lan Xichen," I am sorry, Young Master Wei. But I couldn't stop myself from asking ".

Wei Wuxian smiles before he replies," it's fine, Zewu Jun. I don't mind and to answer your questions everyone, Yi Fei is not my wife. She is a younger sister to me and will always be a younger sister to me. And about a'yuan, actually Yi Fei did get married to a man named Liu Haikuan. After her marriage her father died within a month due to helath issue which he had before their marriage and the reason he wanted her marry before he dies."

"After he died, he leave everything in my care. Yi Fei become pregnant with A'yuan but after 6 months, in an incident his husband died so I brought her back since there was no one else who can take care of her. And since I was the only father figure in front of a'yuan when he born, when he start speaking he start calling me Baba and no matter what we tell him, he never listen and that is how he become my son".

Everyone give a sympathetic look to Yi Fei who lost her husband and father within a month and is now have a son only but still have a smile on her face.

Yi Fei," please do not give me that look, I am totally fine now. I was lucky that I had Wei gege with me who helped me with everything. So, when he told me about his past, and how he didn't want his family and friends to know about his real identity, I didn't think twice and said yes to the play where I had to behave like his wife."

Jin Zixuan," did he used his original name from the starting? "

Yi Fei, Nie Huaisang, wen Qing and Wen Ning laughs at that whereas Wei Wuxian face become red and Lan Zhan's ear also become red.

Jiang Cheng," why are you 4 laughing and why is your face become red Wei Wuxian. Are you ok? Do you have a fever? " Jiang Cheng panicked not wanted anything to happen to his brother.

Nie Huaisang," trust me when I say you all didn't want to know the name Wei-xiong used. And Jiang-xiong, Wei-xiong is alright, he is just embarrassed, right Wei-xiong? "

Wei Wuxian give him a glare at him with a pouty face which makes Lan Wangji feels quick itchy. Lan Wangji wanted nothing more than to just tell the whole world that Wei Ying is his and vice-versa.

Jin Zixuan, "oh, I want to know, if it can make a shameless person like Wei Wuxian blush in embarrassment, it's worth knowing! ".

Wei Wuxian give him death glare and say," shut up you peacock, just because you are now shijie's husband and a sect leader, it wouldn't still stop me from beating the shit out of you even if I am a mediocre".

Lan Wangji didn't like it whenever Wei Wuxian call himself a mediocre but he stop himself from commenting on it.

Jiang Cheng,"shut up Wei Wuxian, Nie Huaisang tell us what name did he use?"

Wen Ning,"Wangxian".

"What?" Jiang Cheng, Lan Xichen and Jin Zixuan asks at the same time.

Luo Qingyang," as in Wang from Lan Wangji and Xian from Wei Wuxian? "

Wen Qing nodded her head.

" Why did you use Hanguang Jun name? " Jiang Cheng asks.

" At that time, I also didn't understand why I gave myself that name, but now I think I know! " Wei Wuxian replies.

Lan Xichen sees how his brother's ears are getting redder and redder as the time passes and really want to know what is going on so ask, "what is the reason then, Young master Wei?"

Wei Wuxian looks at Lan Wangji asking his permission, if he can tell other's about their feelings and see a slight nod from Lan Zhan.

Wei Wuxian closes his eyes to gather the courage as much as he can before he replies," because I love Lan Zhan".

Now it's time the whole room become silent as nobody expected this, even in their wildest dreams that Wei Wuxian loves Lan Wangji.

Wei Wuxian is a cut-sleeve? Does Hanguang-jun knows about his feelings? Does Hanguang-jun also feels the same about Wei Wuxian? ... And so on,.. are the questions starts to float in everyone's mind.

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