Chapter 21

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Next day, after the breakfast everyone gathers in the Jin sect hall as per the sect leader Jin's orders. After everyone is settle down, sect leader Jin stand up from his seat and greet everyone and said "I would like to discuss a very important matter with everyone in the hall..."before he can continue Jin Guangshan stand up from his seat and said " Jin Zixuan firstly tell us why his excellency, young master Nie,and  sect leader Jiang, Nie and lan are here in the internal meeting of Jin sect".

"Father, I will tell everything so listen carefully, on the last day of the banquet which happened in Jin sect when I became the sect leader, His Excellency was going back to his room when he saw Jin Guangyao hiding in a corner and talking to someone secretly, he got suspicious and decide to know who Jin Guangyao is talking is and what he is talking and decides to hide near them to hear their conversation. Jin Guangyao was talking to sect leader Su and was planning to put a 100 hole curse on me, and decided to put the blame on Jin Zixun and also after I tell anyone about me being getting cursed they were going to put the same curse on Jin Zixun which they were going to use as an excuse and tell that it is the backlash of the curse and after both of us  die from curse, Jin Guangyao wanted to become the sect leader of Jin".

Jin Guangshan have nothing to say since he was the one who bring his illegitimate son in the family and make him legitimate by giving him his surname. Madam Jin become furious hearing how an illegitimate son of his husband was planning to kill her son to become a sect leader. She stands up from her seat and asks "a'xuan where is that illegitimate son of your father, I'm going to kill him with my own hands. How dare he, going against the family and plan to kill you, a sect leader and his own half brother and also his cousin. And that Su She, wasn't he used to be a disciple of Lan clan and was thrown out of the sect after his betrayal to the sect to save his own life and now he wants to kill a sect leader and a sect heir after forming a minor sect by copying the musical cultivation techniques of the Gusu Lan Clan".

" Mother calm down, and let me complete, after that His Excellency directly went to meet sect leader Lan where he told everything to him about what he heard and Sect Leader Lan immediately send messages to sect leader Nie, Jiang and me and call us in his room where they tell us about the conversation between Jin Guangyao and Su She and we all decide to send some spies on both of them to know more about their planning and when they are going to execute it. Sect heir Nie helps us with the spies, and went my marriage date got fixed, we got a information that they are going to execute their in a week planned and Su She is going to be here.

His Excellency make a plan and two days ago all of them hide in the villages near the Jin sect waiting for Jin Guangyao to start executing his plan and when they got to know that he was going to execute his plan in night they came here in night when everyone went to their rooms and wait till they both start their ritual to put a curse on me, we all went to the Jin Guangyao's room where they were going to perform the ritual and then we caught them red-handedly and put them in prison. Currently they both are in dungeon of Jin sect. And this urgent meeting is to discuss the punishment for both of them. Please, do tell your opinions".

Everyone starts to give their opinions on the punishment both of them deserve but none seems like good enough for them, nd killing them directly is like going easy on them. Half an hour later, still no punishment is decided then Young Master Nie stand up from his seat and said " sect leader Jin may I ?" Jin Zixuan nodded his head and Nie Huaisang continue " I do have a punishment in mind, for Su She, how about we disperse his sect and blacklist him from the Cultivation world and also block his golden core so that he can never be able to practice Cultivation. He should also not allowed to stay near the Cultivation world but before that I want him to help me in putting a 100 hole curse on someone...."

Nie Mingjue cut his brother in between and asks "who do you want to curse ?" "Da-ge, it's for Jin Guangyao punishment since he loves to put curse on other person so why not let him taste his own medicine. This way we will be able to punish both of them " Nie Huaisang replies. Everyone chears for sect heir Nie for thinking of such of punishment. After the punishment is decided, sect leader Jin asks his disciples to first bring Su She. After few minutes, Su She is standing in the middle of the hall, Nie Huaisang starts "Su She, since you love to put curse on Peron, can you help me in putting the 100 hole curse ok someone. If you help me, maybe I will help you in asking them to minimise your punishment. Hearing that, Su She immediately agrees and asks " to whom you want to put curse on?" Nie Huaisang replies " Jin Guangyao".

Su She "what?"
Nie Huaisang "oh, come on , Don't give that time, yesterday he was ready to put the whole blame on you so why not use him to reduce your punishment".
After thinking for few seconds Su She replies "ok, I will help you in putting the curse on Jin Guangyao"
Nie Huaisang "good" then he looks towards a Jin disciple and asks "can you break Jin Guangyao here", the disciple nodded and left. After few minutes later, Jin Guangyao is standing beside Su She, and looks towards Lan Xichen and said "Zewu-jun, Chìfēng-zūn please believe me, I did not do anything he is one who did everything, I didn't even now how to curse someone...."

Jiang Cheng gets irritated hearing his babbling and said ,"will you shut up by yourself or do you want to have some taste of Zidian " and Zidian cracks in his finger. Jin Guangyao shivers at the mere thought of Zidian touching his body and stop talking. Nie Huaisang tooks towards Su She and said "start the ritual", after 15 minutes Su She replies "done". Nie Huaisang smiles and replies "good and now your punishment, your sect will be disperse and you from today onwards will be blacklisted from the Cultivation world and also your golden core will also be blocked so that you can never be able to practice Cultivation. You will not be allowed to stay near the Cultivation world." Nie Huaisang moves towards Xichen " Er-ge, help me in blocking Su She golden core". Xichen nods his head and after some hand movements and he turns towards Nie Huaisang and said "done".

Nie Huaisang smiles and turn towards the Jin disciple and said "take them away and thrown them far away Cultivation world".

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