Chapter 85

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It took 3 days for Jiang Cheng and Jiang Xuan Lu to come back with the person who was making troubles in Yiling City.

Just after they enter Lotus Pier, an urgent meeting was held in Lotus Pier meeting hall where everyone gathers after hearing that Jiang Xuan Lu and Jiang Cheng came back after capturing Li Tingyu.

After everyone takes their seats, the meeting starts and Jiang Cheng stands up to explain everything that happened within there 3 days stay in Yiling and how they capture the lady.

Firstly, he greets everyone in the hall and starts talking, "we have successfully able to capture Li Tingyu although it took us quiet some time in finding her. She was hiding in one of the houses of the villagers. I want to give credit to my cousin who helped me in finding her as even after 2 days I was not able to find her within she asked me that she wants to try. And I don't know how but within a day she was able to find her and then after some struggle from Li Tingyu's side, which was subdued by my cousin only, we were able to capture her."

Nie Huaisang," Madam Lan, can you please tell us, how you were able to find lady Li within a day when nobody was able to find her?"

Jiang Xuan Lu," Young Master Nie, it wasn't that hard. Actually it was the easiest part."

Jin Zixuan," may I ask Madam Lan, how?"

Jiang Xuan Lu,"my master used to told me that if you want to find any anything which nobody is able to find, then all you have to do is find a place where people know everything and love to do gossips. So, I use that trick and let me tell you it worked and that is how I found her".

Nie Mingjue," who is your Master, Madam Lan? And which place you went to find the information about Lady Li?"

Jiang Xuan Lu smiles sadly and Lan Xichen takes the chance to reply on behalf of his wife.

Lan Xichen," Dage, Xuan Lu's master was Young Master Wei!"

Jiang Xuan Lu," and to answer your second question, I went to a 'tavern' to find the information I needed!"

Nie Mingjue," a tavern, why?"

Jiang Xuan Lu," common people loves to do gossips and when they got drunk, they speak the things which they shouldn't. The servent who works there loves to speak too so if you give them enough order and make them happy, they will able tell you whatever they heard and what new thing is going on around there as they hear thing every now and then from all the gossips and the drunk people's".

Jin Zixuan," very smart idea, why I didn't knew about this idea before?"

Jiang Xuan Lu smirks and replies," because it was Wei gege's idea and we all know how much you to loved each other!"

Everyone laughs as almost everyone knows how much they used to hate each other as Wei Wuxian never wanted him to marry his shijie since according to him, his shijie deserve better than him.

Nie Huaisang," I must say, Wei-xiong was the best. Nobody had ever thought of such idea to get the information."

Jiang Cheng shakes his head and replies," he just loved to drink".

Lan Wangji smiles a little at that as he knows that Jiang Cheng is right and his Wei Ying used to love drinking alcohol, especially Emperor's smile.

Jiang Cheng," so now we have captured her, what do you think we should do with her?"

Sect leader Yao," we can't let her live! She knows demonic cultivation even if only a little bit. She is still a threat to our cultivation world!"

Sect leader Dao," I agree with sect leader Yao, we should kill her!"

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