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Zhan father opened the door and welcomed everyone inside, he knew his son hates him, but he just didn't expect to be this much, since arriving the only person speaking to him is this pyscho Wang yibo, he did everything for him, have him marry the richest businessman in China, he has money houses and he doesn't have to worry about anything, shouldn't he be grateful for that?.

Xiao zhan looked around the house, a lot of things has changed, it looks like Wang yibo really gave his unworthy father a lot of money, well it is understandable, since his father sold him.

"You sit down feel free, zhan you haven't visited since you got married, you haven't visited us, you can come here more often, it is your home too, your sister here has been talking about you a lot." Zhan father said while looking at his daughter who was eyeing Wang yibo up and down, her gaze clearly showing what she was really interested in Wang yibo who just pretended not to realise what was happening.

"Father i have my own family too, I'm very busy and i don't have time to be here all the time, Maria has friends, she doesn't need my company." Zhan answered, yibo was very satisfied with xiao zhan answer, it looks like xiao zhan has learnt a lot, he knows that going out and meeting some unknown people is unhealthy, he really has put his words into consideration and understood whatever he has been insisting for year's.

Zhan step mom secretly poked her daughter, she knows her daughter is in love with Wang yibo, and those rumours of wang yibo being a pyscho and dangerous is a lie, xiao zhan looks more beautiful and healthy, it clearly shows that he is being takes care of very well, her daughter deserves such a man and that means, Wang yibo will have to divorce xiao zhan and marry her daughter, Maria is a woman, beautiful and has every quality of being a wife, no one will criticise Wang yibo of being a faggot, because he is a normal human being not a weird creature who is after men who could even give birth.

Maria got the hint and her expression changed, even though she really hates xiao zhan to the core, if she wants to get what she mostly right at that moment, then she will have to compromise.

"Big brother, it's true what dad has said, it's been many years since i last saw you, you used to take good care of me when we were young, i know i was naughty, but you never even once complained about it. Let's hang out sometime." Maria said, zhan rolled his eyes, trying to pretend to be nice and a caring sister, he remembers very well how he was scolded, insulted and beaten by his step mother, reason being his step sister Maria reported to her mother that he bullied her or beat her up, when in reality he never has done such a thing.

"My partner has no time to hang out with you, you have survived all these years without him, i don't know where the sudden affection is coming from, with your little flirty and sneaky games won't work for me or my partner, find someone else to play with, but don't even think or dream of getting closer to my partner, i don't remember my partner having a little sister, but rather a step sister, you two are not related in any way." Yibo warned, and the environment whichever was about to get lively became cold and gloomy in an instant, the smiling Maria face paled within seconds.

Yibo stood up with Wuxian who was sitting on his lap was now in his arms, he grabbed xiao zhan hand and looked at the three people seated and looking at him in fear sharply.

"I won't stay in a place where some shameless people are coveting my partner! Baby let's go we will order take out! Staying here even for a second makes me even more mad." Yibo added and started leaving, xiao zhan didn't have time to grab his daughter's hand, but Fen was smart enough to ran after his mommy, zhan dad was rendered speechless, he wants to have a cooperation with wang yibos company because of his new project, with wang yibos companies help, he will really make millions, but he didn't expect his wife together with her daughter to have plans of destroying everything.

"What do you think your doing when you acted like that! I warned you to behave! Now look what you have done!" Zhan dad shouted at his daughter Maria.

"I did nothing wrong! You chose that useless xiao zhan to marry Wang yibo! What about me? I am still single with no one! Since he got married, he didn't bring anything in this house! After living such a good life, he forgot where he is coming from! If i got married to Wang, ,our lives could have been way better than now! Father you have to find a way to make xiao zhan leave Wang yibo and marry me!" Maria answered, stomped her feet and walked away, she just couldn't believe xiao zhan who is nothing to be blessed with someone as handsome as Wang yibo, though she has attended parties with her parents, she has never had the chance to see Wang yibo so close like she did today, and now she wants him, no one else.

Maria mother grabbed his husbands hands and smiled. "Honey our daughter is right, if we find a way to separate Wang yibo and xiao zhan, then have Wang yibo marry our daughter, just imagine the good things we will get, your business will expand and you will surely get a lot of advantages from your son in law."

Zhan dad was quite for few seconds, thinking about her wife's words, she might be right, if her daughter marries Wang yibo, then he is sure to benefit a lot, unlike xiao zhan who never cares about his family, even though he gave birth to him, took care of him, made sure he studied and graduated.

"Let's talk about this later, are you really sure our daughter loves Wang yibo?" Zhan dad asked for confirmation.

Wuxian and Fen were somehow confused of what has happened, one minute everything was okay and the next minute they left without even eating, they're really starving now. Zhan knew Wang yibo is angry, and if he will not find a way to calm down wang yibo, then he is going to suffer tonight.

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