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Yuan chen lifted his head to see who dared to hit him and his face turned pale when he saw who was standing infront of them.

"Wang yibo?......"

A hard slap was heard around the office and the next second yuan chen was seen lying down on the floor with a bloody mouth and a number of teeth can be seen on the floor.

"You even dared to mention my name." Yibo who got a handkerchief from his bodyguard and wiped his hand and fingers that has just slapped yuan chen sneered, threw away the handkerchief and knelt down beside xiao zhan who was trembling in fear, he was really scared and shaken with what has just happened. Yibo extended his hand to touch xiao zhan who immediately moved away.

"Don't be scared beloved it's me, your safe now." Yibo said gently, the cold and scary tone seconds ago was now very calm and reassuring, zhan lifted his head looked at wang yibo with teary eyes, seeing that it was wang yibo, he hugged yibo tightly ignoring the pain on his shoulder and broke down into tears, the strong xiao zhan who fought with all his might dissapeared and a pitiful and scared xiao zhan was now crying in wang yibos arms.

Yibo didn't say a word but just patted xiao zhan back, if he didn't rush here then he can't imagine what could have happened to xiao zhan. Luckily he placed a tracker on xiao zhan phone and when's xiao zhan left the house premises he will be alerted, today he was busy and by the time he knew xiao zhan has left the house, zhan has already arrived at his company, he immediately left the company to go and check why xiao zhan left the house without his permission, his calls went unanswered. He just didn't expect when he arrived at the office, he heard commotion inside, and he immediately guessed something must have happened, not caring about using a key to open the door, he kicked the door and what he saw infront of him enraged him.

Some useless human beings really dared and has the guts to touch his wife! The man he married for the past eight years was being touched by someone else! Just kicking them wasn't enough, he will deal with the two accordingly.

Yuan chen and john were taken away by wang yibos bodyguards, yibo touched xiao zhan shoulder who immediately groaned in pain, unbuttoning zhans shirt, yibo was invited by a reddened shoulder which was swollen too.

"Yibo it really hurts, i was so scared, i thought i will really be molested by those perverts, they even wanted to feed me aphrodisiac but i refused, they wanted to harm me and my baby and i fought with all my might, i didn't expect maria to hate me so much and sent two people to harm me and my baby." Zhan who was very emotional said, yibo eye's darkened, so that woman not only did she not give up, she sent two punks to hurt his wife, it seems like he has been so good recently and people has become courageous enough to mess with him!.

"My beloved has really suffered, i will take you to the hospital for a general checkup, then we can go back home." Yibo answered, not wanting to be angry at the moment because of xiao zhan disobedience, he carried his beloved out of the company, getting inside his car he instructed the driver to drive to the hospital.

Zhan not only sustained shoulder injury, the right side of his hip and ribs were injured too but not so serious, given an ointment to apply and some painkillers, zhan was allowed to go back home, zhan didn't let wang yibo be far away from him, even after arriving back home, wang yibo hugged the still scared xiao zhan to sleep, that day fen and wuxian were very well behaved, they didn't cause trouble at all.

"Please let us go, earlier we were just joking around with him, we weren't hurting him at all." John said while trying to look outside hoping to see someone who will come to save them before that devil will come to haunt them.

"Why are you begging? I want to see if that crazy wang yibo will dare touch me!" Yuan chen shouted but then hissed in pain, his cheek was red and swollen because of the slap earlier, his word's didn't come out normally because of the swelling and losing a number of teeth from his mouth, the next second the door was opened and wang yibo walked inside.

"Why are you suddenly scared? I just heard you say you will never beg me, and you want to see if i will dare touch you." Yibo said, grabbing yuan chen left hand and twisting it, a bone crack sound was heard followed by a very painful cry from yuan chen.

"I just touched you, i want to see if you will do anything to me?" Yibo added and laughed sarcastically, yuan chen who was now having a broken hand opened his pale lips to say a word but no word's came out of his mouth, john who saw what has just happened was trembling in fear.

"Tricking my partner to go to his company, finding ways to have my partner be alone with you two, that not being enough you dared to touch...touch what belongs to me!" Yibo shouted picking up a chair made of wood he smashed it on john back, just imagining where xiao zhan was touched by thesw two made him really mad, he wants to kill these two, crush them into nothingness.

Maria who was caught and was being taken where wang yibo was froze and her eye's went wide when she saw what has just happened, she heard of Wang yibos ruthlessness but she has never seen it before.

"Boss it took time to capture her since she was hiding." Yibo bodyguard reported, yibo looked away from the two men who were whimpering in pain and looked at maria with his bloodshot eye's. Maria knew she was really done for, she did everything to humiliate and find a reason to control xiao zhan and also have wang yibo find a very good reason to leave xiao zhan, but then these two were caught and she got to know that the Yizhan company that was opened not long ago actually belongs to xiao zhan and Yizhan are initials belonging to yibo and zhan!.

"Yibo....i...."  Maria stuttered not knowing what to say.

"Iam tired today, these two used their mouth to trick my beloved so cut off their tongues, used their eye's to look at my beloved, gouge out their eyes, used their hands to touch my beloved, cut off their hands, their manhood should be cut off too since they're so horny, lastly make sure to feed them what they wanted to feed my beloved, as for the mastermind...." Yibo eye's lit up and seems very excited with each word that he has said.

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