Merman Part 2

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Michael was in a daze as he went across the beach he was left on, trying to find the creature that had saved him. But in the end he couldn't and just eventually went home with nothing but his life. So his family was disappointed with the lack of fish he got but where more than happy to know he was alive.

He still wanted to see that half man half fish being again. But maybe another time as for now he was tired and decided to head to his cabin. It was a bit further away from his actual home but it does the trick. Anyway it had felt more like home than his actual home at times really. This was a place that had brought him joy and gave him a place to think.

Once he was there he saw a shadow. Michael at first didn't care until it had gotten closer. Then that was a problem. He had never liked anyone else knowing about here. So he went behind the cabin following the shadow. To his shock it was a merman. Did those actually exscist? Apparently they do. Through it was strange to see such a exotic creature that wasn't human.

Michael looked into the beings surductive gaze. It was paralysing. He just wanted to stare into those murky, brown hues for all entirety. 

Jake looked up at the human not meaning to sireuce the being with his natural charms. Of course he was a beautiful species. But as he saw into the eyes of a drowning human he felt a connection towards them as if he was their mate. He didn't know much about humans as all he knew was that they can't breath underwater. So he saved the human and after that he stalked them wanting to find out more about them.

And that had left him to here. Jake staring his human in the eyes, noticing the predatory look deep within them. He didn't move as the man got close. Nor try to escape. He let's them pick him up and take him away from his home.

Soon they found themselves inside the house as Michael had filled the tub putting Jake inside. Following after placing the merman in. It was a confortable silence but Jake seemed agitated. Suddenly he had lock his lips with Michael's.

They stopped as they looked one another in the eye before looking away. Feeling content with just being in each others presences.

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