Horse riding

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Jake was sad and disappointed in himself as he hadn't won. He was second place once again and it was starting to tick him off. It was the same person that had beaten him for 3 years now and it was really passing him off now. How can he lose to someone who had been around for 3 years and was a noob when they had first beaten him.

Sighing out loud he went to get his horse and leave not wanting to stay on his second best podium anymore. Jake was rushing as he didn't want to look anyone in the eyes anymore. Not even his friends.

'Why am I always such a disappointmen?' Jake had asked himself as he went to the back only to see the disappointment on his parents faces as they had finally decided that he wanted good enough to be a rider. So they had took his beloved horse. Breaking his heart even more as he had loved that horse so much he had named her Lisa.

And now he was heart broken at this point. Jake had lost every as his parents left him behind as they drove of. It had begun to rain. How pathetic was he now. He didn't even dare look up as he mindlessly walked away not going home as it would take all day to. Tired, he was tired of the world being too cruel to him.

Michael saw the man as he held his umbrella and asked his friends that had been assisting him to take his horse home as he goes and checks on something. He ran towards jake and hold the umbrella over the two seeing the gentle tears of the other. Who he had guessed has been crying.

'Was it over hid lose?' Michael thought confused on my the boy would cry over such a minor thing. But he soon noticed that they didn't have their horse. 'What had happened to it and where aren't his parents here to pick him up already?'

"You most think I'm real pathetic don't you. My family don't want me became I disgrace the name and they had taken my horse. Way to add salt to an open wound don't you think. If you had come to say anything then just say it I'm already broken enough as it is." Jake spoke voice sounding dull as the life had already been drained out of him.

Now Michael only stared at him in pity. "I'm sorry." Was all that he had said as they stand in the rain together.

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