A Little Moment

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It wasn't a very good plan but Vi insisted on drawing her out. She must have known we were here and we were pretty damn sure she was too. The more I looked at the evidence I drew parallels to her work in the Undercity.

Vi sparred in the corner to an invisible force. I accidentally let out a little laugh.

"Oh sure laugh it up Cupcake." She teased and kept dodging and pulling punches.

She seemed in slow motion for a moment and I shook my head blinking looking back down at a map of the city. I cleared my throat. "There!" I pointed "that's the perfect spot for an ambush I can set up high and you low... in the-"

"That's what she said." Vi busted out a serious laugh. God she had been holding that one in. She couldn't help herself. I twitched my nose and rolled my eyes smirking.

"Plenty of time for that later." I teased her patting her on the chest, She leaned in right as Mel's mother burst through the door. "She's here!" "Quickly!" She demanded.

Caitlyn & Vi: The Void to Fill (an Arcane Season 2 Story)Where stories live. Discover now