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Heimerdinger shared his infrastructure prototypes and began implementing and developing ideas with help from Viktor's lab and even the occasional help from Singed. The good doctor was still nefarious and was kept in the sights of the Enforcers. But he did prove himself useful from time to time. Renata started drumming up investors for the improvements to be made in Zaun. Everyone agreed there was a fair amount of cleaning up to do and most invested a modest sum into it, especially if it meant they didn't have to get their hands dirty, just shovel money at it all.

Jayce and Mel decided it was time to withdraw from local politics and returned home to Noxus to start rebuilding Mel's homeland. They both served on the international council. Jayce didn't continue any further Hextech research after that.

The Kirraman's began efforts to create a universal Health initiative for both Zaun and Piltover. They created this along with serious backing from the Council. Viktor was a consulting party serving as one of the heads of their board. Many of the manufacturing and elite families began contributing to those efforts through investments and by donating goods and services. Reparations and free care would be available for all. Zaunites that worked in the mines and those that were slowly released from Stillwater were given stipends and food and some temporary housing for them and their families.

The Council pledged to create a welfare program available to all in both Zaun and Piltover. This would provide long-term benefits with the implementation of various job opportunities and disability assurances for the people. Vi and Caitly were even able to push for actual relief for those with a criminal records as well. If someone needed a job they were provided with one. Eventually they became the twin cities of progress as well as cities of second chances.

Eventually Caitlyn and Vi proposed a mental health facility — one outside of Stillwater. It was their dream to see further support for the people in every aspect of their lives and to further honor Jinx. The academy began training mental health doctors and nurses to provide needed care. The universities began working with other nations sharing case studies and notes. Powder was one of their greatest examples of success.

There were of course still gangers, random minor drug lords and chem barons trying to make a buck. Even Piltover's greedy elite needed enforcing. Caitlyn continued as a sheriff for about another 2 decades. Vi stayed on the force for several years but as a training officer. She rarely went into the field in the later years as she had racked up too many concussions. So she made it her mission to train some of the best of the best. Passing on their legacy of Piltover's Finest.

The Firelights expanded their borders and welcomed all that were willing to reform and work together. They even accepted a few Piltover converts to their cause. They began rehabilitation of more than several members from the deepest depths of Zaun, it was a place for many to live out their final days in peace.

Caitlyn and Violet Kirraman married and indeed created a better Zaun and Piltover. They pushed for changes at every level. Even within their own home.

It was something they had both thought about and discussed at length. It actually took 3 years of convincing both of them back and forth. Caitlyn didn't want to be obligated to produce an heir and Violet couldn't wrap her head around the idea of caring for a child, one she could possibly fail. Not even Caitlyn's parents could convince the pair that they were ready for this. Though Cassandra was always quick to point out that they all weren't getting any younger.

Finally, it was Ekko – of all people – that got through to them. He reminded them that their insecurities about raising kids were exactly the sorts of things caring loving parents would be burdening themselves with.

"Shit, you two don't even have kids yet, and you're already worried. You're going to do just fine." He said while snatching up his 4 year old little girl in his arms and spinning her around. Caitlyn looked a bit concerned at the speed at which he was performing the maneuver, the girl just laughed.

"Look, nothing is ever going to be perfect. But all you gotta do is try your best and just be there. You've been great God parents and you've been practicing for this your whole lives, you just don't know it yet. It's not going to be easy, but it will be worth it in the end. You don't know the kind of love you can gain from a child..." Ekko, that little boy had really grown up, Vi thought. Vi teared up, Ekko teared up; his little girl bopped him hard on the nose and then squirmed away down the hall laughing maniacally. "...these kids won't know the same pains we went through. Their lives will be better, even when they're acting like little sh– saints." His wife glared at him from the table. They all laughed at that.

And so after 11 years of marriage they took in two orphans from Hope House. A little boy about 6 years old and a young girl about 9 at the time they came to stay with them. Jayce was the fun uncle that showered them with gifts every chance he visited. And life was good, really good.

Their lives and cities were so different from those first few years they had had together. Nothing was easy to come by, but there was a lot of joy mixed in. They still fought at the political level; they still stood up to prejudices on a nearly daily basis. They still argued with each other. Their teenagers were an absolute handful – not unlike their parents – sneaking in and out and getting into more than a few skirmishes. But Vi and Caitlyn were determined to see everything through. And so they did. Together they built their small family and created a much better, more accepting, and prosperous world around them.

Their charges were educated and became leaders in their own right. Caitlyn and Vi created and funded the Powder Scholarship that helped Zaunite children to study inside of Piltover. They retired from the force in their mid 60's. They lived happily in the outskirts of Piltover but visited Zaun often. Their family visited often and they found themselves at the Kirraman estate about once a week, usually with a young grandchild or two in tow. Cassandra and Tobias content to spoil them rotten.


You can find more about Jinx and her Journal as well as probably AU shorts here:

Jinx's Case Files


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