The Beginning of the End

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Purple smoke stacked up from its borders. Noxus had sounded their alarms. They were under attack. Our scouts couldn't make out anything. They said smoke and a dark shadow nearly enveloped Noxus lands where even the sun at mid day couldn't reach the ground.

We had an inclination that maybe the Void had started its consumption in Noxus. Caitlyn and Mel assembled teams to send to Noxus for intel. Flares went up at the heart of their capital but were soon snuffed out by the thick dark smoke. The scouting teams couldn't get close. But they could hear the sirens in the distance and the screams of its people. They could see flashes of light. Then nothing - silence.

Jinx came to meet us watching for the scouting parties to return but she started to grab her head and screamed out.

"It's, it's there in Noxus I can feel it. Ahhh!" She cried.

"Powder? Powder! Are you?"

"Make it stop!" She reached for Caitlyn's pistol but fell to her knees writhing in pain. She lay helpless on the ground, none of us knew what to do.

Mel saw her and threw a barrier around her. "It's dark magic, she's feeling someone else." Her eyes widened. Another mage joined in.

Soon Jinx stood still rubbing her temples. "What the hell was that?"

Each mage took turns shielding her, replenishing their strength as another took over.

"Vi, I– I'm scared." Jinx quivered.

"I know..."

Caitlyn asked, "Mel is it the Void? Could it be?"

"I - I don't think so. This is something I think I've seen before. A dark mage can take over another's thoughts and control their actions...if the link is strong enough."

We just sat there stunned. Was this part of why Jinx existed? A few minutes went by.

"I, maybe... There's a book in my hideout. It's full of dark magic. Could that?..."

Mel's mother shouted, "where is it? It must be destroyed!" They sent several Noxians to her layer.

Within minutes they returned with the dark journal. It was glowing deep purple not unlike the smoke that was rising.

"Jayce!" Mel cried.

"Already ahead of you." Jayce raised his hammer, opening it as it struck the ground. Sparks flew as he aimed.

Jinx cried out, "no you fools!" But it didn't sound like her. She spat and foamed at the mouth back down on her knees. Mel held her shielding steady with help from several other mage's. "Now!" Mel shouted.

Jayce slinged a massive single blast at the book and it exploded. Jinx cried out and then she was silent. Her eyes flashed red then back to normal. She stood up slowly.

"I, I think he's gone." She said, no longer in pain. A raven crowed at the top of the building.

"What the fuck was that?" I asked us all. I ran to Powder steadying her shoulders.

"Who was that?" Asked Caitlyn.

"My guess, it could have been Swain." Mel spoke coldly.

"You stupid girl, dabbling in dark magic is one of the worst crimes. There is no controlling it. It takes a hold of your soul, your mind, your actions. It could have killed us all!" Ambessa shouted, she threw her hands on a nearby desk, then stormed away with her battalion.

Jinx didn't get angry at that, she just blinked, still unsteady..

The scouting parties returned not long after that and reported. The city - no all of Noxus- was quiet now but the smoke continued to rise and grow from its center. By the time we arrived at the watchtowers it had started engulfing more of Noxian lands slowly creeping out across the landscape. It was advancing our way.

Caitlyn & Vi: The Void to Fill (an Arcane Season 2 Story)Where stories live. Discover now