Preparations and Repercussions

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I couldn't imagine what my life would be if I hadn't met Caitlyn. I kissed her goodnight but stayed awake for awhile. 

She took over as sheriff while I had been training enforcers and some pretty kick ass fighters from all over the region. Building alliance ties wasn't easy. Jayce had resigned as councilor to oversee the Alliance board and Innovations initiative. His laboratories along with Viktor, Ekko and other scientists from every nation began creating different tools, armor, and weapons to aid in our upcoming fights. 

Mel and many Noxians worked tirelessly to hone their magical talents and potions. It was intimidating I still didn't understand it at all.

There began to be small attacks around the region's outskirts. No one saw anyone come and go. Most of them were disappearances of sometimes entire families or children in small villages. Much of this was happening to the north. But then reports of some seriously heinous acts, shadows and odd moving smoke along with disappearances began to come in from the south. Even with all of the Alliance watching we hadn't seen any movement from Noxus or their supposed allies. So how were they getting there? Caitlin was on that case.

Jayce felt he may have seen something like this as a child and started speaking with the older mages. He was looking for a rune master he called it.

Victor continued his research with a friend he called a doctor Singe. I did not like the guy but he had some cruel technology and methods that made him a valuable asset for now. He literally took out an entire camp with one vile of his noxious gas which proved his point. He claimed he had also helped jinx develop her weapons in the past.

The real war was coming soon we could all feel it.

In the training ground trenches I was joined by Garen, Lee Sin, Riven, Jarven and more. They were each incredible and we taught each other various tactics. Lee Sin even had us practicing blind folded for a week. It was strangely effective. Everyone was really inspiring and I couldn't wait to be a part of it everyday. There was some hope. We didn't get a long right away, first having to beat the shit out of each other. Those were actually the best days I had there. I love a good fight. 

But what I didn't see coming were the inmates who were released a few weeks later to fight. It was a work release by day, but if they proved they could be an asset and fought in the war then they could have their freedom. I had spent years with them in Stillwater. With and without my gauntlets I was stronger than them all now and much faster. But seeing the faces of my once abusers brought back demons. I hated them. I nearly killed 3 of them on the first day they arrived. Garen had to drag me away. I hated the council for releasing them. Another thing they just couldn't understand.

For a while I held that against Caitlyn too. I couldn't help it, taking my anger out on her. 

"Who the hell do you think you are putting me in that position?" I yelled. "You have no idea what they did to me!" 

She knew some, but kept quiet letting me explode. I threw a glass against the wall and flipped the table. Slammed the door and left. Didn't come home that night or the night after just hit things and bashed in faces all over town.

Took it out in training again. Jayce had to step in with his hammer and snapped me back to the present.  He counseled, "I'm sorry for putting you through this, but those days in Stillwater are behind you Vi!"

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