A Small Event

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*Lyrics of thought from "I Don't Care" by Ed Sheeran

Caitlyn Journal Excerpt

Months of hard work and finally things were starting to turn in our favor. My mother decided to throw a party for the politicians and investors in Piltover and Zaun. She just can't help herself really. But she is at least in a better place as of late. She even surprisingly insisted Vi accompany me. Maybe she's coming around to our relationship. Maybe. She does want us to make more connections at the very least. And she has started to respect Vi more as one of the key participants in the negotiations. Even if she hasn't completely wrapped her head around the fact that Vi is my partner. Father, on the other hand, has been nothing short of amazing. He welcomed Vi with open arms and no questions asked.

With the negotiations continuing, it's been a nice distraction having something to do and someone to be with outside of work and war. It's been an interesting experience. While personal life has taken more of a relaxed and front seat in our priorities, work is almost more tenuous than when we were at war. Trying to appease everyone is no small task. Vi gives Jayce a piece of her mind often, she finds him on the wrong side of things more than I would like, but she's not entirely wrong either. The man makes constant assumptions. Slowly, however, he's come to accept her honesty – most days. My mother too regularly asks for Vi's opinions in regards to Zaun when we're visiting in private. She has been really receptive to Vi's ideas and experience and tries to swing the council in her favor on a lot of the issues at hand. Vi has grown to like her more and I have grown to respect more of the woman who once hid behind her political facade.

Though I knew things wouldn't be easy, there have been some serious confrontations with the representatives. That always sours Vi's mood. And to top it off the council members still ask for her assistance in their favor, but Vi would never accept being a pawn. She has blatantly and publicly called the council out at nearly every meeting for their assumptions and shortcomings. Something most were not fond of at the start, but slowly she was gaining their respect. She was making real progress for our cities, and it is now apparent they know her worth. Something I've known all along.



Caitlyn's mom of all people asked me to escort Caitlyn to the Gala. I have to say I was surprised. But she insisted it would be good for us. Her words, not mine. I was hesitant but she said she would have a suit brought in for me. I'm looking in the mirror now gawking at this deep burgundy wonder. I have to admit she has some pretty good taste. But I did make some alterations of course. I couldn't stand the shoes, so boots it is... and a couple buckles here and there. Everything has to have at least one buckle right? And the collared shirt was a no go. I threw on a silk black deep v-neck blouse I borrowed from Caitlyn instead. She won't mind, I was laughing at the thought right when Caitlyn entered the room behind me. Damn.

My mouth fell open. She was absolutely gorgeous. The slit in her slender black dress nearly reached her hips. I blinked a few times as she came behind me almost as stunned as I was. She turned me around looking away from the mirror.

"Violet. Wow." Was all she could get out before I sealed her lips with a searing kiss.

"You look incredible Cait. Uh, are you sure we have to go to this party?" I said, raising my brows up and down with a smile. We both giggled.

"Come on, we don't have to stay the whole time. Besides, didn't you ever wonder what we Topsiders do for fun?"

"Hmm I think you've shown me plenty of good times..." I grabbed her ass. But all kidding aside I was curious. "But, you're right. I do really want to see what all the fuss is about."

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