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I started to gain some more energy back in the days leading up to our first meeting with Zaunite leaders. Ekko and Renata were both in attendance along with 3 representatives from the council. Ekko gave a nod and even Renata shook my hand respectfully. 

This was going to be a process. Before everything happened with The Void we had only made slight improvements on both sides. Zaun was still in dire need of reparations and improved development.

It was clear very quickly that much of this wouldn't happen simply by sitting around a table.

I finally stopped the discussion abruptly part way through the second meeting. We were getting no where. It was more of an argument than a negotiation. So I insisted we take a field trip.

"You don't understand! I mean you can't. You won't know what is really happening down there unless you can see it and feel it. You know what, why don't you see it. I'll take you. All of you, the entire council if we have to. You have to have a better idea of what's going on and what better way to do that than to see it with your own eyes?"

I told them to clear their schedules on Friday and Saturday. I wasn't sure exactly how I wanted to go about this but Caitlyn quickly stepped up to help make it a reality. She and I put together a squadron of enforcers we trusted to escort us into the Undercity. Though it was a lot safer now, the councilors insisted we should always be prepared for the worst. I reluctantly agreed it was a good idea.

Friday came and we began our decent into the Undercity. The councilors were hesitant, but Jayce and Viktor joined us as well.

I decided it was best to start on the Entresol level where the nicer entertainment and retail district thrived. Many from Piltover would come and indulge in the exotic cuisine, entertainment, and commodities. Babette even made an appearance and asked for more support for her new entertainment hall - a classier establishment that hosted plays, even operas and events. Definitely miles away from her lesser known underground house of ill repute. I gave her a wink - she had always been good to me.

Then we moved our party to the Lanes. I waved to Jericho and grabbed a skewer, none of the councilors were willing to try it - their loss. But Viktor and I indulged. I even got Caitlyn to try a bite. We moved slowly touring the various establishments. They were starting to see the true locals now. We drew closer to the Last Drop. A young lady named Zeri had taken it over after Sevika left. She wasn't half bad. She really cared about the people and she came highly recommended by Ekko - he was sweet on her I think. Anyways, it was a decent introduction for the councilors. But I was dreading the next part. 

Caitlyn sent a couple of our enforcers ahead to clear a path. We walked through the Black Lanes where many shady dealings and gangers made a living. There was still a lot of cleaning up to do, but this wasn't the worst part yet. The councilors turned up their noses. But Renata and I were quick to point out that these people didn't really have a choice. That many were born with nothing and this was their only way to survive, to get a meal, to have a place to sleep, or to repay debts.

Then we came to the depths where even the chem lights didn't shine. The Gray, a toxic fog, snuffed out every last ounce of light. The Piltovians secured their breathing masks and even I had to let out a few terrible coughs before finally putting mine on. We were heading towards the scariest parts of Zaun that everyone wants to forget. Where the toxicity and demons lie. The homeless and the diseased. The abandoned depths that were made uninhabitable to most with their proximity to the mines. Only those truly desperate would stay here, and then they would only survive months if they were lucky. Really this place was a graveyard.

We didn't stay there long but the councilors and even Renata gasped at the sites. At the realization that so much was wrong here.

We ascended back up to the higher levels where Ekko met us. He told us we could spend the night with the Firelights if we chose. But we would need to be blind folded in order to keep their location a secret. Several of the enforcers left us then and Cait's mom took her leave with them. Renata knew she wasn't welcomed. The rest of us followed Ekko and were greeted by several of his kin. Former councilor Heimerdinger greeted us as well and with that the councilors were made more comfortable. We made our way to their sanctuary.


Caitlyn's POV

The Firelights

"Some call us inspired, some despise us. But the reality is we've found ways to live in harmony and to give back what we can to the people and each other. We share everything and we live in peace." Ekko introduced us to their world, really their commune established around this massive tree.

The Firelights welcomed the councilors, Jayce and Viktor, and the few enforcers that accompanied us. They gave each a small necklace a trinket made by their children and a sign of respect.

They showed us to a massive table that was set up to fit mostly everyone at once. They had prepared a modest dinner for us all. It wasn't anything near Pilover standards, but the few of us that remained graciously accepted their offering. Many of the councilors wanted to repay them for their generosity. They saw now just how hard it was to get by here. And they saw how much the Firelights viewed each other as equals. Even the children had a seat at the table. and a few sat by the councilors and spoke to the enforcers without fear. The night culminated in the warm glow of several small fires and the green bursts of light by several firelights in the sky. Discussions and demonstrations of technology and society abounded. Heimerdinger showed his protypes for cleaner infrastructure and air scrubbing tech. 

Finally they showed us all to a few cots that were set up in various rooms for the guests. As the others retired for the evening Vi and I stayed up talking near the mural along the wall.

"Hey guys, so how did the day go?" Ekko joined us.

"Ya know, little man, it actually wasn't half bad, I think... Cait?"

"Hmm yes I agree, it's a pretty good start at least." I said, "But you know we should show them the water ways before we go tomorrow."

"Oh yeah that's a good idea. Ekko could your guys escort us there?"

"Yeah I think we could do that. I'll bring some of our diagnostic tools with us so they can see just how polluted it really is."

"Thanks man, we appreciate it."

"Anything you need Vi. Especially if it means a brighter future for Zaun. Goodnight you two." Ekko left us alone again.

"Hey Cupcake... you know I think I first fell for you right over there. You were talking of helping us, of healing this city and I just was blown away by you. You not only had just saved my life but you wanted to keep fighting for us. I still can't believe how incredible you are..."

"Hmm, yes I remember that. You kept stealing some looks my way." We chuckled.

"When did you know you liked me Cait?"

"Hmm, honestly? This is a little embarrassing..."

"Oh come on tell me."

"Fine, doesn't matter now. I guess it was at Babette's." I turned beat red.

"Oh, ha really?! That is too cute."

"Oh come on."

"No really I mean it. Yeah I thought you were hot but I thought for sure you weren't going to last two seconds in there... Ya know I saw you talking to that woman as I snuck out of there."

"Oh Gods really?!"

"Mhm... I thought. Damn. Alright maybe she is ok. Maybe I could even have a shot with her if we survived. And you know what you made sure that we did. I still can't believe you've saved me so many times. I can't even count them all now. You really are like my guardian angel I think."

"Hmm kind of fitting that we made it back here again isn't it?" I said.


Vi's POV

With a better understanding and far more empathy we started up negations again the following week. The council agreed to open a Hope House for women and children displaced in Zaun. They said we'd have to drum up more support and investments, but Caitlyn was determined to make it a reality. God I loved her determination and her heart.

Caitlyn & Vi: The Void to Fill (an Arcane Season 2 Story)Where stories live. Discover now