Shurima Arrives

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Noxus was gone and no one stood in the way of the Void's approach. Just minutes out now. Then a familiar purple portal began to open to my right. Out stepped Kai'sa her face covered for battle followed by four fighters armored and large - they were ancient.

"I've brought my people to this fight. Gods willing we will crush this Void back to whence it came."

Azir, Nasus, Renekton and Renagar rose towering tall and gleaning their non-human teeth. And lastly a goddess stepped through shrouded in gold, her weapon some kind of cross blade at the ready. Sivir called, "We fight for all life! May the Gods be with you."

Kai'sa spoke loudly again, "you must starve the Void! The Mother cannot be allowed to feed. Hold your magic damaging attacks against her lest she consumes their power. Use all you can to prolong your lives. Kill her children and we might have a chance at her withering."

The darkness grew closer and we waited. Ambessa started a chant with her armies and the swelling cheer grew throughout all our ranks. 'Fight for Runeterra! Life for Runeterra!' Thousands of voices echoed off every building.

Caitlyn & Vi: The Void to Fill (an Arcane Season 2 Story)Where stories live. Discover now