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Vi's POV


Had gone to the extreme. We arrived at the test site some days later to him dawning a full suit of armor and a mask covering his face. This time he didn't remove it. He spoke with another worldly voice but still his accent came through. He was Viktor but he wasn't. He had Transmutated his entire body. He wanted to survive not only his illness but every enemy that was coming his way. He said he did it for our nations, but we could see this dark side of him. He had changed himself as far as he could to survive at any cost. He was living in a shell of a man surrounded by magic and technology we couldn't understand. He was dark and powerful.


No longer full of hope for the future Jayce became more cold and exacting in his efforts to develop weapons for our cause. He was solely focused on his developments, no one and nothing else. Mel and him together drifted further out of public view. Though they were still together - we thought - they didn't put an emphasis on their relationship. Jayce dived into his all too important work and he did not emerge from it. Not for anyone. Caitlyn had tried to speak with him occasionally but he hardly would respond. He was not the kind brother she had grown up with. The weight of all our troubles seemed to weigh heavy on his shoulders.


Maybe Mel was always this way, plotting for the bigger picture. She was like Caitlyn in this, predicting which way the cards would fall. She was a political force taking over talks with the Alliance of Nations. She alone directed their joint efforts and kept each nation apprised of efforts they needed to know. She didn't dare share everything we were doing, but enough so that they could all work together.

She had Increased her magical abilities. Maybe this played to her character more as a healer and seeing the larger state of things. She stood ready to assist us all. But she was cautious of her own well being. She knew she couldn't handle much on her own, so she aligned herself with powerful allies. She made it a point to seek every one of us out personally who were leading various initiatives. She wanted us to report directly to her weekly. And so we did. I never understood how an outsider could have such a hold on Piltover. It gave me a little hope for the future.


Mentally she seemed more comfortable and stable. Though there were still moments her mind would wander, she didn't usually lose control in a violent way now.

Physically she was fiercer than ever, she moved swiftly and could outlast any of us in the ring. Well, except for me. We pushed each other harder. We taunted one another but at the end of the day we left it at that. We were somewhat growing on each other maybe. But there was no redemption for her and she knew that. We were all trying to master our skills to be ready for whatever we would face.

Vi & Caitlyn together

Focused on the task at hand we haven't wasted any minute diving into our work and preparations. There's little time to ourselves, but each night we strive to be together. Our love is stronger than before, but our hardships are multiplying. We can only trust each other fully now, no one else. We rarely left each other's side. We both couldn't bring ourselves to imagine, 'what if I wasn't there when she needed me.'

Caitlyn kept delegating so she could stay near the training grounds. Jinx kept visiting regularly to spar. From Caitlyn's vantage point she could see the testing site in view also. She was watching us all and always kept her rifle at the ready looking over us. I felt a little safer with her around. The days passed by quickly. Just a couple weeks ago our world had been turned upside down. It was at least a bit of a gift that we had been warned of what was looming ahead. We had no idea how much worse things could get, but we kept fighting to prepare for the worst. I don't know what I would do if I lost her. I can't lose her.

Jinx POV

I hated everyone months ago. But now it was hard to hate them. Vi grew on me, hell Caitlyn even grew on me a little. They really cared and it showed. And I couldn't hate them for that.

I feel drawn to help my sister but also torn with this sneaking voice in my head. Now there's just one usually tormenting me. Every move I make wants me to destroy them all. I could do it. But every time he yells I'm able to stop myself now when I couldn't before. This yelling isn't me I think, maybe it's not who I am anymore.

I studied runes in the dark mage journal Singed had passed on to me a while ago. The same one that helped me create my rocket. I knew it had great power. I sat it in front of me as I worked on my masterpieces using crows feathers as bookmarks.

I was working with little sleep. It was easy to drop back into my mania that kept my mind racing pushing from task to task. It invigorated me. I loved diving into my tinkering again. One night I was up feeling this voice pushing me toward an even more lethal contraption. Then all at once the voice stopped. I looked out over the ridge behind Piltover, something was wrong. Deep purple smoke rose up from behind the mountains. What was that?

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