The Void to Fill

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Caitlyn and I buried our heads into our work in the coming days. We reviewed Jinx's notes and Jayce had taken the schematics and her work to delve into them with Viktor. He said these were a few remarkable weapons - unconventional - but if they worked, they would be highly effective against magical damage. That they carried a sort of shielding arch of arcane power as they fired. They got to work building prototypes.

We brokered a deal with Renata. In exchange for our silence and hers, she would lessen her grasp on the cities. She agreed to hand over her maddening gas formula and let the people pay their remaining debts without interest. She seemed to genuinely be afraid of the creature we had encountered in her headquarters. Said this Warwick - as he was referred to in the Lanes - had been hunting and tearing unsavory merchants and black-market dealers tearing them apart limb from limb. Said he was some kind of vigilante killing the killers of Zaun. She did not want that target on her back and swore to change her dealings to hopefully appease him. Although she continued to lay low and spent most of her time now in Piltover... We all knew his enhancements must have come from the doctor Singed.

Reports continued to come in increasingly from the southern deserts. It was more than whispers now. And it seemed maybe a different enemy was pressing closer to us.

That night Caitlyn and I were walking home after a long day. We had asked Singed about his previous experiments but he brushed them off, he was exceptionally busy. He said there were many lives he had saved with his alchemical formulas and surgeries, including Jinx. He left it at that. It was a discussion for another day. We stopped to grab some seafood at a street side stand near our home.

"I don't trust him - Singed." I said

"No, I hardly trust anyone these days besides you and Jayce." Caitlyn thought. "The world is changing all around us and I'm not sure what to expect anymore."

"Yeah, it's a lot, but I think we can handle it Babe. If we keep each other close and stay together." I reached for her hand.

"Right, we have to fight for us Vi, if there's anything to say and do let's just do it together, Ok?" She wasn't really asking.

"Ok Cupcake." I grinned.

But there was this sinking feeling - maybe for both us. We were just starting to see how hard it would be to survive this new world and we faced many enemies most of them we hadn't even encountered yet. That weight and darkness hung over us. But each day we had tried to find something good; something we could be happy about together even if it was small. We were in a better place than before. Stronger together.

As we sat talking, we felt something was wrong. Caitlyn stood up and looked around, but we couldn't make out anything out of place. Almost like someone was watching us. I grabbed my gauntlets and she raised her riffle. We walked into the street back to back then, just ahead of her, a deep purple circle opened. It flashed. Something, no someone stepped through it.

She looked human but not. Half her body covered in something dark sort of glowing. Her hands raised, we kept our weapons at the ready.

"Who are you?!" Caitlyn demanded. The portal closed behind her.

"I mean you no harm Caitlyn, I've come to warn you. The Void is coming for you, the people of Piltover." She spoke calmly but with almost 2 voices crying out at once.

I looked around a few people had noticed this creature but not many. "We should go." I motioned to Caitlyn.

"Come with us, let's... talk." Caitlyn lowered her riffle slightly. We walked to a safehouse just around the block and entered.

Caitlyn & Vi: The Void to Fill (an Arcane Season 2 Story)Where stories live. Discover now