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Caitlyn's POV

I was really nervous bringing Vi to see Jinx. The build up to that whole encounter kept me up most of the night for days, but I'm glad I was able to convince her to go. It's been eating at her denying that part of herself. I know there's so much going on for Vi. It's so painful for me that I can't seem to get through to her these days. Jinx didn't help but didn't actually hurt much either. I can feel us drifting apart. We can never seem to find peace and the seldom quiet evenings we do have are few and far between.

I'm trying to hang on to what we have, what we've built together. I wish she would try to see us a little more. To realize how much we really do have. She's so focused on the negative shit happening all around us. I think she's trying to feel better maybe, but I can't read her mind and she won't talk to me.

Seeing Jinx I hope gave her some closure. And I think Jayce may have finally gotten through to her the other day too - nearly had to beat her senseless to do it. I hate that she can't control her anger sometimes. Her strength is something I've always admired, but her aggressive trigger finger scares me. She would never raise a hand to me, but she's destroyed a number of dishes and criminals' faces lately.

I feel like I have to be stronger for the both of us right now mentally. I'm struggling but trying to lessen the burdens for everyone else around me. I wish I could take her away from all of this, just leave and not worry about anything else or anyone else. Forget about responsibility and duty. We both could never do that, but I wish we could if only for a little while. I used to be able to distract her away from anything just by giving her a look.

Although I'm in charge at work, Vi is very physical and usually takes the initiative at home - which I absolutely love - but she hasn't initiated anything lately. Maybe I need to try something different...

She came home a little less banged up tonight. Maybe a date was in order... Wait, had we been on a real date?

"Vi keep your shoes on! I'm taking you out!"

"What? Ugh can I at least change my shirt? I got blood on it."

"Oh yes sure, then let's get dinner."

"Ok just a sec."

This was good now I had a moment to think about whatever the hell I was doing...

We wandered a block and I saw something that reminded me of when I was a kid. A little street vendor market my father used to take me to whenever I had won a shooting tournament.

"Wow I had no idea this was still running!" I drug Vi quickly to one of my favorite foods, some sweet fried bun with brown sugar and bean paste inside.

"Divine and hot... sort of like you Cupcake." Vi smirked slightly. Something still bothering her.

"Vi look I love you. But I'm not sure where we stand. You hardly look at me these days... we don't say much to each other either."

"I know. I haven't felt like myself lately." She did kind of look funny. Then she promptly turned her head and threw up all over my boots.

"Oh, uh ... let's get you home."

She was burning up. A got her into a cool bath and checked her over. I didn't see any noticeable infected wounds but she looked awful. And there were a lot of cuts and bruises. Her poor hands. I carefully addressed everyone one of them. She chuckled when I'd hit a ticklish spot - I know them all. It's so funny to me that this big hardened fighter was so ticklish. We had some good laughs.

"Guess I ruined our date night huh?" She smirked a little.

"Oh Love, this wasn't ruined. I just wanted to spend time with you. We can try for a date again another time."

"Damn it, it doesn't feel like we ever have time... I'm sorry Cait. I haven't figured out how to do it all."

"Oh God no me neither."

We got her ready for bed and I sent her off with one of the potions Mel's staff had given us for ailments. She passed out right away.

Caitlyn & Vi: The Void to Fill (an Arcane Season 2 Story)Where stories live. Discover now