Chapter 64: My Daughter And Her Beautiful Girlfriend

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   In no time, I was in Ariana's car and we made our way to the picnic. She had reached over to hold my hand the second I had buckled in, and both of our hands rested on my lap the entire drive.

I could feel my entire body buzzing. This would be the first time we told anybody that we were together. Trent doesn't really count because he found out on his own in case you were wondering.

The entire drive my eyes kept finding their way from everything we were passing to Ariana. I gave up trying to redirect my focus after the second time. There was really no use to it, and she was definitely the best view.

She looked so beautiful when she was driving, though she looked beautiful in everything she did. Her jaw would flex slightly if someone cut her off or wouldn't let her merge. She'd smile the tiniest bit when somebody was nice, and I don't think she realized how we slowed slightly when we'd drive by a dog. I spent the entire drive lost in her.

   "Are you nervous?" She gave my hand a light squeeze as she pulled into the parking lot.

   "A little. I'm just worried your dad won't like me or will think it's weird or something."

   "You're joking, right?"

   "Why would I be?"

   She turned off the car and faced me, reaching for my other hand. "Before the New Years party, he gushed about how gorgeous his best employee's daughter was and told me to 'make a good impression.' He bothered me about keeping you well entertained, and he checked in after you had left with your family. He wanted to make sure I was treating you right. Before I knew it was you, I honestly kind of thought he was trying to pimp me out."

   I laughed and rolled my eyes.

   "Seriously though; you have nothing to worry about."

   "Thank you."

   "Now come on. I want to show the Willson's how hot my girlfriend is." She made a horrible face that I think was supposed to be flirtatious and let go of my hand to open her door.

   I blushed, against my will, and playfully hit her arms before getting out of the car. I joined her by her side, and our hands quickly found each other as we made our way to wherever she said her father was. We were meeting up with her dad first to break the news then we'd find ourselves to Mister Willson and his family, but if I'm being truthful, I was paying a lot less attention to where we were going and just how adorable she looked while almost skipping through the park to find her dad.

    "There's my lovely daughter!" Mister Edward shouted before bringing Ariana in for a hug.

   He didn't even look my way, and I was worried I was going to start nervous sweating. I really did not want to be stinky for this.

   "Hey Dad!" she hugged back, and they pulled apart. He looked over at me, and his smile somehow grew.

   "Y/n! What a lovely surprise; how are you?" He seemed genuinely excited to see me, and it melted my heart.

   "Hey Mister Edward! I'm doing great, how are you?"

   "I couldn't be better now that I'm here with two of my favorite girls!"

   I chuckled and looked towards Ariana.

   "Dad, y/n is my girlfriend."

   His eyes made their way down to our interlocked hands before he made a prayer motion with his hands and blew a kiss to the sky.

   "And you are happy?"

   "Very," we responded in unison.

   "Then my prayers have been answered. Welcome to the family Mia Bella."

   He pulled us both in for a long hug, and I felt all of the worry in my body be replaced with relief.

   "I am so happy for you two. Come now, we have to share the good news with the Willsons. They are family too now."

   He led us to a fancy, oversized tent set up in the middle of the park. We couldn't see inside, but I could definitely smell all of the food. Rich people always had the best food.

   "You guys wait here. I want to announce my daughter and her beautiful girlfriend."

   "I'm starting to think you like her more than me."


   He was not convincing.

   "Wait here."

He went inside the tent, and I found myself a little nervous again. I was hoping that the Willson's would be accepting of us.

"Mister Willson, I would like for you to meet my daughter and her girlfriend y/n."

"I think that's our cue," Ariana whispered to me. She gently tugged me inside of the tent.

"Hi Mister Willson! It's so nice to see you."

   "Please Ariana, call me Jason." He reached out to Ariana for a handshake and turned to me doing the same. "You must be y/n."

   "Yes, hi. It's very nice to meet you."

   "This is my lovely wife Pattie." He gestured to the woman beside him who immediately stuck out her hand.

   "It's so nice to meet you! I'm happy to know our children will be running our companies with you some day."

   She was very enthusiastic when she said this, as if it was something that had been discussed many times before. I made a note to ask Ariana about it later. As far as I knew, she had no plans to stop teaching or coaching to take over her father's company. I didn't want to bring it up here of all places, so I let it slide for now.

   "How long have the two of you been together?" Pattie asked, I'm sure just trying to make conversation.

Ariana took the liberty of answering. "It's been a while in the making."

I saw Mister Edward wink at me, and I knew I was blushing.

"The two of you are just adorable! I remember the start of our relationship, we were just like you. Make sure that lasts, and treat each other right. That's the way to a lasting marriage. That's how I've kept the spark with this one for so long," she nodded towards her husband. "And he gave me the most wonderful daughter! Do you guys want to have kids?"

"Hey now Pattie. They're still young, let them sort everything out themselves."

"Sorry, I get so ahead of myself. How old are you anyway?"

The question was clearly directed towards me, and I hesitated in answering. I couldn't lie; it wasn't even an option. I worried over what would be uncovered if I told the truth though.

"Oh there she is!" Pattie let out, looking behind us at the entrance of the tent. "Where is your brother?"

Ariana turned around before me while I tried to relax after barely getting out of having to answer and possibly blow our cover.

"He's coming. He had to find somewhere to park the car."

I knew that voice.

"He needs to hurry and come meet Ariana and her lovely girlfriend," Mister Willson yelled.

My entire body was stiff, and I refused to accept that this was actually happening to me.

"Are you okay?" Ariana whispered, still waiting for me to turn around.

I knew I would have to face her and accept that this was real. I knew what would follow, and I was terrified. I hid the grimace on my face with a forced smile. It was best to do this quickly, like ripping off a bandaid. Instead of slowly turning around, I spun to face the opening of the tent.


"Hey, Katie."

   "You guys know each other?" Mister Willson asked.

   "Yeah, she was talking to..." she trailed off.

As if on cue, in walked Justin.

surprise shawty

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