Chapter 1: Miss Grande

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   I was at the edge of a cliff as the sun began to set around me. There was a small round table covered in a white cloth with decorations placed on top. A tall candle sat center while rose petals were littered around. The two white plates each held one bright red apple.

   I was seated at the table with the love of my life in front of me.

   This is it.

    I stood and motioned for her to stand in front of me. Gently, I took her hand and got down on one knee. Her hand immediately went to cover her mouth.

   "I-I love you. More than anything in this world, I love you. I don't know where I'd be with out you. Thank you so much for every happy memory we've been able to share together. I hope to spend the rest my life doing nothing but making more. Will you do me the greatest honor... Will you marry me?"

   I pulled the ring out of the box after seeing her nod repeatedly. The ring slipped from my fingers and rolled towards the edge of the cliff. Without thinking, I was soon behind it.

   I bent forward, catching the ring right before it managed to fall over the edge. I stood and turned, ready to make my way back to my love, only to be met with a flock of doves surrounding my head.

   They opened their mouths all at once, making an obnoxious sound. It was blaring in my ears as they surrounded me, slowly pushing me backward. I lost my footing and landed solidly on my butt. The birds traveled down with my head, pushing me backwards.

   I reached the edge and refused to move, but the birds did not let up. They all landed on me, pecking and continuing the noises. Soon enough, they had pushed me over the edge and my body began to plummet towards the ground.

   The second of the impact, my body flew forward to more familiar surroundings.

   I looked around me, realizing I was in my room. I still heard the annoying sound and realized it was my alarm clock. I turned it off as I reached for my phone. The screen read 7:10am. "Shit," I mumbled under my breath. First day and I'm running late. Class doesn't start until 8:20, but all of my things weren't together. I quickly showered and got ready.

   I put on a floral rumper with light brown ankle boots. I decided to blow dry my hair so it wouldn't get poofy later on. Besides, I like that it looks like I actually tried when it's finally dry. I stretched across my bed to grab my phone from my night stand. It was only 7:42, but I still had to pack everything.

   I ran back into my closet to grab some compression shorts, my matching sports bra, and my Nike runners. I shoved all of it into my gym bag and hurled it onto my bed. I went to my desk to grab everything, stuffing it into my bag and snatching my charger and headphones. I tossed my bag over my shoulder and put my gym bag on my arm as I rushed downstairs.

   "Good morning," my father greeted me from the kitchen as I dropped my things onto the couch.

   I walked into the kitchen and greeted him back. "Soooo... what's for breakfast?"

"Nothing, you don't get any food."

   I gasped sarcastically at his remark, and we both laughed as he turned around with a plate covered in chocolate chip pancakes, my favorite. I grab the plate and began to eat as he poured me a cup of apple juice from the fridge. "Thank you," I said as I covered my half full mouth with my hand.


   "Me? Never!" I said as I dramatically flung my hand onto my chest. We both laughed again, and I got up to put my plate into the sink.

"What time is it?"

"7:58you better hurry!"

   "In such a rush to get rid of me, huh? Guess I don't have a curfew anymore, since you don't want me here and everything."

"Y/n," he warned.

"I know I know, I'm leaving," I said as I reached for my keys and collected my things.

   The drive was very uneventful, but that's not really anything new. When I finally got to school, I snatched my things and rushed in through the front office. Luckily, I know my way around the school, so I got to the locker room in no time and put my gym bag in my locker before checking the time on my phone. 8:18 Fuck.

   I tried to get to class, but I was bombarded with freshmen trying to find their classes. For a half second I though I saw a goddess, but when I turned around to double check there was no one there.

   I sighed as I walked into class.

   "Late on the first day Miss..."

   "Y/l/n," I finished for her. "I had to stop by the locker room, and then I had to help the lost freshmen to their classes. I'm so sorry, it won't happen again Mrs...." I look up to see the most beautiful woman I've ever laid my eyes on and my jaw drops. The goddess from the hallway.

   She had smooth golden skin that was mostly covered up by her tight fitted suit. Her long brown hair was straightened and tied up in a high ponytail. Her perfectly sculpted face had a sharp jawline. She had high cheekbones and the cutest little nose that all reflected the light perfectly. She had on glasses, but that didn't stop me from seeing how her dark brown eyes glowed with joy and excitement. Her winged eyeliner only seemed to open her eyes more and draw one's attention in. She had the cutest smile that she was trying to hide. Although she was quite small, her pitch black heels made her seem taller and more intimidating.

   "Grande," she finished for me. "And it's Miss, not Mrs." I blushed and quickly shut my jaw, praying that I had only stared at her like that for a second. Wait, Grande...?

   "Are you the new soccer coach?" I ask, not sure if I wanted her to say yes or no.

   "Yes, why do you ask?" She raised one eyebrow slightly, and I bit my lip looking down.

"I'm team captain..."

   "Oh, you're Y/n Y/l/n?" She asked. I simply nodded. "I look forward to seeing you after school. Now please, take a seat," she said pointing to the chairs in front of her with the papers in her hand.

   I walked to the back of the room and thanked the Lord that I didn't have Selena or Camila in this class because I would never hear the end of it.

   Ms. Grande went over the things that every teacher goes over on the first day: Saftey, dress code, and the basics about her class.

   The bell rang, and just as I was about to walk out, Ms. Grande called for me. "Y/N can you please stay after class for a few minutes?" Shit.

   "Yes, of course." I walked to the front of the class as Ms. Grande stood from her chair and leaned on her desk.

   "Do you mind coming by before lunch to show me to the locker room by the soccer field? I didn't really get the tour." She chuckled lightly, and I smiled.

   "Yeah," I blushed and bit my lip. "I'll show you around."

   "Thanks. You can go now," she said, trying to hide her smile as she turned around.

   Damn she is hot I thought to myself as I pulled my phone out of my bag.

Y/n- Italics
Camila- bold
Selena- Underlined

Gonna be late to lunch, don't hate me


Don't you love us?

Shut up, gotta show the new coach around

Lmao have fun


i changed the dream that starts the book (if you didn't pick up on that) because dreams are supposed to be symbolic and all that. sorry for any grammatical and punctuational errors, chances are there's a lot of them.

anyway, hope you enjoyed the first chapter

while you are waiting for the upcoming chapters, maybe give my other books a read...👀

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