Chapter 68: The Waiting Game

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   Even with all of the chaos in my life, time kept going. As much as I didn't want to go to school, I knew it would look suspicious if I didn't.

   It would be easy enough to avoid Ariana and Justin, but I was slightly curious how things would happen between the two of them. Justin was pissed, and Ariana still seemed to think he would get over it.

   They were both infuriating. I wish he hadn't taken it all so personally, and I wished she had taken it a little more personally. This was her whole career at stake. She could probably get a job with her dad, but it wouldn't look very good for the company.

What if she went to jail?

I spent most of my time in class thinking over this instead of paying attention. Nothing felt as important as this.

I was thankful that I had decent relationships with my teachers because none of them really bothered me. They probably just thought I was having an off day, which I guess was kind of true.

I felt like I had to go to her class to keep up appearances, but she wasn't there when I checked. The class wasn't either, which was really weird. She had probably taken them somewhere else for the period.

I brushed it off and went to the athlete's gym. Hopefully this would give me the chance to work everything off and get rid of all of my nervous energy before practice. Hopefully she'd be there.

   I finished my workout pretty fast, hitting new personal records for everything I tried. At least one good thing was coming from this.

   I texted Trent to see if he would be able to talk before practice, and I snuck up to the hideout above the locker room. It had been a while since any of us had been up here. With everything going on in my relationship and Sel and Cam being together, there wasn't really time for us to hang out up here. Senior year was busy.

   Trent let me know that he had a test and apologized, saying he would be waiting for me after practice.

   I knew the chaos of my life had to be driving him insane, but I was thankful he stuck by my side through all of it. I truly loved him, platonically of course.

   Ariana cancled practice. She was avoiding me like the plague, but I didn't really blame her. Maybe she was starting to take this seriously. It still hurt though. I figured it would be best if I didn't reach out, just incase somebody was reading our texts, but I couldn't help myself. I was really worried.

   I shot her a quick 'everything alright coach?' and watched as the bubble popped up with the three dancing dots and disappeared just as quickly.

I felt like I was playing the waiting game, just waiting for everything to fall apart.

   I sighed to myself and texted Cam and Sel to meet me up here. I missed spending time with them. I knew we wouldn't have this forever, and we'd all be off to college soon. I knew I had to tell them what was happening, but I didn't want to do it without Trent. For now, I just wanted to be a normal teenage girl and enjoy being with my friends.

I knew tomorrow was going to be the day I finally told them everything. They deserved to know the truth, and I knew I'd need their support going forward. I hated keeping this secret from them for so long. I wanted today to just be about us before shit hit the fan.

surprise another chapter !! this is like the third in the last 10 days which is crazy. i'm writing to distract myself from all of my assignments for midterms😳

not gonna lie, i don't remember if we told our girlies but if we did we're gonna act like we didn't (another reason i need to end the book cause i don't remember most of what has happened so far and the outline i have for it makes no sense lmao)  i didn't edit this chapter so if it's bad that's your problem not mine

anywho sorry i'm dragging this out so long i want to make sure the details are just right so everything makes sense in the end but the next chapter is gonna be sooo juicy (and it's gonna be chapter 69 so😼)

okay ttyl see you eventually hotties <3

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