Chapter 26: I'm Feeling

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I decided to take Trent up on his offer and texted him to meet me after school to walk me to soccer practice. It would be our first "official" thing together in the halls to get people talking. They already became interested after seeing us laughing in the halls this morning, but we needed something more. As aggravating as it was to have other people in our business, it was the easiest way to get the word around.

   After my last hour, Trent was already waiting by the door.

   "Somebody is eager," I joked.

   He laughed and stepped closer. He leaned down in my ear and whispered, "Laugh like I said something funny."

   I naturally laughed. "You're an idiot," I said, completely meaning it.

   "I'm your idiot," he made sure to say loud enough for everybody else walking in the halls to hear.

   "We'll see about that," I mumbled.

   "Let's get you to those locker rooms, captain."

   I rolled my eyes and walked by his side.

   "I put deodorant on, so I should be fresh. If I'm not though, just spray me with your fancy perfumes or whatever helps," He said quietly, wrapping his arm over my shoulder.

   "You're really trying to sell this, huh?"

   "I need this break. It is so exhausting being me."

   As self absorbed as it sounded, I knew what he felt because I felt it too. Obviously some people had issues that were a lot bigger, but to us, our little things still mattered and bothered us. Don't get me wrong, I understand my advantages and all. Things just get hard from time to time.

   "Please tell me you aren't going to try to kiss me," I rolled my eyes, trying so hard not to sniff his armpit, regardless of if I believed his whole deodorant speech.

   "Only if you want me too, cutie."

   I blushed at the pet name, not being used to having them directed at me. Other than in bathrooms apparently.

   "Your blushing is cute, but you have to be good with me calling you stuff like that. Otherwise, nobody is ever going to believe us," he laughed.

   I shoved him gently and laughed too. "Yeah yeah, whatever."

   "We're here," he said, and I realized he was right. We were outside the gym. "Want me to walk you in?"

   "Nah, but thanks. I'll see you...?" I asked, in my own way.

   "Tomorrow. You're off the hook after practice today."

   I nodded and made my way in.

   "Y/L/N come to my office please," Miss Grande called.

   Shit. I hope I'm not in trouble. At least she's not ignoring me anymore.

   "Yes ma'am," I said, making my way over.

A look flashed across her eyes before she recomposed her bored expression. "I read your essay."

I wasn't sure how to react or what to say, so I simply nodded.

"I'm sorry."

I said nothing.

"I'm feeling... I feel... that I haven't been fair. I keep telling you that I want to be with you but then pushing you away like I don't. I wish this was as simple as it seems. I-"

"I understand," I said.

"Come again?"

"I understand."

She looked at me, completely uncertain.

"I understand that you probably like me. I understand that you want to try something, but you don't want to risk ruining it. You don't want to put your job on the line or risk your future and, in turn, whatever we have."

She looked at me in awe.

We stood there in silence.

"There you go again." She laughed.

"What do you mean?"

"You're 18, yet you have a mind beyond your years. You amaze me, constantly."

I looked at her quizzically.

"Don't do that," she mumbled.

"Do what?"

"Study me. You're too good at reading people. I don't want you to keep studying me. You already know me too well."

"I can't help it. You fascinate me."

She blushed and laughed. "You fascinate me too."

We looked at each other, though I'm not sure for how long.

   She leaned in and kissed me, and I instantly melted into her. I wasn't going to fight her on anything she felt comfortable doing, but I also didn't want to rush her into doing anything she wasn't comfortable with. I fully respected her boundaries and did my best to always show it. She had a lot more on the line than me.

   I smiled into the kiss and wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her as close as I could. She wrapped her arms around my neck and moaned quietly when I nibbled on her bottom lip. Fuck.

   "Wow," I managed to say, making my thoughts slightly more appropriate to speak.

   Her face was covered in a blush, and I couldn't help but laugh.

   She stared me down. "What's so funny?"

   "How embarrassed you got from moaning," I laughed harder.

   She hit my arm. "There it is, the reminder that you're only 18."

   "Hey!! Your moan was hot. It's just hilarious that you got embarrassed. It's okay to let me know what feels good," I mumbled as I leaned in, pushing the limits a little.

   She filled the space between us with another kiss. I smiled into it and definitely had a shit-eating grin when we pulled away.

"Go get dressed. I'll see you in a few," she said before pecking my lips and turning me so that I could walk out.

I closed the door behind me and tried to walk down the hall before bumping directly into somebody.


"I, uh, brought you my hoodie. You know, to sell it and all..." Trent trailed off. He had this ridiculous smile on his face, and I couldn't figure out why.

   "Oh, thanks," I smiled awkwardly.

   "No problem," he said, the obnoxious grin never leaving his face. "I'll see you around." He winked and walked away.

   I definitely missed something.

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