Chapter 14: Stalking is Illegal

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"Get up you old man!!!" Camila screamed into my ear while jumping up and down on my stomach. What a pleasant way to start my day. I sighed deeply and tried to pushed her to the side to no avail.

"Let me sleep you bum," I growled.

"Just get up already!!" She screamed into my ear.

I sighed and sat up. I looked up at Camila and gave her a dirty look before quickly rolling onto her, trapping her beneath me. I pinned her hands over her head and leaned closer to her face.

"I said-"

"Hey guys I got- What in the world did I just walk in on? You didn't even invite me? We could have had a bomb ass threesome! Whatever, have fun without me. Bye!" Selena said before leaving the room.

I laughed and fell over off of Camila. "Sel come back!!" I called out between breaths. "We can have a threesome."

"Too late, should have invited me to begin with," She said as she laughed. "I made waffles though!!" She brought in a tray with plates of waffles and strawberries and sausage.

"I didn't even know we had this food in the house. Where did it come from?" I said, clearly confused.

"Sometimes you have to do this thing called 'cooking' to have food," Selena said before she rolled her eyes.

"Give me that attitude one more time, see what happens," I threatened.

Selena smirked. "I already saw what happens. You need to get laid." She laughed before sitting the tray down and turning on the tv.

We all ate, and I took the dirty dishes downstairs before hopping into the shower with Camila. We showered together almost every time we stayed over with each other since it's something we've done since we were little. Selena joined sometimes, but she usually woke up an hour or two before we did, so she showered first thing.

After we got out, I quickly threw on something comfortable and casual, incase we decided to go out.

   We watched Netflix and cuddled up together for a few hours.

"I'm so booored!" Camila complained loudly.

"And what do you expect us to do about it?" Selena asked.

"I don't know. Entertain me," Camila shrugged her shoulders.

"I'm still up for that threesome," I offered with a huge smile on my face.

"As much as we know you want it, you had your chance," Selena shot back. I simply rolled my eyes in response.

"Let's go to the park!! They have dogs at parks," Camila shot out as she got up to put on her shoes.

"Camz, people don't want you touching their dogs, trust me," Sel sighed.

"Well, I'm going, with or without you grumps."

"Fine," I let out exhausted as I rolled off of my bed and onto the floor dramatically. I grabbed some sandals and my keys before we all headed out the door.

We walked to the park just in time to see the after lunch rush of people walking their dogs.

"Oh my gosh they are the cutest babies I have ever seen," Camila screamed before running off and somehow managing to convince people that she was sane enough to be trusted around their pets.

She began playing fetch with a couple of dogs. She went to throw the ball and all of the dogs went racing out. However, the ball came out of her hand behind her, not in front of her. They all ran for nothing, and I was sent back to the small shaded pond area to get the ball.

As I made my way down to the pond, I managed to trip and roll down the small hill into an area hidden by the trees, secluded from the rest of the park. I heard a cute, small laugh that was slightly muffled.

I stood and dusted myself off, trying my best to maintain what little dignity I had left. I looked up in the direction of the ball before realizing it was already in somebody's hands.

And, of course, that somebody was no other than Miss Grande. How lovely.

"Stalking is illegal, you know," I called out as I began walking closer.

"And yet, you seem to be the one always finding me," she sassed back. Fair point.

I continued my walk over to her and, when I reached her, I sat beside her. "Whatcha doin?" I asked, noting the book on her lap. No, not a book, a journal. I snatched it and rolled away before she could stop me, my thumb between the pages, keeping the spot she was on.


"Not the only time I'll have you screaming my name dear," I winked as I began to stand.

   "Give it back!!"

   I pouted my bottom lip out before beginning to open it.

"Please? It's really important and really personal," she said, looking down at her arm shyly. This is so out of character for her. She never gets shy.

"What's in here that's so important? Huh?"

"If you were meant to know, I would tell you," She responded plainly, not at all playing along.

   I handed the book over to her before sitting beside her. She grabbed it and turned to put it down on her other side, and I saw my name on one of the pages.

   Before I had time to react, her soft lips we're pressed against my own, allowing everything to escape from my mind as I kissed her back. She leaned more into the kiss while beginning to softly cup my face.

   This kiss was nothing like what we had shared before.

Everything else we had done was simply lust filled. It was all passionate and acted on without thought of consequence, all in the moment.

    This kiss, however, was so sweet and tender. Full of so much more than all of the other actions we had shared together. This kiss meant something, and not just to me with my delusional day dreams. She put so much raw emotion into this kiss. My heart rate picked up the longer the kiss lasted.

   So much ran through my mind before our lips disconnected and my ears filled with a small sigh. Her hands dropped from my face, and her eyes looked anywhere but me.

   "Hey," I said, reaching for her hands. "Look at me."

   She shyly looked up as a blush completely covered her face. Fuck she's cute.

   My smile widened, and I leaned in, holding her face in my hand this time before kissing her back.

   I'm not sure how long either kiss lasted, but I know her lips pressed against mine was one of the best feelings in the world. My toes and fingertips began to tingle, and my mind was in complete bliss before we tore apart again.

   We stared at each other in complete disbelief. We really just kissed. I kissed my english teacher and my soccer coach. Holy hell.

   "Y/N," Camilla screamed from over the hill. "You're taking too long the dogs are going to give up on finding the ball!" She whined.

   I sighed deeply before yelling out an "I'm coming just couldn't quite reach the ball."

   "Y/N," Ariana smiled at me. "Do you really need the ball?" She looked down at it and bit her lip. God this woman!

   "I mean, it would be nice to have."

   "Here," she said, holding it out for me. I reached in to grab it, but she moved it back and kissed me again. I blushed and smiled, taking the ball for her.

   "Maybe we could do this again sometime?" She asked hopeful.

   "I mean, you seem to be my number 1 fan and my favorite stalker. I'm sure it'll happen again on its own." 

   We both laughed, and I leaned in for one last peck before running off to to join Camz and Sel with the tennis ball with nothing but her on my mind.

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