Chapter 28: Breakfast Date

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I woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm. I groaned loudly and begrudgingly sat up after turning it off.

   I hate being up early.

   That's one random little thing about me: I'm a night owl. I could be running on three hours and still stay up all night, regardless of how tired I am. However, once I fell asleep, getting up was close to impossible. I could be running on 3 hours or 13 hours, and I'd still want 5 more minutes.

   I rolled my eyes and stood up, getting out of bed before I fell back asleep. It happened more often than I'd like to admit.

I showered and quickly threw on an oversized sweater that I paired with mom jeans and my high top converse. It wasn't the cutest outfit, but in my defense, it was still too early to be alive.

   I got a text from Trent saying that he was on his way and would be at my house shortly.

   I quickly got my stuff together for practice and school before heading downstairs.

   By the time I was ready to go, Trent was at my front door knocking. I opened the door and laughed at the weird face he made as we walked to his Jeep.

   The car ride to the diner was painfully silent, giving my anxiety the chance to build.

   We got in and were quickly helped. We ordered everything and thanked the waitress when she dropped off our drinks, telling us the food would be out shortly.

   Trent looked at me, smiling like an idiot the second the waitress walked away.

   "What? It's too early to deal with you being this creepy," I crossed my arms and stared at him.

    "I know."

    "Then why are you doing it still?"

   "No... I mean... I know."

   "About what?"

   "About you."

   "Okay well you can join the fan club, but I don't think they'll make you president."

He shook his head and rolled his eyes, the smile never leaving his face.

   "If that's not what you're saying then just spit it out!" My anxiety was building and turning into anger.

   "I don't want to just drop it! I have to say it the right way so that you don't hate me."

   I sighed and laughed at his foolishness. "Whatever you're gonna say, just say it."

   "Okay, well. I am going to start off by saying that you're an amazing friend. You're always there for the people that you care about. It's very hard to find people as genuine as you. You deserve to be happy, and it is all I really want for you in life, in any way you get it. Unless you kill people. Don't kill people; it's not cool."

   "I wasn't planning on it," I rolled my eyes.


   "Good." I looked at him and waited. "Are you breaking up with me or something?" I laughed at my own joke and continued to wait for him to get it out.

   "So, as I was saying..." he trailed off, looking behind me.

   I turned my head to see the waitress headed our way with our food. She made it to our table and set it down before insisting we were careful because of how hot everything was. We thanked her again and watched as she walked away.

   I took a bite of my french toast, and a smile instantly made its way onto my face. Delicious!

   "I know about you and Miss Grande."

   I choked on my food and my eyes went wide.

   I quickly swallowed everything, attempting to be able to actually breathe again.

   He laughed at me, somehow getting out a "this is why I didn't want to drop it like that."

   I finally caught my breath and just looked at him.

   Do I lie to him? Do I tell him? On one hand, if I lie and he finds out I'm lying, he won't trust me anymore. On the other hand, if I tell the truth he could use it as blackmail. Although, he doesn't really seem like the type of person to turn on a friend like that.

   "I can see your internal debate. There is no need to deny it. I saw you guys kissing yesterday when I went back to give you my hoodie. You guys looked really cute and happy together."

   "Trent... It's not like that." I lied.

   "Yes it is, but don't worry. I won't tell anybody!" He smiled and I couldn't help but to smile back.

   I sighed. "Please don't. I am already risking so much, and I shouldn't even be admitting to this. I am trusting you, please don't let that go to waste."

   "I won't. Don't worry, I understand that we are better as friends, and as your friend, I just want to see you happy."

   "I never thought I'd have a beard," I laughed.

   "What does facial hair have to do with this?" He questioned.

   "No, it's a title. Like, you know how a 'unicorn' is somebody that hooks up with couples already together? A beard is like a fake relationship to cover up a real one."

   "Oh yeah, we're dating!" He apparently just remembered before laughing. "Wow you just admitted you were cheating on your boyfriend to your boyfriend."

   "You're so obnoxious! It's still too early for you."

   He only laughed before finally digging in.

   We made small talk about school and our lives, but it wasn't awkward at all. The conversation flowed all on its own, which only proved to me how much I could really trust him. It showed how much he knew me without me even telling him.

   We finished eating and decided to head to school. When we arrived, he walked me to put my stuff away in the locker rooms before walking me to class.

   "Miss Grande must be excited to see you. Rumor has it you're her favorite student."

   "Oh shut up!" I playfully shoved him.

   "First hour though? Really?"

   "It's the only reason I'm ever on time to school," I semi-joked.

   He chuckled and rolled his eyes.

   "I have to head to class before the bell rings. I'll see you around cheeks."

   "Cheeks?" I asked.

   "Yeah, cause you make my cheeks hurt by how much you make me smile," he said from a distance, loudly enough for those around us to hear, before winking and turning away.

   I pulled out my phone and immediately sent a text to him.

that didn't make sense

doesn't have to! it was just loud enough and sounded cheesy enough to keep people talking

I'm going to be mobbed before lunch

mobbed by me

that wasn't cute

but it was funny
bet your girl doesn't have jokes like that

because my girl is actually funny
Not that she's my girl!!


   I laughed as I read his message until it hit me. Do I tell Ariana that Trent knows? What if she just pushes me away again? We finally got a chance, and I didn't want it to go away just with the snap of a finger.

   Then something else hit me: I had to tell Ariana about my 'relationship' with Trent.

   Nothing can ever just go smoothly for me, can it?

Miss Grandeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें