Chatper 4: Do You Like Her?

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   I walked up to my car that I left parked by the gym this morning.

  "BOO," Camila yelled, doing her best to get my attention. Camila, Selena, and I always call each other pet names.

   "Boo," Camila repeats after failing to get my attention, dragging out the 'o'.

   "Yeah babe?" I question.

   "Can we get some McDonald's on the way?" She looked at me with puppy eyes.

   "I don't go to McDonald's," I say in a sassy tone, mimicking her statement from just last week.

   She rolled her eyes and stepped closer, sticking out her bottom lip. "Pretty please? Don't make me get on my knees and beg; you know I will."

   I honestly didn't doubt that she would, but I decided that if she wanted McDonald's, she would have to make up for her diss on it.

   "I don't know... After that diss you made, why should I take you?"

  "Because I think I failed my science test in Mr. Harrison's class."

   "Aww babyy," Selena and I melted, knowing how hard his class could be.

   "I'm sorry baby. I'll take you to McDonalds. We can even get ice cream. How does that sound?"

   She nodded eagerly in a childlike manner before popping around the car.

   I unlocked the doors and we all hopped in the car. Camilla got in the front seat and Selena sat in the back taking selfies.

   After finishing our food and arriving home, I began to fill them in on the events.

   "You showed her the hide out?" they shouted simultaneously.

   "Well she asked...and... yeah."

   They both let out distasteful sighs before Camila perked up. "You're going to be her favorite student and probably favorite on the team! That means more privileges for us, total score!! She better not give up our secret though."

   "Well its not exactly like we were hiding it from anyone. We just didn't ever tell anyone," Selena added.

   "I guess," Camilla let out, shrugging her shoulders.

   "Anyways.... What do you guys want to do? You haven't been over in forever."

   We all decided to watch a movie and eat popcorn while cuddling in my bed.

   After finishing Passengers, we all got up and stretched.

   "Ugggh!" Selena groaned as she stretched.

"Are you dying?" Camila asked, causing me to let out a light chuckle.

   We all got up to go to the bathroom. Camila ran to the bathroom in my room, forcing Selena and me to leave the room to relieve ourselves.

   "Do you like her?"

   "Umm... like who?" I asked as my cheeks heated up. I felt my heartbeat increase. I was praying that I didn't sound all gushy talking about Miss Grande.

   "Jessica, the new girl we told you about. 'Like who' I swear, that brain of yours isn't screwed in right!"

   My heart beat instantly calmed remembering the conversation we had had during the movie about the new girl they had met at lunch. To be fair, I hadn't really been listening.

   "Oh, uhh, right. Well I haven't actually met her yet. She sounds like a cool person, but are you sure about hanging out with her? Haven't you ever seen mean girls? She's gonna take my spot as Queen Bee," I said, flipping my hair behind my shouler.

   "You think you're Regina George? Everyone knows that's me."

   We both laughed as we walked down the hall. There were only 3 bathrooms on the second floor: the one in my room, the one off the guest room, and the hall bathroom. We both raced down the hall, not wanting to be forced to walk the other way.

   After finally going to the bathroom, we all wondered to the kitchen. We got water and pretzels to snack on because we always wake up hungry in the middle of the night. I texted my dad to see how he was doing before we began to head up to my room to sleep.

   This was going to be my best year by far, I could already feel it.

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