Chapter 41: You're Being Ridiculous

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Surprisingly, the girls took the information very well. At first, I was certain they would never like me again or that they'd stop wanting to be my friends. However, they proved me wrong, and after the initial shock, they started asking questions because they were excited.

   I explained that it was someone older and that I couldn't tell who. I was certain they thought I meant a friend of my dad or a coworker of my mother, but I wasn't going to correct them and give them any ideas.

   We ended up all hanging out, and they got on with Trent just as well as I did. We all clicked together very well; it was like Trent had always been a part of the group.

   After the weekend ended, I had to go back to school and act like nothing happened.

   I woke up late that Monday morning, and decided to skip first hour. I didn't have the energy to deal with her so early in the morning. Between acting like we were never anything more than friends and pretending I hadn't seen her all over Justin, my energy drained quickly around her.

   I showed up before the start of my second class, and made my way around the school. I showed up early enough to walk the long way, avoiding them, and still get to class with a few minutes to spare.

   As I dropped my bag to the floor and took a seat, I felt my phone buzz in my back pocket.

   She had texted me.

   Where are you?

   I rolled my eyes and slipped my phone back into my pocket before getting out my notebook and pens for notes. I wasn't going to let her distract me from my school work. She had already taken up so much of my time and energy.

I finished my classes and left campus for lunch with Trent and the girls.

We ended up getting noodles and stopped at a park to eat and enjoy the weather, knowing it would be getting too cold to do so within the next week.

We came back to school in time for my last class, which passed all too quickly.

Within no time, I was walking down to the gym on my way to practice. Trent decided to walk me to help me mentally prepare. He knew how much it was weighing on me and was doing his best to help me through it since my other friends still didn't exactly know the situation.

We walked into the gym and stopped in front of the locker rooms. "You're going to be fine," he whispered and gently rubbed my back. "I'll be here when you get done and we can grab a quick bite."

I nodded and hugged him gently before leaving to go change. The worst part of being captain and coach's assistant was that I was the only one with her to set up for practices.

Speaking of Coach.

Like I had summoned her just by thinking, she entered the locker room with a determined look on her face. I rolled my eyes, it was becoming a natural response to her existence, and turned to put my things in my locker.


"Miss Grande," I mumbled, not bothering to stop what I was doing or turning around.

"I need to speak with you."

"We're speaking right now." I kept my responses as short and to the point as I could.

She sighed and I heard her make her way over. "You know what I mean."

   "I don't have any interest in speaking with you. Please respect my wishes and leave me be."

   "You're being ridiculous."

   "I'm ridiculous?" I nearly shouted. I turned around, positive that the disbelief was evident on my face. "You the one who took an interest in her student, pursued a relationship with her, decided it wasn't worth it, and then started dating the person she-" I cut myself off before I could let anything about Justin slip. I took a deep breath and lowered my voice. "I'm not the person who left someone because the position it put me in then started dating somebody else who would put me in a similar position. I've done everything I could to make this work. I've respected you and your boundaries. I've been understanding and let you push and pull me like it didn't hurt. I got a fake boyfriend to help cover this up, for fuck's sake! So forgive me if I don't want to listen to whatever you have to say when you finally decided I was worth a second of your time or an ounce of your attention. I'm not sorry for sticking up for myself and refusing to let you walk all over me. Now, if you'll excuse me, I don't think I'm going to make it to practice today."

   She stood, slack-jawed, as I quickly gathered my things and made my way to the door.

   She called out for me to wait, but I ignored her and kept going.

   "Wait!" She yelled again. She grabbed my wrist and spun me around.

   "What do you want?" My voice was full of aggravation as I shot her the dirtiest look I could just.

   "I'm- I'm sorry." She looked down to the floor. Shame was written all over her face.

   "As you should be." I snatched my wrist from her grip and left. I dialed Trent up as fast as I could, praying that he hadn't gone far yet.

Miss GrandeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang