Chaper 69: Spade

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I had made it through Monday with no missteps. I was so tired of always chasing Ariana, but I kept letting myself get soft for her. I'd always forgive her or get so desperate to see her again that I'd go against my stance of letting her figure her shit out. This time was different though.

With our secret out, I couldn't risk going back on my word. Doing the wrong thing could really ruin our lives. It was obvious that she didn't want to see me right now, and I wasn't going to fix everything like I always did. She could find me.

In the mean time, I had to break everything to Camila and Selena. I had arranged to have lunch delivered for us all to the school. We wouldn't be able to sneak Trent to our hideout, so we found an empty classroom to have our conversation.

I was very nervous to tell the girls because they were my most important friends along with Trent. I had lived my entire life with them by my side, and if they didn't agree with the relationship, I wouldn't know what to do.

   Once the food arrived, we had small talk and started eating. The perfect time to bring up the topic kept passing, and I was too nervous to just blurt it out.

   "Guys, I have something I want to tell you." I felt all three sets of eyes on me. I looked over at Trent who gave me a reassuring smile and gave my hand a supportive squeeze. "Trent and I aren't actually dating." Everyone was quiet, so I looked up to find the two of them with their mouths hanging open.

   "Shut up! You're totally joking!" Camila looked like she was going to explode. Selena was laughing at Camila's reaction which helped calm me down.

   I thought they would be way more upset than they were. I was relieved to get that off of my chest. Hiding that secret from them was hard, but they were now the only people that knew... besides my girlfriend obviously.

    "Is that why you were so upset that we didn't tell you about us sooner? Because you had a secret of your own?" Cam could barely hold back her amazement.

   "Well, that's part of it..."

   "There's more?" Sel chimed in.

   "Spill it!" Cam grabbed me by the shoulders and shaking me like crazy.

   "I can't if you give me brain damage!"

   "Sorry," she let go and sat back down. "Continue."

   "Well, I'm kind of seeing some-" the intercom system cut me off.

   "Y/n Y/l/n please report to the principal's office immediately. Again, Y/n Y/l/n to the principal's office immediately."

   I felt the color drain from my face as I looked over at Trent.

   "What the fuck is that about?" Camila asked. I didn't know what to say.

   Internally, I was panicking.

   "We can act like we didn't hear it," Trent offered as a solution.

   "That won't work. They'll come to find me or make another announcement. Who knows who they'll send. It's better to just go now."

   "I'll walk you." He helped me stand.

   "What's going on?" Selena asked.

   "She can't explain right now."

   I was happy Trent answered because I wouldn't have been able to. I grabbed my things and started walking down the hall with Trent beside me.

I didn't know if I should be running to get it over with sooner or walking in slow motion to delay it for as long as I could. I showed up at the principal's office before I could pick.

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