Chapter 36: I Despise You

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   Trent and I had decided against school. What was the point of showing up if we were too far gone to even pay attention? Instead, we decided that it was best for us to let loose for the day. We both needed a distraction, and a day away sounded perfect.

   I had texted Sam, a younger girl on the team, when I had woken up earlier to let Coach know that I wouldn't be there for practice. I realized that, despite whatever we had going on between us, I had no way to contact her myself. I suppose there was always the school email system, but that seemed a bit much honestly.

As promised, I let Trent dress up in some of my brothers clothes since he was off at college and wouldn't be back for a few weeks. They were slightly big, but for the most part, they fit.

My father had left a note on my door saying that he was going to be gone for the day. Even though we had the house for ourselves, we decided against staying home the whole time.

I made breakfast, and Trent made fun of my struggle before we hopped into his car to go wherever for the day. We ended up at an amusement park of some sort.

"You know... I've never actually been on a roller coaster before," I shyly admitted.

"No way! The fearless y/n has never been on a roller coaster?"

"Most of my free time growing up was spent playing soccer. Amusement parks are more of a family thing, and my mom, well, I guess it's just not a family without my mom."

"What happened to your mom?"

"She just works a lot. Always has, probably always will."

"Oh good, I thought she died." His eyes widened when he realized what he said, and he began stumbling over a way to fix his mistake. "Not good that she works a lot, you know? Uh, just good that she's not dead?" It came out as a question.

I looked at him for a second before laughing. "I guess it's good she's not dead, although I really wouldn't know the difference. She's usually home later than me and up before I am. I only ever see her at big events like if her work hosts a party. I'm there for her to brag over and display like a show pony. Other than that, I only really see her at my big games, state championships and such."

"I know what you mean. My dad was usually like that when I was growing up. He did end up passing from a heart attack though. It was a lot."

"It's weird to me. I can't figure out if they do it because it brings them joy or because it keeps them occupied since nothing else can make them happy?"

He looked at me quizzically for a second before shaking his head and letting out a chuckle. "We are here today to forget about everything messed up in our lives, not to get deep about our issues with our parents at 9am."

I laughed and playfully hit his arm. "I guess you're right... so which do we hop on first?"

   He paraded me around the park all day, ride after ride, until we decided to get lunch.

   We got some pizza before sitting down at the table.

   He looked at me and asked, "What do you think of the rides so far?"

   "Honestly? The first few weren't too bad but the last few have really gotten my heart rate up."

   At that, he laughed before calling me a wuss. "Those are baby rides. You don't even have to be measured to ride those! I saved the big guns for last."

   I looked at him and sighed. "I despise you."

   He laughed and jokingly tapped my leg. "Hurry up and finish that so we can get to the real fun."

We ended up riding just about every ride in the park before deciding to end our day with a movie.

We watched 'Love, Simon' and ate half of my kitchen.

"I was going to make a joke about me being your fake girlfriend because you're gay, but then I realized that you're my fake boyfriend and I'm gay."

Trent looked at me funnily before laughing and hitting my arm. "Shut up."

"So we're both gay now?" I teased.

"I'm confident enough in my sexuality. Whatever you have to say doesn't really bother me, but nice try."

"Boo. You're no fun."

He laughed and sighed. "I should probably head home."

"Why'd you say it like that? Most people love sleeping in their own bed."

"Once I go home, I go to sleep. The day is over, and it's tomorrow. Real life does not sound like a good time. Listening to everybody gossip about us, dealing with the stares, people I don't know judging me. All of it is exhausting, honestly."

"I know, but I'll be right by your side."

He smiled and leaned his head against my shoulder. "Thanks for being there for me. I know we started out weird, but I'm really lucky to have you as a friend."

"I could say the same to you. Thank you for being there for me, for helping me through everything without being judgmental."

"Oh I am judging you, just silently."

I laughed and shoved his arm. "Don't be an asshole."

"I'm a guy. It's basically my job."

"Get out of my house." I smiled and looked over at him.

"I actually probably should. My mom is going to kill me if I'm gone for the second night in a row. She's been extra protective since my dad passed."

"She's just worried about losing you too."

"I know." He sighed and stood up. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow."

I walked him out and made my way back to my bed. I threw myself down and sighed.

No matter what tomorrow brings, at least today was a good day.

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