chapter 4

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                    chapter 4

                ( Owen's POV )

I'm doubting my decision on coming back, what if what she wants to give me is not good, or what if what she wants to give.....

'no let me stop this useless talk and get in already'

When I entered the shop it was empty again. No one was at the register or roaming around.

They are not afraid of getting robbed.

"Hello!" said a high-pitched voice next to my ear.

I jumped away from whomever it was and I swear I thought that I was about to fly because of how high I jerked.

I placed my hand on my chest and tried to calm down.

It was Sunflower. She was dressed in a bright yellow dress that was covered in flowers and when I say flowers I mean that she had real flowers on her dress. She had her yellow colored hair in a messy bun and she was walking bare feet.

I didn't get the time to look at her in the morning but now that I am, She looks like a Disney princess the only thing to complete that, would be her singing to animals and dancing around with them.

"What was that for?" I asked with my hand on my chest. 

"You were the one who didn't look behind you. I came in after you, so it's not my fault that you are freaked out easily" she said while going around me and standing behind the register.

Does she mean that she went out without any shoes on?

"Oooh, your mother told me to come and take a certain book."

"It's right here," she said.

She placed a thick book on top of the table. It looked old and had a lot of dust. Sunflower dusted it off. She coughed loudly because of the dust.

The book's cover had an eye in the middle and little human figures were on their knees worshiping it. It looked real, it was as if like the eye could blink at any moment.

"Won't it turn to dust when I open it?" I asked with a scrunched-up face.

It had an odd smell to it, it didn't smell that bad but it also didn't smell like a book. I reached out to it but before I could touch it, I felt the hair behind my neck stand, and that was an indication that whatever the book held was dangerous. So I retreated my hand back.

"Nah, it won't." Her eyes trailed to my neck, where the bird pricked me.

"That's a nasty bite. Where did you get it from?" She asked as she pointed at the wound.

"A raven and yes, I will disinfect it when I get home, so how much will it be?" I asked, but to be honest, I didn't want to take it with me because it felt like I won't be able to stand the amount of demonic energy in it.

"It's for free. My mother has always wanted to get rid of it, so you were the right person for her to throw it at." She said as she gave me that weird smile that I got from the old woman.

"Wow, thanks for telling me that," I said as I rolled  my eyes.

Why would she say that I was the right one to throw it at as if like I'm a bin?

"Alright, I'll take it then," I said

I was about to take it, but She snatched it away from my reach "Wait, there is something you must know."

"Which is what?" I was annoyed at her for some reason, and I had to get home before mother could get there first. I wasn't in the mood to get scolded or screamed at, especially in front of my half-brothers.

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