Chapter 8.

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( Owens POV )

When I got out of the bathroom, Red was not back yet.

I still don't understand what happened last night, but I will try asking Sunflower when I come back from school.

I picked up my bag and went downstairs to eat something because I haven't had a warm meal since yesterday.

Green was arguing with Chaise when I got into the kitchen, they were both staring at each other's faces. You would think that they were about to fight, but I knew that they wouldn't, or maybe they might?

I walked up to them and put my hands on their chests, then pushed them away from each other.

"What are you two arguing about?" I fumed.

"Green thinks that the earth is round," Chaise said as he pointed his finger at Green.

"You have got to be kidding me," I said.

This has been going on for a month. It all started in geography class when the teacher asked the question about whether the earth is round or flat, and these two idiots took it seriously.

"I won't give up till he admits that it's round," said Green.

"Whatever." I left them standing there and went to make some food for myself.

I thought that they would have dropped it, but they were still at it even after I was done eating my food. "I'm out," I said as I made my way to the door, and as I was about to open it, someone else beat me to it.

Luckily, the door opens away from me, or else I would be holding my bloody nose or mouth.

"Oh my!" exclaimed Mrs. Hept, Green, and Red's mom.

She had two heavy plastic bags in her hands. Where is she coming from with all those bags?

Mrs. Hept wasn't like the usual mothers out there; sometimes she acted like she was an 18-year-old who was still controlled by hormones.

Her red hair got swayed by the wind outside; she was in a long-sleeved white summer dress. If I didn't have a crush on her son, I would be crushing on her even if her sons would strangle me if that happened.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," I said.

"It's okay. Are you going to school?" she asks as she places the bags on the floor.

We were both still standing by the doorway.

"Yes," I said.

She lifted an eyebrow at me and stretched her head to look behind me. I moved so that she could get a look at whatever she was looking for.

"Where are the others I know that you all are always together wherever you go, especially to school?" She said as she placed her hand on her hip.

I know that she's getting suspicious of the situation. She might act like an 18-year-old, but when it comes to her kids and their friends' relationships, she gets all cranky and serious.

She probably thinks that we got into a fight like last time.

"I said it is round! And if you say another word, I'm going to tell your girlfriend about what happened last month," Green shouted at Chaise.

Their arguing is getting out of hand like always, which is why I needed to go before it got a lot worse than this.

"You can go; I will take care of this," she said as she patted my shoulder.

She picked up her bags and went to the kitchen. I heard her mumbling about how annoying they are with their earth shit.


I made it before they closed the school gates. I didn't notice Red's bike in the parking lot; maybe he was also late like the others.

I took a seat near the window just to avoid any silly conversations with my classmates. It's not that I hate them or anything like that; it's just that sometimes they are a lot more annoying than the other days.

"Where are your friends today, Owen?" Asked Spike one of them.

See, I told you that some days they are annoying. I just don't know why they can't ignore me as I do.

"I don't know. Why don't you ask them? Maybe then they would tell you why they ain't here with me!" I said to him.

Today he didn't put an excessive amount of gel in his hair just to make those spikes.

I felt like dragging him out of the classroom just so that I could have some peace. He's the only one that dares to talk to me when I'm alone.

"Woo, did you wake up on the wrong side today?" he asks as he raises his hands to show that he means no harm.

"If you don't fuck off, I will scratch that nasty face of yours and you'll carry the scar for the rest of your miserable life." I threatened.

Or more like I promised him that. I'm not always this rude it's just that today I feel different. It's like I have this boiling anger in me, and I have got no idea where it comes from. Wait! Is it because of that book?

"Your bleeding," said Spike, pointing at my nose.

I looked him dead in the eyes. Is this dude kidding me? "What ?" I asked.

"Your nose is bleeding, and that's not blood; it looks... black." he looked spooked out, even his face was pale.

I touched my nose to see if he was serious or not. My hands came back covered in black fluid, I looked at him as my face paled.

"What the fuck!!!" I stood up and rushed to the bathroom. When I got in, I found a couple making out by the sinks. I ignored them and went to the sink to wash away the fluid.

My vision was blurry as I was cleaning my nose. The sink was painted black by the stuff from my nose.

It had stopped coming out, but I still couldn't see very well, and I also got dizzy from whatever this was.

"Dude, are you okay?" I heard someone ask.

They grabbed my shoulders as I was sinking to the floor. I couldn't recognize them, but my best guess is that he is the guy who was making out with that girl.

The door opened. I heard our homeroom teacher say something but I couldn't hear it because my ears were ringing.

'𝙃𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙤 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙢𝙮 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙡𝙮 𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙮 𝙖𝙨𝙨 𝙝𝙪𝙢𝙖𝙣' that's the last thing I heard before I blacked out.



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