Chapter 9

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                   Chapter 9

               ( Owen's POV)

I felt rough hands tighten around my neck, my windpipes closed up.

At first, I thought that it was a dream but I couldn't breathe physically.

My eyes snapped open, I removed the hands from my neck.

"What the fuck!" I said as I saw the guy standing next to the bed, wait bed? Where am I and who is this?

"That felt so good," he said as he ran his fingers through his hair.

He had a nice face, wait who am I kidding he looks like he came out of a bl yaoi.

He had this long thick hair and it was as black as the darkness you see when closing your eyes, please I have no idea what I'm even saying.

Let me not even get to his body figure, he looked like he works out every day and never takes a break. You could see his muscles bulging from his coat.

Why is he wearing a coat when it is so hot? Why am I even checking this guy out he nearly killed me and may I ask again who is he?

"W...Who are you?" I asked as my hand went to rub my neck just to release the pressure from it.

He smirked as he took a seat on the chair that was closer to my bed.

I looked around and noticed that I'm in the school's nursing room, I had a pipe-like thing connected to my arm, the was one in each arm. What the heck? What were they draining from my system

I looked back at him and his eye color changed from light brown to bloody red, how did he do that?

"You dare wake me up then you ask me who I am?" he said as he crosses his legs and leaned back on the seat.

"Woke you up?"

I don't remember waking anyone up... Oh no is this the demon from that book? Is he the reason behind those black gooey stuff coming out of my nose?

"Stop acting like a fool. Now let's get over with this so that I can go back to sleep." he glared at me.

"Wait but why did you just try to kill me then?" I asked even though I didn't want to hear the answer.

"You were sleeping there peacefully, and I thought that I might give  you a taste of how rude it is to wake somebody up even though they didn't ask you to," he said

"Will you then kill me for waking you up?" I whispered.

The thought of getting killed by a demon sent shivers up my spine.

But where is everyone and why isn't the nurse in here?

How sure am I that this guy is the demon that I summoned? Other than his red eyes the isn't anything else to prove to me that he is who he says he is.

"The rules don't allow me to do that—" I was relieved to hear that. 

"—but that doesn't mean that I can't hurt you. I might not be able to remove some part from your body but I sure as hell can hurt you," he said with a nasty smile.

"but I summoned you, doesn't that mean that you are gonna protect me?" I don't like this guy.

"Darling I'm not an angel or your bodyguard. You summoned me here to do something bad and that means that you know how cruel our kind can be," he said as he stood up from where he was sitting.

"What are the rules you talk of?" my voice came out thin.

"The is no need for you to see them or know them. We decide if we want our clients to read it or not before they pay up and you my dear..." he removed the strand of hair that was hanging on my face, he tucked it behind my ear, "—Are about to experience how it's like to have me at your service" he said

I felt my body tremble because of his touch. How did things turn out this way?

"I see you both have met," said a voice from my left side, I jumped away from the demon and looked at who the voice belonged to

"Hi. My name is Moriah and I am the school nurse, and this is my helper but he's also a student," she said as she gave me the brightest smile ever, I felt myself relax.

", oh" that's all I could word out.

She looked at me then at the demon, she lifted her eyebrow at the tension that was between us.

"Alright! So you my boy did something idiotic," she said as she folds her hands, her breasts lift as she did that and my eyes went to them but I lifted my eyes to her face before she noticed.

"What ?" I asked.

I don't understand, why would she say that I'm in trouble for having black stuff coming out of my nose and mouth.

"The prank that you played nearly killed you and we had to call your mother to come and pick you up because we also want to have a word with her about your behavior," she said

If my mom shows up then that means she might come with dad or worse the twins!


Please do vote and comment if you enjoyed the chapter also do tell on what you think about our new character......byeeee

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