chapter 17

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                   Chapter 17

                 ( Owens POV )

I felt a hand going up and down my stomach. At first, I ignored it and was thinking that I was dreaming, but the heat it poured out was suspicious.

I opened one eye and reached my hand to my stomach, only to find another hand there.

I jumped out of the covers and stood far away from the bed that had a certain demon in it.

“Did something bite you?” Hugo asked as he lifted the covers and searched underneath them with a serious look.

“What was  your hand doing on my belly?” I asked still confused about why he did that.

He stopped searching and laughed at me.

“what's so funny?” I grumbled

“That's what made you jump so painfully like that?” He still was laughing.

The light from the gap in the curtains gave him that magical kinda look. His dark black hair was a mess but his face looked amazing.

When he laughed, his eyes closed a little and his body shook as his hand was on his belly, I could see his chest muscles flex. he was not wearing a shirt. He stopped laughing and his red eyes landed on me with a soft gaze.

I felt myself blush. I looked away from him and cleared my throat.

“You do know that I can hear your thoughts right?” He asked

He had a smirk on his face as he undressed me with his eyes.

“What!?” I whisper screamed.

Why would he have that ability and does that mean he could hear every thought from the first day I met him?

“No. I can only hear them when you have a strong emotion towards me. It might be hate, love, or even lust.” he said as he counted them using his fingers with his elbow resting on the bed.

“What do you mean exactly.”

“let's say you normally hate me right, if that's so then I will not hear your thoughts because that emotion will be accompanied by others. But if the is a certain moment where that hate takes over the other emotions completely and it's the only one that you're focusing on then I'll hear your thoughts.” He said.

“Can you also read other people's thoughts like that?” I asked.

“Yes, I can read them whenever I want, even if they don't have any strong emotions. But you are different because for now you are my other half and we have a strong deal together,” he said as he got out of the covers...naked!

“Aaah” I screamed, I covered my eyes with my hands.

“Don't overreact we are both males,” he said.

I felt him stand in front of me. I refused to look at him.

“Just like now, I can read your thoughts clearly because of how much lust I smell from you.”

He said that so close to my ear. I could feel his hot breath on my skin, shivers were felt through my body as my tiny guy down there got the effect too.

“Please..p — Put some clothes on.” I stuttered as I turned and ran out of the door and closed it behind me. I heard him crack up behind the door.


I stopped in my tracks as my eyes were met with another pear, which belonged to my mother

“Mom?” I asked with a shaky breath

She sighed and fingered her hair “They left. Together with the twins but you must know that they'll be back in 3 days or even less they didn't exactly clarify when it'll be.” She said.

“Oh,” I answered back to her.

Funny enough I  was not scared of them but I was more scared of the demon behind the door and how she'll react if she sees him.

Oh my. What if she thinks that I have been sneaking boys into the house while she was away?

“When did you come back?”I asked. My voice was unfortunately still shaky.

I leaned against my door just to prevent Hugo from coming out

“Uh. Now, why?” She asked

I forgot how suspicious of everything she can be

“Nothing” I answered.

As I looked behind mom I noticed Hugo standing there eating chips, I'm sure those are from the stuff that my mother had bought.

My eyes bulged out and my mouth was hanging as I had a horrified  look on my face

“What?” Mother asks as she looks behind her but didn't react. I think she didn't see him

“Told you that others won't see me unless you want them to,” Hugo said as he came to stand next to me. Mind you mom didn't hear that too which means...

“Yep. They can't hear me either. If you wondering how I can hear you it's because of how scared you are now so calm yourself down because your thoughts are giving me a headache.” He said as he bumped my shoulder with his bare one.He was only wearing briefs which were mine and they were too tight on him and showed almost the shape of everything.

“You're acting weird. Go and take the money on top of the shelf in the kitchen and buy some clothes as I don't want you to embarrass me more in front of your father and brothers. I'm gonna sleep you better not disturb me.” She said as she left and went into her room. She locked it after getting in.

I was surprised that she didn't ask me about the incident of me running away from them.

“She's a bitch.” Said, Hugo

“And still my mother” I mumbled back

“Yeah. I feel so sorry for you, luckily I don't have one of those. ” He said as he was still munching on the chips


“Yeah. Cause if mine acted like yours, I would have long killed her without a doubt.” He said.

“O—Kay.” I seriously had no response to that

I left and went into the kitchen to look for the money that mom talked about. I found it and opened the envelope to count it.

“That's a lot.” Said Hugo behind me, making me squeal a little

“And we have to buy some clothes for you. Didn't you take your clothes when you got kicked out?” I ask

“I didn't think of that.” He said

🚩' I'm screwed


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