Chapter 5

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                    CHAPTER 5

                 ( OWENS POV)

When the door opened,  I felt shivers run up my spine. My eyes were pointed right at the door to see what awaits behind it. I didn't have the strength to run away.

I saw a 23-year-old Don peering at me. He pushed the door slowly as if he was expecting someone with a knife behind the door, ready to slaughter him.

I wish I had taken that option; I could have saved myself the trouble of having to face them again.

"Oooh, he's just standing there frozen." Don snickers and enters the house with Dylan trailing behind him.

I always thought Dylan was the leader because of how he would always tell Don what to do and what not. But as I looked at him I saw someone different.

"Hello there, It's been so long, hasn't it?" Don said. 

he was acting like he was expecting some kind of a reaction from me. I looked at him up and down and noticed that he had a wolf tattoo that covered his whole left arm and Dylan had it too but on his right arm.

When did they get tattoos?

Don had his hair combed back using some gel and his eyes were a light blue. Wait! Weren't their eyes dark blue like dads?

He tried to approach me, but I took the biggest step backward.

Finally, I could move. Thank God this body got to listen to the owner. I saw Dylan's face fall.

Don spoke again "Are you alright, brother? You seem tense. You should sit down so we can talk." he motioned to the sofa on his right.

Did they expect me to throw myself at them and be all chatty as if I liked having them here?

"So you care now about this kid you were about to murder 4 years ago!" I laughed.

How can they return to my life as if nothing had happened? They are the reason I can't sleep at night and keep myself awake by watching all those YouTube videos, and now I have to forget everything they did.

I didn't realize that I was shouting at them. Tears were threatening to fall, but I wouldn't let them see me cry ever again I promised myself that four years ago when I awoke in the hospital.

"Look Owen, it has been 4 years. You should have already forgiven us. You can't hold grudges that long. They may..." It was Don trying to console me This idiot thinks I'm still 14.

"... stop!!!! Don't tell me about forgiveness. Why would I do that when I had begged and begged you so much to stop beating me but you both never listened? Did you?" I shouted at him.

I saw his facial expressions turn sour, he looked...angry

Dylan looked away from me, Don was the one who answered, "Owen, understand that we were young back then and..." 

"What about me, Don?" His name felt like blades slicing my tongue.   "Did you ever consider that I was younger than you both?"

My knees were trembling under my weight, threatening to shut down, but I'm not going to back down; they must be aware of how I felt and how they messed up my mental state, not to mention the scars all over my body that they caused.

"Owen!"  I didn't notice that my mother and father were both standing near the door.

"Eve let the boy be. He's not thinking straight, especially after seeing them for such a  long time. We should let him rest." said father, his voice emotionless.

It was as if like his words came from an empty, cold cave. He sent the harshest glare toward me.

I scoffed after he said that. I looked up and blinked the tears away "not thinking straight? you all have lost your minds and I'm the only one who's sane around here"

"Owen!". my mother screamed at me.

I can't believe today I tried to do everything right so that I could not get yelled at.

"it shows that even if you found me dead tomorrow, you wouldn't care. I know that you all wouldn't shed a single tear and fuck all of you." I shouted at them.

I turned on my heels and ran to my room before receiving more glares or before one of them could slap me. It had happened before, and I'm sure as hell it could happen again.

I heard my mother screaming for me to stop. She was running after me, but  I got inside my room and locked it before she could reach me.

"You better open this door, young boy, before you enrage me more than this." She more like screamed those words.

I took my backpack, packed a few clothes for a few days, and took the book, hoping to summon something to protect me or distract myself from reality by looking at it.

I jumped out of the window with my bag on me. We only have one floor, so it wasn't risky to jump from the window.

When I hit the ground with a thud, I looked to my left and saw three cars in the driveway. I guess the twins are loaded now.

My mom stopped banging on the door. She was now screaming, mentioning that I had run away, telling my dad to get me. I felt so much adrenaline pumping into my legs, I sprinted off away from my house.

I will figure out where  I'm going to sleep tonight when I get to the bus stop.

I heard footsteps behind me so I increased my phase. When I looked back, I saw Don and Dylan getting into their car. My dad was the one chasing me on foot, and I know that he's a fast runner.

Why are they so intent on following me? I took a sharp turn, nearly colliding with the wall.

I kept running, but I knew that I couldn't outrun a car. I saw the spooky shop and got an idea. Dad and the twins have not shown up yet. I took off into the shop. I didn't get the chance to close the door, I went straight to hiding in the section of the books. It was far behind and also deeper into the shop.

No one was at the register again. I didn't care about that now. While I was looking at the door, I saw Dad run past the shop. He noticed something because he came back and got inside. I think the open door gave me away.

He came in slowly, like a predator stocking or mocking its prey before tearing it apart. I was now praying to God that I could get safe. I felt a cold shiver run through me before I could wrap my head around that, Sunflower passed by me to go and attend to my father.

I had my hand on my chest, praying and hoping that she wouldn't sell me out.

"How can I help you, sir?" Her voice wasn't high-pitched or loud, it was low and cold.  She was somebody else and not the girl I just saw a while ago.


I hope that you're enjoying the story and please do tell me on what u think about Owen🤭

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