Chapter 6

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( Owen's POV )

I saw Dad tense up when he looked at her.

"I am looking for someone. Did you perhaps see a boy enter the store just now?" asked Dad.

I could hear from his tone that he was getting annoyed.

Sunflower crossed her arms and balanced her weight on one leg, she then looked at him for a minute before she replied.

"No I haven't and if you don't mind, I need to close up, so you should leave," She said. not showing any emotions on her face, they both held the same look.

"Alright, goodbye then " His eyes roamed around the store, probably hoping to catch me at my hiding spot, but when he didn't see anything, he left.

Sunflower closed the door and the blindfolds on the windows, then she turned to me, giving me her usually happy, very excited voice and face. This girl is just too creepy. She's such a weirdo, but a good one. I mean, she just saved my ass.

"So that was your what?" She asked me while taking a seat and crossing her legs.

"My father and thank you for that." Now this feels awkward. It's as if this stranger just found out about my secret. Not that my family drama is a secret it is just that I don't want somebody medalling in our private drama.

"And why was he chasing you like that? It's like..."

"It's impolite to meddle in other people's affairs." I didn't feel like getting personal with a stranger. It's enough that my friends know about it.

"Well, Uhm, okay, so where are you going to go? You can stay with me if you want." She suggested.

"I am going to my friend's house. I'll stay there for a few days. Can I please leave now? " I glanced behind her at the closed windows and door. I didn't like this feeling I was getting.

It was as if like I was locked up with my brothers and they were about to beat me up again.

"Okay, take care, and try to talk to the cops about that guy," She said

if I'd ever do that, he'd just bribe them and get away with it.

"Yeah, thanks bye" I stood up from where I was seated and followed her to the door.

She unlocked it and let me out. I made sure to look left and right before going to the bus stop, I didn't want them to catch me.

I had to stay at Green and Red's home because Chaise is weird and his family is weird too I know that he's my best friend but his house is where I won't be sleeping at. I think he got the weirdness from them. I can't even explain it to you, You wouldn't understand.

I took a seat on the bus and texted Red to tell him about the situation. He didn't mind me staying for a few days, and they were expecting me to show up.

The bus dropped me closer to my destination so I didn't need to walk for that long.

After a few minutes of walking, I arrived. These two idiots are rich, they live in a mansion and their parents have jobs that I have no idea about but I'm not about to stick my nose in their business.

When the guards noticed me they greeted me and opened the gates, they were used to me coming by and I also got permission from the owners to come whenever. But I know that Red's mom and dad will both be notified about my arrival and that didn't bother me.

When I got to the door, I rang the bell, I didn't stand any longer before the door opened.

Chaise stood in the doorway while holding the door handle. He looked shocked, his eyes popped out.

"Oh my god, please tell me that this is Owen's ghost standing in front of me 'cause last time I remember I got told that he ain't showing up," Chaise said.

Red appeared beside him, he pushed Chaise back inside the house.

"Get in he just wasn't expecting visitors and we were about to watch movies in my room come on"

I followed him to his room. I always come here but for some reason today it felt odd.

When walking behind Red, I couldn't keep my eyes off his ass.

Red and Green are both muscled, so you can guess how round and big the ass is..don't look at me like that as if like you never got a crush ever on your friend.

When I got in the room, I noticed that Chaise and Green were both focusing on the movie playing ( 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑵𝒖𝒏 ) they were even laughing.

How can Chaise forget about me so quickly? One moment he's screaming and excited to see me at the door, then the next he comes back to his movie as if I wasn't there, to begin with.

I got in between them on purpose so that they would notice my presence.

Chaise wasn't muscled like Green and Red, but he did have some little muscles underneath that shirt, and please don't ask me how I know that. Then there is me, the normal, medium-sized dude with no muscles I was just soft like dough.

"Dude!!! You scared the chickens out of me," said Chaise, with his hand on his chest, acting all scared as if he hadn't just seen me before he came back.

"So what happened? We thought you wouldn't show up. I mean, we did invite you," said Green, but for some reason, his eyes were still glued to the screen.

"Oh, Red didn't tell you guys?" I asked. I wonder why he didn't

"Well, my dear it's not my place to tell your business you can do that yourself." As he said that he moved to sit in between my legs. He then faced the screen. but he was fucken between my legs Oh my God! I'm gonna die if I get a boner and he notices it.

I could smell the shampoo in his hair, that's how close he was seated to me.

We were all sitting on the floor, Red positioned himself and now his butt was touching my crotch. Why is he such an idiot?

If I get a boner I'll kill him myself!

"Well, Owen, tell us what happened, and is the story that embarrassing to get your face that red?"

Dam you green!



Tell me what you think about Red and u see them both dating or not?😏

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