chapter 11

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                  Chapter 11

              ( Owen's POV )

"Where are we going?" I asked.

He scanned me with no shame.

I crossed my hands over my chest just so I could hide from him.

"Why don't you have a shirt on?" He asked as he searched through the drawers in the room

I looked at my chest and felt my cheeks heat up.I know that my shirt got stained by that ink but didn't they have any extra shirts to put on me?

"It was covered by that ink I guess," I said.

I felt something hit my face and fall into my lap. When I picked it up it was a clean shirt that was pink. I have nothing against the color but this one was kinda too bright for me

“Do you want to meet your mother and explain all that happened?” He asked as he crossed his hands

“No” I simply answered him

“Then stand up we have to leave before she gets here.”

When my feet hit the ground I felt like I had a giant rock on my head, I swayed from right to left trying to keep my balance but I failed and ended up sitting back on the bed.

“ This is so annoying,” said the demon as he came to me.

I shielded my face expecting to be slapped again but instead, I felt myself getting picked up  bridaly.

“What are you doing,” I asked, shocked at what was  happening.

Never in my life did I think that I would get picked up bridal by a demon.

“Shut your mouth and stop wiggling before I drop you”

I stopped moving and shut my mouth.

We moved in a quick phase and before I knew it we were already outside.

I had no idea how no one even saw us or if it's because they were in their classes.

He walked further till we were outside the school gates. He dropped me on the hard ground, I felt pain shoot up my spine I had to bite my lip to prevent a scream from escaping through my throat.

“Why did you do that?” I asked as I tried standing up but my legs were still shaky.

I looked at him and noticed that he was glaring at me and had his hands folded over that sexy stupid chest of his. After some time he unfolded them.

I was finally able to regain my balance by leaning on the wall that was close to us, which is outside the school. If any teacher noticed us,  I might get in trouble and I would never hear the end of it from my mom.

“Why am I so weak?” I asked as I lifted my eyes to look at this morron infront of me.

His hair got swayed by the wind outside, and some of the strands fell on his face. The beauty of this man is... just insane.

he wasn't saying anything to me so I did what I think would help me in this situation which would be leaving him and going to Red's house.

As I was about to leave I felt him grab my forearm “Your not about to run away from me” He said.

It sounded more like a threat.

I rolled my eyes and shook his hand off me. “You weren't responding so I thought maybe you needed some time alone,” I said. And yeah that was a lie, I was planning on running away from him.

“I was talking to someone. Where are we gonna go, it's clear that we aren't going to your house.” He said

Well, you didn't have to be so rude about it.

I looked at him and then looked around. I'm not sure if I could take him to reds house I mean he's kind of like a stranger and what will they say if I bring a guest who I don't even know?

“How about you go where you come from then... I'll call you when I need something,” I said.

“Do I look like an idiot to you?” He asks as he folds his hands which squeeze that thick chests of his.

I wonder if his breasts look that good under the shirt too.

Wait did I just think about that?

“Fine as you're not talking I'll take you where I know that your family won't find us,” He said


Before I could say anything, my vision went blank. I tried blinking rapidly to see again but it didn't work

“Oh my God! I'm blind, you... you turned me fuckern blind for what!” I screamed at him.

“Chill out” After he said that my vision got back.

I looked around and we were at the spooky shop. Did we just teleport here and how does he know this place?

“We teleported here and for you mortals, the side effects would turning blind temporarily for 3 minutes I think,” he said.

“You could have warned me about that” I felt tears stream down my cheeks

“And he's crying again,” He said as he threw his hands up and left me standing at the  doorstep.

“Sunflower!” I heard him shout from inside the store.


I honestly dont know how your finding this story but I really hope that you like it and if you do like this then please do tell me about it in the comments or dms

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