Chapter 7

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                     CHAPTER 7

                  (  Owens POV  )

I told Chaise and Green about what had happened, and they both were not that shocked because we all anticipated that all of this would happen.

After the movie had ended Chaise insisted that we watch another one because he wasn't sleepy yet. Green didn't say anything about the plan for our sleepover tomorrow or maybe it was because he saw that I wasn't in a happy mood.

We were watching the third movie by now and my butt was sore from sitting on the floor,  Red had gone to bed after the second movie ended and I was grateful for that because I had blue balls, and if he stayed any longer than that he could have felt them pressing against his ass.

“My eyes hurt,” said Green, rubbing his eyes and leaning back on the bed.

“Maybe we should all go to sleep. I don't want to sleep in the class you know how Mrs. Thorn gets when we do that in her Glass,” said Chaise.

Chaise and Green stood up and made their way to the door but I caught up with them before they left.

“where will I sleep?” I asked as I held onto Green's shirt.

“All the guest rooms are getting renovated because of the party that's gonna happen. You can sleep with Red for tonight maybe tomorrow the rooms will be ready.”

I pointed at the sleeping beauty on the bed. “he's sleeping though and I don't want to disturb him.” I hissed.

“deal with it. I'm going to sleep and you better do the same.” he removed my hand from his shirt and left.

I was left standing next to the door looking like an idiot.

I can't sleep in the same bed with my huge crush. I felt my hands get sweaty while I planned on what I should do, I moved and sat at the end of the bed facing the screen nothing was playing on it, they had switched it off before they stood up.

I felt Red move behind me, I held my breath as I waited on what he would do but nothing happened.

I turned around and looked at him, he was still sleeping, his mouth was open and his chest was moving up and down slowly.

I should try and read that book that I got from the store because I am not about to risk my status by joining Red. I knew that I would end up sleeping with a Bonner and also wake up with one if I joined him

I sat on the floor with the mysterious book between my legs, I paged right into the last three pages. I know what your thinking but hear me out, I'm not about to miss the chance of exploring something just because some little bubbly girl warned me not to.

The rug felt soft under me with Red's snoring as my background music. As I checked the pages I noticed that nothing was written on them. The pages were black while the whole book had brown pages, I tried feeling the pages with my hand Hoping to find some sort of secret way on making the words visible.

As I did so on the last page I got a paper cut from how rough it was. I hissed at it as I sucked on the bleeding thumb, how rough is it that it got my thumb bleeding?

Some of my blood had dropped on the page, As I was about to stand up and give up on finding any way of reading this thing I saw how my blood disappeared into the page.

I flipped it to the other side to see if my blood went through to the other side but I saw nothing. The book Vibrated under my arms  I dropped it with a squeak as I backed away from it. I still had my eyes on it while it vibrated, After a minute it stopped.

“What are you doing” I jumped at Red's voice.

“you scared me!” I shouted at him.

He rolled his eyes and got off the bed to sit beside me, I was still on the floor but away from the book

“Sorry? But seriously you just woke me up what's going on” he asks as he ruffles my hair, getting it all over the place. He looked at the book that was on the floor and he lifted his eyebrow, he looked at it and then at me.

“It's nothing, you can go back to sleep I'll take the floor.” I couldn't tell him about what had happened because I couldn't place my mind on it either. And I didn't want him to think that I was losing some screws in my head.

“don't worry I have to go and do my night ride you can sleep on the bed while I'm away,” he said while he wore his leather jacket and took his motorcycle keys.

“See you tomorrow” he placed a kiss on my forehead and left.

What just happened did he just kiss me? Or maybe he's still drowsy from the sleep. but why did he choose to do that, did it mean something?

I picked up the book and noticed that it had only one black page and that page had text on it. The other three pages had disappeared.

'Did you just wake me up?' It read.

I had to read that again, I rubbed my eyes but noticed that it was still there. I closed the book and placed it into my backpack and went to sleep. I didn't feel like dealing with all of this late at night.


As I opened my eyes I noticed that the was light coming from the Windows. I felt like someone was pounding on my head with a hammer, my headache was on another level, I don't know where it came from.

I heard a knock on the door. I told whomever it was to enter.

“Where is Red,” asked Chaise.

I lifted my head and noticed that he was all dressed up and ready.

“I don't know. let me wash up I'll find you guys downstairs” I said.

“Okay. Be quick we don't have that much time," he said before closing the door and leaving.


Hello 😄

What do you think about Chaise and Owen's friendship 🙂 and what was that book all about

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